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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. You've only been eligible for posting in Politics for the last 17 posts (takes a minimum of 30 posts to be eligible). If you'll give it a chance you'll see that it's well moderated and, while more opinion-prone than the science sub-fora, Politics at SFN is discussed rationally and logically. Fallacious logic is frowned on as elsewhere and lunatics are dealt with pretty harshly. And the focus is often how politics will affect scientific inquiry. I think you are premature in your judgment. So were supposed to ignore current events and just discuss *types* of governments and economies? Pass. I think we'd spend more time telling people they have to stop talking about current events than it would be worth. Politics is one of our most-viewed sections. And we try to encourage members to post in all the sub-fora; you'll get a verbal warning if you spend *all* your time in Politics. But I'd like to hear from anyone else on the subject. Anyone else feel the same way jeremyhfht does about our Politics section? The same guy who will probably turn it on again.
  2. We used to have that under What's Going On? at the bottom of the main Forum page. I'm sure it's something that can easily be switched back on. Just not by me... Cap'n or dave will swoop in soon and fix you right up, mad one.
  3. I saw a farmer in Slovakia blow his nose into his hand, then wipe his hand on the grass at his feet. *Then* he pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and finished cleaning his hand and dabbing at his nose. At first I thought it was pretty disgusting but isn't it even more disgusting to blow the mucus into the handkerchief and then keep it in your pocket the rest of the day? I'm sure it varies from culture to culture. I've seen men who clear their nostrils outdoors by closing one and exhaling sharply out of the other onto the grass. Done correctly, there isn't anything left to clean up and it takes a few seconds. Done incorrectly, you just look like a dribbling idiot. I think I remember reading somewhere that the modern handkerchief evolved from a popular head covering when snuff became fashionable. They were usually brown to hide the tobacco stains.
  4. Moved to Homework Help. I think you'll get more responses here from members who like to help.
  5. You typed ": D" (without the space between or the quotes) and that invoked the code for that big green smiley. To google the virus just add colonD in place of the smiley. This must be a fairly new virus because there's not much out there about it.
  6. Agreed. Done.
  7. I don't know where you're coming from on this one, YT. You sound angry that I brought it up. Of course it was a hoax and of course no one is supporting him. Sorry for bumping the thread.
  8. Chill, dude. This is an example of wild claims debunked. You don't ignore wild claims, that gives them tacit support. You attack and destroy error. Fully within our purview, imo. Don't forget the thread we had where better than half polled believe time travel is possible.
  9. You guys heard about that?! I thought we kept it very low key. Our civil war should have been buried under all the stories of the daily Waco-like incidents we've been having ever since Bush was re-elected.
  10. *bump* I saw a Google bot taking a look at this thread today so I thought I'd bump it for the debunking value. Much of the timeline Titor talked about has already occurred. What a good hoax though!
  11. Is this for homework?
  12. When I mentioned "the overhead of superiority complex maintenance" I didn't mean "over YOUR head". I just meant that my complex is vast and costs a lot to keep it going. Probably because it's so superior.
  13. The Staff gets a 20% cut on all knowledge sold. Just send it to me and I'll make sure the others get their share.
  14. I knew we'd be getting stuff like this when they released the new Alvin and the Chipmunks movie.
  15. You're missing the point.
  16. The experiment where you inhale hydrogen so you can say, "Whassup?" in a voice slightly higher than if you'd used helium? It should lessen the possibilities of sparks from electronic devices. It won't do anything to lessen the concentration of hydrogen in your lungs. As hermanntrude suggests, there will always be 1 chance in x that you will die in order to complete the experiment. I guess you're the only one who can decide if the result is really worth the risk. Personally, I understand people taking big risks for big gain. With this experiment I'm having trouble seeing where the gain offsets the risk.
  17. Stay away from all electronic devices (like cell phones) that could create sparks. Also, if you're doing this in your basement, be sure you're nowhere near the water heater and it's pilot light. Thermostats can also throw off a naked spark when they turn your furnace or air conditioner on. This is certainly not intended to be a complete checklist. There seem to be a whole bunch of reasons NOT to breathe H and none to justify it. He will make you sound funny. H could make you look funny.
  18. Does this mean he's exempt from military service? So basically you're just using what evolution has groomed you to use, right? You have no fancy feather ruff or plumage so you use colorful words to ensure that your jeans come off and your genes move on.
  19. Oh, I know what you mean. Too many adjectives. She paints pretty pictures in my head and I just want it to STOP! She has to be. No guy could possibly know so many different things. You must not be familiar with too many stalkers. How do you feel about having your writing style called girlish? What does that even mean? It's not like the computer dots the "i" with a little heart or anything. Is it girlish to use effective words to communicate your thoughts? While you're fleshing out your thinking and your readers are thinking about your flesh, are you concerned that a well-turned phrase may make you seem girlish? I get this too so I'm curious how you handle it.
  20. It's canned *something*.
  21. We're not denizens, we're *citizens* of SFN. Denizens wouldn't care about the danger.
  22. A truly powerful telepath could blast the ball *and* cook the fajitas with the same thought.
  23. Is this thinking wishful or did she let something slip?
  24. Phi for All

    black holes

    *sigh* Not here, you won't. Too many mixed metaphors. Yes. Thread closed.
  25. Phi for All

    black holes

    It's Pseudoscience & Speculations but it's still SFN folks. Let's let characters assassinate themselves, please.
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