Intelligent Design is not a theory. In science, an idea is only called a theory when it has been rigorously tested by scientists the world over. The scientific method is a process by which we avoid what we want to believe, to get at what is repeatable, testable and predictable.
If ID was content to say that perhaps an intelligent designer used evolution (one of the most tested theories available in science) as a method, scientists could retain their skepticism but really wouldn't mind (science is more interested in how than why). But ID contradicts evolution, with bad data, misrepresentation (we didn't descend from apes, at least not modern apes; apes and man both descended from a common proto-ape ancestor) and repeated claims that have been thoroughly debunked but still get passed around.
Could God have used evolution to help Earth "be fruitful and multiply" once He got things going? Sure, why not, if God exists. Could evolution have produced the biodiversity we see today in just 6000 years? Not a chance.