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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. Ooooh, I like this new tangent. Why are some things decidedly "masculine" and others "feminine"? I started sitting down to pee at home when I discovered you don't have to clean as often (I do the bathroom cleaning, my wife does laundry). The little diluted urine drops that come geysering out of the toilet when you stand collect dust and bacteria. If I had a urinal (or a maid) at home, I'd stand. Is that feminine, smart or just lazy? I used to bite my nails until I was about thirty. Then I just stopped and my nails became as much a part of my grooming as my hair and teeth. I was kind of proud of kicking a bad habit. Is that really feminine? I think the hair gel / product thing is kind of fem but I do it. I have to dress up to meet clients and it makes no sense to have wierd hair and gel is in style. I suppose it's the "in style" thing I find kind of fem, never having been a real fashion plate.
  2. Go for it. My instructions from on high: "If its good we'll use it, if it sucks you can tell him why we're not using it." I can't use something that doesn't work just because you took the time to do it. I'll be honest. Not too shabby. It's too aimed at Hinduism and Buddhism to be good for us, but it shows what you can do. Also remember that simple is best. Colors are cool but they shouldn't be the best thing about the logo. We need something that says inspiration, thinking beyond what is observable, thoughts turned inward and outward simultaneously, meditation without being aimed, religious without religion. Peace of mind, spiritual peace, piece of pie.
  3. Actually, we need a logo for Theology Forums. Interested? He's quite skittish around broccoli....
  4. So true! Trying to relate to women and figure out how to get along better has been the worst thing for real men. The solution of course is to just do the things that make you feel like a real man and screw the consequences. If you loudly tell the wife / gf to shut up and turn off your cell phone a number of very real-man-positive things happen. She'll stop buying you cologne and expensive clothes and you can go back to jeans and a T-shirt. You'll start smelling like a real man again soon because she won't wash them for you and you could care less. It's going to piss you off when she locks you out of the house but this is actually a good thing. Being pissed off is the perfect excuse for jumping in the car and speeding and since you'll be sleeping with the dog outside your skin will be rough and manly in no time. Soon you'll probably plow into the back end of one of the cars you've been tailgaiting and then you'll be waited on hand and foot by cute nurses who'll give you sponge baths (err, skip the sponge, have 'em use steel wool and cold saltwater) and help you finally justify all that money you spent on insurance. Your wife / gf will be so jealous! When you eventually recover and have signed the divorce papers, you'll be just the type of guy all women want most. Jobless and hobbling in crusty jeans and T-shirt, scarred rough hands reaching out demanding some quick lovin' before the playoff game. What woman could resist that? Another perk? Most of the shelters serve chili every other night! Chili! I hope you guys are clear now on what you have to do. Why don't you give her a call right now and tell her how you *feel*?
  5. I understand. I remember the previous discussion and what I learned from it was that Saddam was responsible for a lotta death in Iraq, and that made him a magnet for lots of other killing he may not have done. It's easy to believe he did it all but it's probably not the case. I suppose it's just politics. You'll believe anything about *their* guy, and you'll defend *your* guy to the hilt. It's wierd but we all do it to a certain extent. That's why conspiracy theories are so dangerous. A little becomes a lot and then it all gets explained away and your left thinking, "What if *some* of it were true?"
  6. I called Mr. Hussein and apologized for the whole invasion thing. He was pretty nice about it and we're going to go golfing or something real soon, on me. Now about this bill for US$340 billion the GAO sent me....
  7. I don't think anyone thinks he's guiltless. For the record, as Sayonara³ points out, we had a thread where a lot of evidence was cited which showed that many of Saddam's whole village wipings-out were part of the Iraq-Iran conflict (back when he was on our side). In particular, at Halabja where 5000 Kurds were gassed there was a big question of whether the Kurds were aiding Iran. Also in question was who used the gas (it was a type normally used by Iran, not Iraq). Also, the gas used was for dispersal, trying to force enemy soldiers from fortified positions (such gasses are fatal only if you stay where the gas is). The idea is to toss in the gas and shoot anything that runs out of the smoke. My objection to the sentence is purely one of function. Publicly executed he *will* be a martyr and his crimes will be compounded by others that will be done in his name. Imprisoned for life he becomes a broken tyrant, bereft of everything a proud man would consider worthwhile. I think the latter is far more humiliating and it has the advantage of being just without meeting brutality with more brutality.
  8. I disagree with all the bloodthirsties here. Best thing for Saddam is to put him back in his hole for the rest of his life and get over him. Public execution (especially worldwide televised) will give him more power than he's ever had before. We invaded Iraq to remove him from power so why give it back to him in the form of martyrdom? Crazies we've never even heard of will make him their poster boy. I'd much rather see a page 46 artticle about him dying quietly in solitary ten years from now. He should whimper, not roar.
  9. I say we start the foreplay now. This is an idea whose time has come.
  10. I remember that happening to me in high school once. Nixon had brought back daylight savings time, I thought it was sunrise instead of sunset and got showered and dressed for school before I saw it was getting darker instead of lighter. I figured Nixon had screwed that up, too!
  11. School yourself to focus on positive results. Don't think about the bills you have to pay, think about how to make more money. Don't total up all the people who pissed you off today, remember the ones who made you laugh or did you a favor. Google Fundamental Attribution Error and work to minimize it's affect on the way you deal with people. Cut 'em some slack, Jack! I think of this from Steve Martin when I hear the word "advice": I'll never forget what my grandfather told me. He said, "Always...." No, wait, it was, "Never...." No, he said, "Always carry a litter bag in your car. It doesn't take up much room and when it gets full you can just toss it out the window."
  12. You're in good hands then. No matter what he suggests, wear your goggles, cut the number of chilis in half and double the length of the fuse and you'll be fine. Welcome!
  13. "... I would just like to know if you know what it means to have a plethora. I would not like to think that someone would tell someone else he has a plethora, and then find out that that person has *no idea* what it means to have a plethora." -El Guapo
  14. It's funny that you talk about logic and objectivity and then create a completely unworkable, illogical framework which is subjectively corrupt. There are people out there right now that want to fill the prison system with women seeking abortions. My stance has nothing to do with moral perfection. I am drawing a line. My line is a lot further along in the process than yours is and has the benefit of allowing for practical application. And humans give a crap about humans and I'm actually kind of glad about it. And no, they can't be seen by the naked eye, another reason it makes no sense to call them a human. Deciding life begins at the first cell would validate many of the crap-pushers and if you don't believe that then you should hop a bus over to Colorado Springs and I'll meet you there to tour some Family Values facilities.
  15. This has always been my stance on the matter. You can't grant the status of being "a human being" too early in the process or you create a situation where the rights of a blastocyst are equal to that of the mother. Legally and morally, do you want the death of each bit of "human" matter investigated for possible murder? If a blastocyst is a human doesn't that open the door for all kinds of future control possibilities?
  16. Google "matter-antimatter symmetry disruption" and kiss your ass goodbye.
  17. God I hate that phrase! >
  18. Do what it says on the bottle: "Take two aspirin. Keep away from children." Welcome to SFN. Don't blow anything up.
  19. "God I hate that phrase!" is the new "F*** off and die!"
  20. I agree completely. I don't know whether it's because it's what I'm used to or whether it's just easier on the eye and brain, but this is far and away the best forum for readability and ease of use. I wish all the other Science Forums Network sites had the same basic color scheme. *cough* Theology Forums *cough* Besides, black is soooooo ten minutes ago. Everyone knows blue is the new black.
  21. I almost moved this to Engineering when I read the title. I remember reading that a pair of left-handed parents had a 1-in-4 chance of having a left-handed offspring. It's not a lock but it's better than the 1-in-10 chance everyone else has. I don't have the reference handy.
  22. This... ... seems to contradict this: Probably just an honest mistake but if not I guess I'll need some clarification. If I understand you, I am open to your criticism if I am against the war and I introduce to my audience some amputee soldiers who lost limbs in Iraq. Would you insist that I make them wear the prosthetics that make them look more or less normal? Would you fight for the right to criticize these people for using an infirmity for political motivation? They are still just people, and it does seem like you are attacking them personally just because they happen to have something that makes them a vivid example of why people should think about voting a certain way. I don't see the one-way street thing either. MJF certainly can't get away with saying just anything because of Parkinson's. If he started stumping for Communism I'd make him defend his reasoning like anyone else.
  23. Chill out, chili-man, I'd like to transfer this whole thread over to TF when we're up and running. This is NOT the God Discussion forum but a little venting of spiritual steam should be overlooked while we get our act packed up and on the road. Btw, that's not how you spell siunce. :D :D
  24. Having the words "truth" and "manifesto" in the link got that particular post deleted. You're right, we don't need it. When "immortal souls" and "eternity are on the line, some people feel justified and will insist others are just plain wrong. Tolerance is accepting that what is right for you may not be right for everybody. And that is often at odds with what your religion is teaching you. Show me anything that isn't a physiological requirement where everyone agrees. If it involves opinion or faith it involves diversity. I don't think this is a "fix it" issue so much as a "overcome the obstacle it presents to you" issue.
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