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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. But isn't id just Deism? I think any attempt to separate id from ID would only aid ID. They are all about trying to invent a controversy so they can use their favorite tag, "Since there's a controversy, why not teach both?"
  2. I was reading a SciAm article on regeneration that fascinated me (April 2008). It seems we have all the necessary ingredients to enact an embryonic development program much like a salamander does (something only it can do among vertebrates) to regrow a lost limb. Human fibrosis can potentially be altered to form new limbs instead of a scar. I wonder if this might be a first step towards regenerating worn out cells in humans, giving us at least a longer life, if not immortality.
  3. Rigid thinking has it's place, but not where faith and beliefs are concerned. I think those people make some mistakes (here are two):1) they believe the Bible is inerrant and should be taken literally, and 2) they place magical properties on the idea of omnipotence. The Bible does err in some places, so the whole can't be inerrant. And omnipotence could mean that a higher power uses the physics of the universe in ways that make It seem all-powerful. I still don't understand why a god would deliberately mislead us by placing evidence of a very ancient Earth when It just poofed the planet into existence 6000 years ago. It works in mysterious ways, is what I'm told. When the probability of something is very low, we say it's possible but not probable. However, when you presuppose that there is a greater entity, the probability that It uses evolution is "probably" better than 99%.
  4. I was down in the Mayan Riviera last month. I heard nothing about it. I wish I'd mentioned it to someone there. I'm sure they would have smirked at anyone who took it seriously. They're still building lots of hotels and resorts.
  5. Joining with two accounts is against the rules. I doubt your sincerity and you have a big strike against you, especially since your other account has already started calling people "idiots".
  6. But that's not all ID is content to suggest. It *is* possible that a "greater entity" which is unobservable (by any means we know of) used the physical laws (no omnipotence, please) and the process of evolution to populate Earth with its current biodiversity over billions of years. Possible, but not probable. ID says evolution and the observation and experimentation that makes it one of the most sound theories available is flawed. ID is an attempt to teach religion in public school science classes. THAT is why you are being annoyed with all these objections over Intelligent Design, not because there can be no "greater entity".
  7. We are extremely glad to have you all here. Welcome to the community. We hope you find everything you need, and might be able to help us find what we've been looking for. Browse at will, enjoy yourself and assume the position (mind open, but not so wide your brains fall out). Bathroom's down the hall, let's keep it civil, and you there, with the gum, I hope you brought enough for everyone.
  8. I'll have to revisit him. I've never read any of his Sci-Fi. I got so tired of waiting through six books for Thomas Covenant to grow a pair and stop whinging about his leprosy. To be fair, though, I guess if he did grow them they'd just fall off again in the next book.
  9. This looks like a job for KS42 / ExtraSense! He might have trouble finding the wreckage amongst all those buildings, though.
  10. Congratulations on the promotion!

  11. This does nothing to support your idea. You are suggesting our penetration into the earth's lithosphere to date is insufficient for gathering evidence that the earth is alive. It is just not logical to assume we will suddenly refute all previous evidence by digging deeper. That's not how science works. Please see Edtharan's excellent post above regarding logical fallacies. It does NOT follow that the earth is alive just because the lithosphere resembles the bark of a tree. The list is enormous, but doesn't include rocks.
  12. ... but to be truly enlightened, you must bee your pants.

  13. Good point, YDOAPS. Does the "regular" refer to writing paper or the size? Using 8.5" x 14" regular *legal* paper would give you more material to work with. And if it really has to support 30# (a couple of bowling balls) you probably will need a lot of Elmer's.
  14. Congratulations on being promoted to Resident Expert!

  15. Congratulations on the promotion, Mr. Physics Expert. Long overdue, imo.

  16. Song lyrics you don't like.
  17. Seriously, you cost me several hundred dollars a year in spit-out coffee and monitor wipes.
  18. Merlin Wood's hypothesis and its replies have been split off, moved to Speculations and can be found by clicking this link.
  19. Merlin Wood's hypothesis and replies have been split from the Dark Matter Question thread and moved to Speculations. You may reply to Merlin Wood without being off-topic.
  20. You forgot to mention the persecution of Galileo. Please be comprehensive. I need to move this to Speculations since it is not accepted science. We don't mind unsupported pet theories, but they can't stay in sub-fora where people who like theories that are testable and make predictions might accidentally have their shoes ruined.
  21. This is a false assumption. It's actually easier to start a fire in a hotter climate. The ambient temperature aids the chemical reaction. Forest fires are more prevalent and burn longer in hotter climates.
  22. Did the OxiClean residue show on the clothes after drying?
  23. It's a good thing Pantaz asked though; Staff salaries are generated solely by the accrued interest from that prize money.
  24. Good catch for your first post. You win the New Skeptic of the Week award.
  25. Creationists never die, they just change their ID-entity. Oh yeah, in all reference frames.
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