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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. Expletives while speaking are different from the written word. You have the chance to formulate your posts the way *you* want them to sound, complete with punctuation to help the reader understand what *you* are trying to say. Use what you've got and refine it. Try not mentioning your age so much if you think it shouldn't matter. Try not to be so negative. Try not having "people hate me" in the signature that adorns each of your posts. If what you're doing isn't working, try something else. You assume too much, and put too big a burden on yourself. As one of my favorite Athenians once said, "Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes that he also believes to be true." Let's get back on topic. Use this small opportunity to begin a great enterprise.
  2. Someone once told me he was afraid that if people knew his age they wouldn't take him seriously here anymore. I told him that in science, as nowhere else, it's your accomplishments that people pay attention to. He was fifteen at the time, and had joined SFN at your age, made his mistakes, learned quicker than anyone else I've ever seen, was eventually made a moderator and then managed to convince the site owner that he had what it takes to be one of four full administrators. He's now seventeen but who cares? You get treated the way you expect to be treated here, so expect better from people. Btw, swearing in print doesn't make you sound older, just coarser.
  3. I don't see this as an interesting perspective at all. Burris isn't being prevented from being named, he's being prevented from being named by Blagojevich. I thought that was pretty clear. And after all the scrutiny, it seems like Burris would *have* to be squeaky clean *because* Blagojevich named him. And I think anyone who calls Obama foolish is just being a partisan hack. Obama may be many things, and he's got an awful lot to prove to me, but foolish he is not.
  4. Grats on the nickle, and grats on outing yourself on your age. I told you a couple of years ago it was your accomplishments that matter here. Back when you were just 15 and elected Administrator. We couldna kept the ship runnin s'well without ye, Cap'n. Arrrg.
  5. Mobility is the key on both sides. Fort up and they eventually overrun your position. We need some kind of razorwire bullwhip to take off a leg, and a portable, self-propelled personal vehicle that can leap over a concentrated attack, no fuel needed. Can you picture it? Me, 51 years old, with a bullwhip in one hand, taking off zombie legs left and right as I vault over the undead threat. It'd be like your Dad on a pogo stick.
  6. How do we know ydoaPs isn't one of THEM already, sussing for Z-Day? Two words: aming-flay atanas-kay.
  7. How many styles can you put in the Quick Style Chooser? Have a Goth one all in black for Genecks, some kind of rainbow thang so katcongrave77 doesn't get bored during his next 4 posts, and a pink one for DH. The rest of us can stay with the New SFN Style that dave and the Cap'n worked so hard to give us.
  8. It has to start out at no more than .5m but can grow. It needs some kind of telescoping arms forced out by the spin.
  9. I think I'll start a new poll. Which is more disturbing: 1. TimbaLand's OP got 25 people to read through it, find their "life number" and vote in the poll. 2. nitric chose *this* 2-year-old thread to resurrect out of all the others. 3. Bascule gets the Psychic Horizons Center newsletter. The winner, when he dies, on his deathbed, will receive total consciousness. So you'll have that going for you. Which is nice.
  10. I dislike the Patriot Act precisely because it was not reviewed by the majority of Congress. Most of them admit they had no time to do a proper review.
  11. Blue-daze blue would be too bright for our website, I agree. I don't think our blue is the same.
  12. A theory has been offered in the OP for discussion. Introducing a new "theory" is considered thread hijacking since now everyone has to stop to discuss the merit of your idea. Please start a new thread if you wish such discussion to continue, or I would be happy to use your above post as the OP for the new thread. But please don't hijack the intent of Baby Astronaut's thread.
  13. Well, I don't see tobacco taxes as a bad thing. If Medicare has to pay out more for people who smoked then the government has an obligation to make that up somehow, and it makes sense to get it from tobacco rather than anywhere else. I also don't think it's hypocritical to regulate pot and alcohol the same way, in fact it's hypocritical not to. People who smoke pot are going to have increased heath risks so taxing it like tobacco and alcohol would seem logical to me. Especially since I wouldn't have to pay any of those taxes. I'll say it louder, and use different words this time. The moral molesters are being used to justify legislation which helps several different markets avoid the strain legalizing hemp would put on those market's profits. The businesses in those markets are using the moral molester arguments to perpetuate a fallacy about marijuana so hemp will remain illegal. The compromise you're looking for, Pangloss, is to legalize hemp in all it's forms. Marijuana would be the only substance that would need reclassification, not *all* drugs. Get the parents out of prison, stop penalizing something that is much less detrimental to society than alcohol, allow growers of all sizes to compete for products ranging from biomass fuel to copier paper, and start thinking green in a way that everyone can participate with. Look at how popular and profitable recycling has become! Hemp can be the same way as it makes us less reliant on foreign oil, helps cut down on fertilizers and pesticides, saves wood and ozone by reducing trees cut down, and opens the doors to many home-grown legitimate small businesses. After a reasonable amount of time, we can see if the war on other drugs is still feasible, if legalizing hemp has had a favorable impact on society and if crime has been affected as well.
  14. I think you're being overly sensitive. I think you're being overly insensitive.
  15. I don't understand that statement. I like the blue. Good memories.
  16. You can make the simplest yo-yo, or you can make the yo-yo with the GREATEST amount of time to reach the location below(9.38m+/-0.025m) its starting point, but you can't do both. Why do you want the simplest?
  17. Are they his biological children? My favorite MJ song says the kid is not his son. I'm not otherwise well-versed in Jacksonalia.
  18. Phi for All

    Slow Yoyo

    encipher hasn't been active here for over a year now, dude. Don't pin your hopes on a reply, but you never know.
  19. .5m size limitation before it descends, there's a clue. Some way to get it to make itself bigger once it starts to descend would help slow it down. If the "bigger" part provided drag it would be even better.
  20. There may be better fibers for fabric. Woven hemp cloth tends to be very stiff when brand new, so I doubt it would be a designer choice. Clothing manufacturers prefer something that's going to wear out quickly or shrink up so we have to buy more often. I had a pair of hemp jeans once and it took a while to break them in, but once they got softer they were fantastic. I ended up donating them because I lost weight, but they lasted years from the point where most cotton jeans would have blown out at the knees (or wherever your body type tends to blow them out). I'm sure hemp fabric could be pre-washed or acid-washed like cotton is, only it would outlast cotton by quite a bit and it should be cheaper and more easily renewable. I just don't think there is a plant that can do as much as hemp does, be as easy for many people to grow in various climates and soil conditions, and be as friendly to the environment as well. It would make a lot more sense as a biomass fuel than corn. As for the intoxicating effects, that would be a problem for a short time while people adjusted, but existing laws and work policies should cover those effects nicely so no new legislation would be needed. The worst case scenario is that everyone in prison for pot now is sprung and suddenly goes on welfare. Does anyone know which costs taxpayers more? IIRC, prison costs in 2005 were around $25K/prisoner/year.
  21. Don't forget the Spoorks over at Cutlery Intelligence Agency.
  22. Longer, stronger fibers make a more durable cloth. Just about the time a pair of cotton jeans feels really good, the knees blow out. A pair of hemp jeans gets to that buttery soft stage and keeps going for a lot longer. The first Levi's sold were made from hemp sailcloth. And as far as growing it, cotton requires a lot more fertilizer and pesticides (iirc, cotton uses almost half the pesticides used in the US). It's harder to grow, is more temperamental and can't grow in northern climates. Hemp is a weed, it grows just about everywhere with little help.
  23. All this because, like so many things, supporters get labeled by spin doctors supporting the other side of the coin. It's the "Your against the war? You don't support the troops!" argument. With pot you're a drug addict if you want to legalize it. How much more cotton is sold because hemp is illegal? How much more alcohol? How many more prison get built? How many more trees get cut down? How much more petroleum is sold? How many more political campaigns get financed by moral molesters* because hemp is illegal? It's not stupidity that keeps hemp illegal, it's greed and influence. *I like this, this is my new anti-Christ-winger sound byte; people who force their virtues on you *are* moral molesters. Feel free to use it, all royalties will go to NORML.
  24. It's clear that the membership doesn't want any staff insiders as unofficial president. I can only hope that Gilded remembers his friends when it comes to selecting an unofficial vice-president.
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