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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. Mea culpa, and apologies to Shepherd Book and the tree who stands vigilant watch over him.
  2. Hello and welcome! Bingo! It seems he's really fattyjwoods, opening multiple accounts and spamming over the boards. Post ho, ho, ho.
  3. I think most fundamentalists would like the answer to be "Yes". One of the ways to simultaneously gain followers *and* credibility (credibility with those who'll only hear one side anyway) is to suggest there's a big controversy going on. "OMG! The scientists all want to wipe out your belief in GOD!!!" But I'd have to say, "No, there is no secret or overt war against religion". To me, it's really simple. God can't be proven or disproven, not by scientists or the clergy (though both try, both ways). Since He's unobservable science can't measure Him. It should be acceptable that science can ignore God until further evidence comes along. And it should be acceptable that people of faith can believe what they want as long as they don't force it on others. I think the main problems are certain creationists who want to use science to prove God, and certain atheists who want to use science to disprove God. They are the ones blurring the lines and causing the big "controversy". Stop trying to prove that evolution is false! Evolution isn't threatening your religion! Stop asking for evidence of God! If He left incontrovertible evidence then faith would be worthless!
  4. Phi for All


    Sorry, not very big on gangland executions and power = respect. Not ma thang.
  5. Oh totally. I had to shop for a month to find a blow dryer that just blows hot air at my hair. I didn't need 15 settings of heat and speed, with or without ions, brush and diverter attachments, all that crap. When I finally found it it was cheap too. And it's lasted already twice as long as any of it's more expensive predecessors. I'm not a fan of multi-use devices since they tend to do several things badly. I'm like YT, give me a phone that lets me talk to people with a battery that lasts all day. If I need to open a can or iron my socks I'll find the appropriate device and it won't be my phone.
  6. "Baby look at me And tell me what you see You ain't seen the best of me yet Give me time I'll make you forget the rest" This is from Fame and Irene Cara sang it. I'm guessing this is a bit dated though since you weren't even born in 1980 and maybe someone new has covered it.
  7. It's not an opinion, it's a mechanism by which we agree to abide so we can have talks about religion on a science forum. Trust me, without it every thread in the old Philosophy & Religion sub-forum ended up in flames. False Dilemma. Who said there was a problem with God? Sounds familiar. I think that's pretty much what I said earlier. Again, there wasn't a problem to begin with. God can't be tested or predicted by science. Why should it be either's fault? Well, yeah, exactly. So why should SFN change a mechanism that might lead to the resurrection of the P&R forum? Individual experiences that are not repeatable can't be observed or tested. You can't make any predictions. Again, this falls within the definitions of the distinction I made earlier. I'm not Phil. And I don't see where even my personal account of observing God would qualify as scientific evidence. This allows people like creationists to attempt to use science against itself. Intelligent Design adherents love to point to the limitations of science. Again, for our purposes here, we have to agree on certain mechanisms or every thread devolves into meaninglessness. Perhaps if we were a religion forum it could be different but we're not and don't want to be.
  8. Post whores don't read FAQs. They are too busy resurrecting dead threads to post, "I agree".
  9. The worst is when the Necromancer meets the Post Whore and you get old threads with new comments like, "I agree" "LOL" and "Looks good". There is a special level of Hell for those people, the same one reserved for child molesters and people who talk at the theatre. * * Thanks, Sheppard!
  10. Just a quick personal observation but why would you call it dull? What's my motivation to go somewhere that's dull and read dull stuff written by some dull guy? A little marketing can go a long way. How about My Challenging Blog or Psycho Science Blog or even Blinkin' Blog (your logo is molecules fit together to make a log cabin, your tag line is Building Up to Brilliance)? If you're not worth a little selling, why would I buy into you?
  11. It would have been the other way around for starters. And no one but creationists use the term "macroevolution". Speciation has been proven many times: Molestus speciated from Culex pipiens (Byrne and Nichols 1999; Nuttall 1998). Primula kewensis (Newton and Pellew 1929) Rhagoletis pomonella from Crataegus spp to Malus pumila (Filchak et al. 2000) Anopheles gambiae (Fanello et al. 2003; Lehmann et al. 2003) Ensatina to the subs klauberi and eschscholtzi (Brown n.d.; Wake 1997) This is usually where creationists "put the lid on their pots" because it means looking up a lot of studies and pouring through data that means nothing to them because, you guessed it, they haven't studied evolution. Do you see where skepticism without study leads? Please follow THIS LINK and read this page on speciation (you're smart, it won't take you long). The last fourth of the page is all citations and references to studies with peer reviewed evidence backing up these claims. Trust me, peer review in science is brutal and makes the Spanish Inquisition look like a book club questionnaire.
  12. Any kind of terpene ingestion is going to cause some major central nervous system problems. Ingesting undiluted Pine-sol in that kind of quantity would probably put you in a coma. And I can't imagine it would be a kind way to go, what with all the caustic effect on soft tissue. Your screaming would be pretty painful.
  13. The distinction here seems obvious then. Using a fumigation process where a room or building is sealed from human interaction while the O3 does it's work sounds like it would work. Using an air purifier that puts O3 into the room with humans in it sounds questionable.
  14. Here at SFN, we make the distinction that God is, by His own choice, unobservable, which places Him outside natural causality. While this distinguishes Him from other supernatural phenomena, for the purposes of science God is just as unmeasurable as ghosts and unicorns. We can easily adopt the distinction between "supernatural" and "paranormal" and I think for this and future purposes we should do just that. After all, if someone proves ghosts exist, they become normal. If God shows Himself it completely destroys the idea of faith without proof.
  15. What is this for, an assignment or curiosity? Hair coloring can be very weird and it's not uncommon for one person to have brownish scalp hair, black eyebrows, a strawberry blond beard, red pubic hair and blond hair on their arms. I don't know of any studies that break it down in the way you want. And by population do you mean world population or by a certain country? The results are going to be different between, say, Ireland and Iceland.
  16. I'd be honored (and really flattered) if you used it for your new signature. Just put it in quotes with my name after it. And deny everyone a good laugh? No, we all have to learn how to extract our feet from our mouths. It's a human thang. Yeah but having unauthorized copies of your first 100 posts is good job security for me. I'm just riding your coattails anyway 'cause I know you're going to rule the world within the next decade, Cap'n.
  17. Evolution is the change in allele frequency in a population over time. That's really it in a nutshell. At each genetic locus you have an allele from each of your parents which determine various inherited characteristics. Those will change each generation and the study of those changes is called evolution. Kudos to MrSandman!!! This is a far cry from the brash know-it-all who joined these boards a short time ago. Good for you for acknowledging you might have been mistaken. You just became a whole lot more mature and gained some credibility in *my* eyes. Now if you can just refrain from saying things like, "Your [sic] getting into opinions not fact Severian" to one of our most eminent professional physicists when he's trying to tell you about electric charge and magnetism, you'll do all right here. Have Cap'n Refsmmat tell you about his first 100 posts when he joined up. I'm going to award you some reputation points for that post, MrSandman. The mind is a bowl to be filled, not a pot with a lid on it.
  18. Do you cherry-pick those things which seem to support your beliefs? No problems here. Believing in a creator is fine. This has been said many times. THIS IS THE PART WHERE YOU KEEP PLUGGING YOUR EARS. EVOLUTION ISN'T ABOUT HOW LIFE STARTED. Well, since you now know you were misinformed maybe you should take a closer look. And THAT, my friend, is why science insists on calling it a theory. They retain a tiny bit of skepticism that keeps them constantly testing and proving. Will you please just take the time to study evolution? Without bias, keep your skepticism and just read. Even if you just spend a few hours at TalkOrigins.org you will have given yourself an honest chance at understanding. Remember there is nothing there that threatens your God.
  19. Well, yeah, it is. What are you going to use to purify the room from the ozone you've pumped in? You can hurt people with too much concentration. Consumer Reports did a piece a couple of years ago on the lawsuits brought against the Ionic Breeze air purifiers that pumped too much ozone into the room. I think ozone purification probably ranks up there with ion-cleansing and wristband magnets. Maybe some wonderful site like dbunked could take a look into ozone purification (wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more). Btw, do you want me to retitle this thread? It's not really about Mythbusters, is it?
  20. That's completely up to you and your beliefs should be respected. As has been stated, there is a difference between creation and Creationism. Again, no problems. Faith can help explain the supernatural for many. We know only one thing about any afterlife for certain: it's not going to be in the body we leave behind. It's well documented that it stays here. Sorry, but this is just plain wrong. If you'd said science versus religion I could agree. Creationism requires all the evidence of evolution be magically created by God, including making the geological evidence *appear* to be millions of years old. It also imposes one rigid interpretation of Hebrew translations that any orthodox scholar will tell you is open to many interpretations. But the worst part about creationism is that it misquotes science to people who then don't bother to check the facts. I don't know how many times I've told creationists that evolution has absolutely NOTHING to do with human origins. They pretend to listen and then just keep repeating that evolution precludes a creator. They tell their followers that if the fossil records are correct we'd be up to our ears in the bones of all the creatures who've died. When that's refuted they just pop over to the next bit of misinformation. When all their arguments have been thwarted they just go back to the beginning and start in with evolution precludes God again. You're skeptical about evolution because you think you can't have your faith if it's true. You're wrong.
  21. 10. This person 9. Most of the seven dwarfs 8. The Verizon guy 7. Quill, the X-Men human porcupine 6. An under-quota MoveOn.org recruiter 5. A brayer (someone who laughs like a donkey) 4. Anyone eating from a tub o' broccoli 3. Someone who snorts 2. Someone who snorts and then spits on the floor 1. Bush Jr (keeps asking what the big words mean) 10. Which brands of X-ray glasses *really* work 9. How to unhook a bra with just the thumb and forefinger 8. How to mess up a household chore like dishes so you'll never be asked to do it again 7. Who wears the pants in his family (and how to iron them for her) 6. The correct answer to, "Does this dress make me look fat?" 5. The exact number of Cheese Nips left in the bag 4. Which car will get you girls 3. The nearest store that sells Cheese Nips 2. Every store in the mall with a TV when you're forced to shop on game day 1. Where the beer is Next: Top 10 Ways to Make a Lot of Money
  22. I worked remotely with those guys so I never saw their setup but I think their magnetizer is just a big electromagnet that creates a field through which the magnet orders were passed. IIRC, the longer the magnets stayed in the magnetizer the stronger they were. Fridge magnets don't need much (most of the promotional mags on my fridge won't hold more than two sheets of paper).
  23. I definitely see your point but I wasn't really trying for an analogy, just stating that that's what I picture when I hear about people who want to be isolated amongst like-minded folk.
  24. Let's take this to General Discussion and just refrain from an in-depth religious discussion. AFAIC, creationism is simply an unnecessarily complex interpretation of the same Bible three major religions share (and really just the beginning of one chapter). You can still have your faith without it. God can still be omnipotent without it. And most importantly, religion and science need never worry about each other without it. I hate compound mentality but I think it's preferable to forcing your religious opinions on the rest of the public school community. There's a family right down the street from me that have ten kids (in a four bedroom house) and they're all home schooled because they're fundamentalist Christians and don't want their kids exposed to evolution in school. In fact we almost never see any of them because they also refuse to mix with the rest of the neighborhood. They keep to themselves and don't show any of the kindness or compassion I'm used to seeing from devout Christians (I have a lot of relatives who are devout without being fundies). Home schooling is one thing, but when your only socialization is within your "compound" I think it can get unhealthy. I keep picturing backward, inbred, buck-toothed, country hill people who keep spreading the same information and misinformation amongst their membership so no one ever learns anything new about anything. A closed system like that says stagnation to me. Maybe that should be their symbol, a majestic male deer, proudly leading the herd into a box canyon. Then others would flock to this banner and the New Stag Nation would be born.
  25. Acrylic resin.
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