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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. If this WAS a competition, I would agree. Since Chevron seems to be practically there already, I don't see this as any different than a subsidy. In fact, it's worse because it gives the impression that there was a fair chance for others. The nuclear stance really bugs me about Obama. I'm really hoping he doesn't discount building *some* nuclear plants, showing the public that the technology doesn't have to be feared, and hopefully leading to more extensive use of nuclear. We're going to need that electricity to power the electric cars I really hope to see.
  2. I call BULLSHIT on the pastor. He's cherry-picking from doctrine that supports his stance. Before pre-nups, a Christian man had other recourse for an unfaithful wife. Since today he can't legally cast her out into the desert naked, a Christian man has every right to draw up a legal agreement that does the same thing. And look at it this way, if a wife is unfaithful to the marriage (in any way that causes its dissolution), any offspring that ensue might need the strength of that pre-nup for their continued survival. It's all well and good to enter into marriage with the faith that it will hold true but can you take chances with your progeny? Surely a Christian pastor would recognize the needs of children.
  3. 1) TV shows that don't want to be sued by pharmacorps for dissing a real drug2) scripted illnesses 3) 20 gilpagrams 4) may seem like a real drug
  4. Can we do your homework *for* you? No. You can answer your own questions by looking at what yourdadonapogos has given you. He forgot to number his answers but they equate to your questions. 1. Remember that the right angle force from the gun has no bearing on the falling bullet (you should assume the bullet is fired from the gun at a height of three feet also). 2. Picture it in your mind. Will the ball curve left, go straight or curve right? 3. Got any dice (pretend they're 1-inch cubes)?
  5. A place for my stuff, funny because it's so true. I'm reminded of his Difference Between Dogs and Cats routine, especially after just watching one of our new kittens step on an edge of paper on my desk and fall gracelessly to the floor. She sauntered off haughtily, as if to say, "I meant to do that!"
  6. Is this homework?
  7. http://www.9news.com/news/world/article.aspx?storyid=94341&catid=347 McCain is offering a lot of $ for something the documentary Who Killed The Electric Car tells us already exists and is owned by Cobasys, a subsidiary of Chevron. Cobasys is selling a version to only hybrid carmakers now, but the documentary tells us the technology Chevron is suppressing could make a fully electric car with a range of well-over 100 miles. What concerns me is that Chevron could easily take this $ by arguing that mass production would easily bring the price down by the required 30%. Is this the new way for taxpayers to subsidize oil companies? I'm working right now and can't dig deeper atm, but my wife emailed me this link so I thought I'd toss this out there for anyone concerned who has more time than me to investigate.
  8. I can still recite some of his early album bits from memory. One of his characters, Al Sleet, the Hippy-Dippy Weatherman, had a Cold War piece that used to crack me up (when it wasn't giving me the chills): "The radar's picking up a line of thundershowers that extends from a point eight miles SSE of Secaucus, New Jersey, along a line and five miles either side of a line to a point nine miles SSW of Fond du Lac. Of course, the radar's also picking up a squadron of Russian ICBMs, so I wouldn't sweat the thundershowers!" The man's a legend in comedy, and so many stand-ups owe a lot to him for widening the crack in Freedom of (Comedic) Speech that Lenny Bruce had chipped away at. Carlin had a natural way of shocking people that had nothing at all to do with shocking people, and everything to do with holding a mirror up to our faces and encouraging us to stick out our tongues. George will never be gone as long as we can remember that it's not ourselves we need to take seriously. Now hand me that piano....
  9. Are we discussing stupidity, use of crack, singers, fathers of singers, stubbornness, what?
  10. This happens so often with Relativity. It runs counter to what seems true because, as humans, we often fail to consider any perspective but our own. Then you find out others don't get it either and suddenly it's a big conspiracy.
  11. Brevity is the soul of wit, not the soul of communication.
  12. This is one of the most powerful tools capitalism has, especially in an age where tracking your clientèle's habits is easier than it's ever been. I stopped using my local Blockbuster when my neighbor who managed the store was forced to quit due to differing management concerns. I quit Blockbuster out of sympathy for a friend but Blockbuster has been flailing around ever since, trying to draw me back with all kinds of offers. I'd unsubscribe to their emails but I find it mildly amusing. This is definitely a capitalist issue. Everyone seems to agree that the high prices at the pump will fuel the search for alternatives. When the oil profiteers cease to become profiteers, you're going to see them pulling aces out of their sleeves faster than David Copperfield on a Mississippi riverboat.
  13. I sense you are purposely missing the point of these examples.
  14. I'm a little confused by this. Low-carb "buffs" should be avoiding insulin where possible. Insulin increases salt retention in the kidneys, with an accompanying increase of water retention. Insulin signals the cells to create their own cholesterol instead of drawing it from the bloodstream. It constricts artery walls and increases blood pressure. The idea of low-carb is really low-sugar, so your body doesn't respond with an inordinate amount of insulin. At least that's what I gleaned from reading a book by these two doctors. They have a book to sell, but agenda aside I hope they weren't making it all up.
  15. Phi for All

    need help!!

    B is the answer. The Moon is not devoid of gravity, it's about 1/6 of Earth's. That's why the astronauts could make great leaps... but still came back down to the surface instead of flying off into space. Good first post, though. It shows you're thinking.
  16. Totally agree. Fossil fuels have a built-in obsolescence, especially at the rate we demand. My point was that if the only place we could obtain sulfur was from oil, that need would supersede any other use for which an alternative exists. I didn't see anything on the Wiki list Reaper posted that couldn't be had elsewhere, including plastics (av fuel is a bit trickier; those jet engines are pretty finicky when it comes to premature ignition). I certainly don't hate oil either, but I'm hating how wasteful we've been with it in the past (hopefully you all know my stance on asphalt curing ), how it seems to be helping terrorism, and how the oil companies are fighting hard to keep us addicted to it, in much the same way big tobacco did. We should hop out of the pot before the water actually boils this time.
  17. Thread closed temporarily to allow for some much needed link reading to take place. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OK, thanks for the respite, I hope deep breaths were taken and links were thoroughly investigated. Please resume discussion.
  18. This is a very key point, and the answer may seem obvious for gasoline. But is there any application for petroleum that has no alternative, something we should be saving oil for? I asked this in a different thread and I don't believe I ever got an answer.
  19. More change?!?! Will it never end? What's this guy up to?
  20. You physicists! It's like you've got a "rule" for everything! When are you going to get over yourself? Wait, would angular momentum be conserved if you tried to get over yourself?
  21. I 'm glad to hear I was wrong about their resources. The human spirit is an indomitable thing indeed. I still worry about whether or not the services they provide are invaluable; urban development doesn't always look beyond the value of the real estate.
  22. After three pages of refutation of his claim that Relativity is wrong. Priceless.
  23. Classic. I mean a completely priceless classic.
  24. First thing would do is abolish money and set up a meritocracy. Privileges to those who merit such. Next I would establish a Planetary Healthcare system. If you're sick, you get treated. Period. Then I would set up a Minimum Subsistence (MinSub) program designed to feed, clothe and house every person on the planet. No frills whatsoever but no homelessness or starvation either. Education would be the next hurdle. Everyone would get taught to the extent of their abilities and those who show a propensity for certain subjects or work would be encouraged along those lines. Next I would have a World Citizenship program. This would require that you perform some sort of task for your fellow earthlings. If you don't work, you don't get the privileges of a Citizen (which would be many). If you feel like taking a break or a leave of absence longer than normal, you can always fall back on MinSub. Workgroups would take the place of corporations and I'd like to limit communities to no more than about a hundred people to instill a more personal feel. Several of the workgroups would be working to establish our presence off-planet, and science education would be mandatory to a certain level . After 20 years or so, once the next generation had begun with this system in place, I would probably allow this meritocracy to elevate someone else to my position, and I would retire to write my memoirs.
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