Absolutely. I've been preaching this for years, and I think our military would benefit as much as the taxpayers. We could even have a larger military to satisfy just about everybody with this scenario.
And of course, there's my old personal favorite, asphalt roads. Allow them to cure for 3 months before driving on them, the way Germany does, and we get Autobahn smooth roads that wear like iron. Tons of money saved, better driving experience, less damage to vehicles, probably fewer accidents, all for the price of some detours (which we'd get used to very quickly) and some jobs (which, now that you know it can be done, seem like paying people for work we don't need).
My point, to keep this on topic, is that it may not be necessary to simply cut funding. If we rethink how we're spending it in the first place, we could have our cake and eat it too. With a glass of milk.