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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. Might not be part of what you're measuring but have you tried bouncing the tennis ball with a basketball immediately below it, so they're touching and both get bounced? Pretty dramatic but maybe something for another experiment.
  2. And when that point comes along remember you are being given a second chance. Respect is one of the few courtesies an online community has. We're willing to give you a break but not if this is the way you will continue posting. I don't waste the infraction system on rude newbies; I just ban them immediately.
  3. Sorry, we can't just *give* you answers to your homework. Especially if we don't understand the question. Are you asking when it will be possible for underwater excursions to be opened up to the public in the Frisian archipelago?
  4. You clearly stated, directing your comment at everyone. No one had suggested raising kids in a utopian environment, that's an easy argument to refute, therefore a strawman when used in this instance. Why do you put poisons where toddlers can't reach them? They can't understand some things and it's dangerous to expect them to. Kids at every age lack the complexity of knowledge and experience to handle *every* aspect of the raw, unfiltered world, and they learn best at a measured pace. This seems so simple I think we have a misunderstanding of terms or something. I want to shield them from porn before I can explain sex on a more basic, filtered level. No, *while* she watched him do it. My daughter didn't watch network or cable TV until she was three and a half. Prior to that we watched PBS and videos because I didn't want her to learn about "reality" from commercials and cable TV. Trying to explain in stages as applicable and doing some decent groundwork before full exposure seems like common sense to me. This is what I would call "shielding" or "filtering" and it's what I do as a parent. You'd have to define "sex scene" but if the definition includes what most would consider porn then I think you have a problem. A ten-year-old is not of an age to experiment with that kind of sex, imo. "As it happens" is an important phrase here. Reality shouldn't catch your child unprepared and that's what your original comment sounded like. Reality happens anyway, I just believe in arming and armoring my child so she can make the best decisions. I don't have to hide the poisons now because she's more capable of understanding their effects at the age of eight. But she's just grasping the concept of religion right now and I certainly wouldn't want her to see the woman in the OP's video and consider her typically religious. Well, yes. You asked if allowing your children to be exposed to everything was bad parenting and then said, "Without some kind of damage to point to, I'd have to say not at all". When your ten-year-old misunderstands the sex scene you let him watch it's tough to point to the damage you've done that leads him to abuse his lover when he's older.
  5. Is it your intention to have people in the conference displayed on everyone's screens? If there isn't an overriding reason why that needs to happen you might want to consider something like WebEx or GoToMeeting. The presenter can show his screen for presentations or to view relevant files (I use it for CAD and PowerPoint presentations) or the presenter can turn control over to anyone else in the meeting. And the presenter can turn the pointer over to anyone else so they can point to something on the presenter's screen. Simple teleconference bridges provide the audio. Again, if it's not really necessary to see any people, this may be a more efficient and cheaper way to go.
  6. Strawman. Asking for a lack of certain abuses is NOT asking for Utopia. I may be wrong but you seem to be using "shelter" as in "hide them away from all exposure to". While I agree that kind of "shelter" is wrong, I believe some sort of "shielding" is necessary. Exposure can be gradual until a child has a firmer grasp of certain concepts. We read easy books before we tackle Shakespeare, right? Ouch. No way. Just... absolutely not. This is so wrong my fingers are cramping from typing so hard. Again, a shielding or filtering of the level of exposure is necessary. I'm definitely going to talk about sex with my child first and not just say, "Here, Google 'teen sex' and see what comes up!" And we talk about various religions first so when she sees someone like the lady in the video she has some kind of context and doesn't assume this person is a normal representative of her religion. Some scars aren't visible.
  7. I'll bet it's something along those lines, made for a very specific application. "Fill the tube with X to the 12.5 mark, then heat at Y degrees and measure how much time it takes for it to reach the 25 mark". If it were for more general purposes it would have more varied measurement lines.
  8. The bulb at the end reminds me of a thermometer. Could it measure barometric pressure? The fixed gradients indicate it measures a very specific thing, possibly after being heated?
  9. When I got past the idiotic crap idea that pulling out a handful of your own chest hair was somehow manly I appreciated the spot more. What really offends me is that a gay rights group like Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation missed the point that two men kissed during a Superbowl commercial! And what offends me most is that Mars didn't have the nuts to leave the commercial running so people could eventually see the subtlety of the spot. Wow, the commercial with two men kissing was the least offensive thing about this....
  10. This statement is your problem. Anyone seeing that you have a BSc or A.S. is going to assume it includes some Liberal Arts like everyone else's BSc or A.S. You're paying your university for a degree that is recognized by various industries for various things. You aren't paying them for a degree you get to tailor that no one else understands.
  11. But the decimal system was used long before the French Revolution. Iran, China, Egypt, India, and Greece all had pre-biblical decimal systems. Does this mean, since you start with the index finger, that the pinkie (smallest) is the holy finger, much as the seventh day is holy? What are we commanded to do to remember the pinkie and keep it holy? So the Jews and Catholics used this system, but can you show me where they were actually commanded to use it? Something from the Bible and not just pointing to the handy fingers + between fingers - thumb justification that is obvious to... well, only you? Until the Jews decide to stick with the old covenant and fail to find the Messiah that the Christians did. Those systems seem kind of contradictory and both sides have their reasons.... I still can't find reference to that commandment. I wasn't even aware this was a sin. Who knew? My 24 hour day is 3*8 (work/play/sleep), 360 degrees is usually 4*45 when I'm cutting wood and 60 minutes is 4*15 when I'm working or driving. I guess I just naturally stay away from anything satanic.
  12. Split from Different Planck Units. Carry on but no arguments about religion unless they pertain to this subject, please. If you feel the need, take it to http://www.theologyforums.com.
  13. The septenary posts added by TurricaN can be found split off here.
  14. Did God give you seven fingers and seven toes? There are many other things that were not commanded by God. Why do you choose this?
  15. What does the third Commandment have to do with your system? Isn't the fourth Commandment about honoring the Sabbath? Why would religion be a factor at all?
  16. Feel free to visit one of our sister sites at Theology Forums. Astronomy and Cosmology go here, threads about God and worship go there. You can just cut and paste it from here if you like. See you there.
  17. The bleeding edge M1117 Guardian assault vehicles were ordered from a firm in pre-Katrina New Orleans and were supposed to be ready this year. Don't know if that's going to happen. I saw where the new troops will have the same armor problems as before. I'm sure they will budget for everything else and then say, "We need more money for armor for our troops. What do you think America?" I'm reminded of a guy I know who kicked his son out of his house and gave him money to rent an apartment. The kid figured out that he could spend the rent money on beer and Dad would send him more rent money. But if he paid the rent with the rent money Dad wouldn't send him more money for beer.
  18. That's good for another warning. I can't believe you're ignoring all the posts where you are being called out for fallacious logic. Appeal to Tradition, Hasty Generalizations, Strawmen, when people point these out they are rebutting your arguments. If I could give you a second warning for this post I would. Go back and reread. Cheggitau: This backpedaling from "docile" to "conformist" was a hoot. As Mokele and others pointed out, there is an aspect of enslavement in the word docile that is non-existent in the word conformist. I think you realized it too but were too stubborn to admit it and JUST LET IT DROP. Well, in the middle of writing this I got notification that Mokele has closed the thread and suspended you for a couple of weeks. I had come to the same conclusion myself. No doubt it will do no good. You'll seethe for a while and themn come back to whine some more. I am really disappointed in you, aswokei.
  19. Yes you can, and should. Stop taking advice from Sam and see a psychiatrist. Not a psychologist, a psychiatrist. And before you say it, seeing one doesn't mean you're crazy. You have a problem with these games and you need someone who is trained to help you overcome it. Don't look for quick fixes on the Internet. Our "opinions" won't help you. Get help now whatever the cost. You're probably worth it.
  20. Your "yo-yo" can be up to half a meter wide, deep and tall and have a 6 meter "string". This gives you quite a bit of room to work with. You can't light it up first so you'll need some kind of centrifugal switch that starts your lights from battery power. It needs to traverse the string slowly and the key there is that your "yo-yo" can change size once it starts. I'd use spokes which slip out easily (engaging your electrical circuit) and make it spin slower. These spokes could be made from conduit (with stops to ensure they don't fly off) and then could be drilled with holes for the whistling effect. Does that help?
  21. Spotted this idea for a solar furnace. Might be pretty cool. I mean hot.
  22. Any further postings which call for acceptance or argument of unaccepted physics (non-mainstream) will be considered thread hijacking and will incur an official warning. The Speculations forum is for hypotheses which have not undergone the verification process. Please stop interjecting comments on your personal research in the Physics section until such time as you have been published and peer-reviewed.
  23. Can you provide a link to the research or give us a direction for further comment? What do you think the "something more" might be?
  24. Enough. I count seven members, including two Mods, who thought your comments on feminine docility were too general to be considered acceptable. The rest of the argument has been you trying to unsuccessfully defend those statements. You chose not to provide any studies to back up your claims. You have no supporters and you've now turned this into a scuffle over Mod abuse. You're acting like a little kid who keeps annoying a bigger kid and then cries "bully" when he gets swatted. No one has any more time for this. I'm sorry your feelings got hurt when someone objected provocatively to your provocative statements. If you can't take the heat.... If there is no more interest in the thread subject then we don't need this thread open anymore.
  25. "A" thread? All his threads are like this. While this one didn't require his attention there have been several where people asked for clarification and never got it. 191 posts, 93 were thread starters. He/she is a voyeur.
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