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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. Someone is always preaching the beginning of Armageddon or WWIII. Korea and Vietnam indirectly involved China, the Cold War and the Soviet Union, the first Gulf War in '90 in the Middle East, they were all supposed to be the beginning of WWIII. Don't make yourself crazy.
  2. What if they're in plain sight, but our sense of the plain sight they're in is not fully adapted yet? Ever notice how pre-Renaissance paintings lack a 3-D depth of field, often simply portraying far away objects as being at the top of the painting, while near objects are lower down? What if that was actually the way they "saw" things then? What if the eye is evolving to perceive better in multiple dimensions and eventually we may "discover" that there is more to some familiar beings than meets the "eye"? Maybe rats ARE pan-dimensional beings....
  3. Do. Otherwise you're starting from square one every time you call. I may start another thread on this but does anyone subscribe to any free podcasts for your MP3 player? A buddy recommended NPR's Wait Wait Don't Tell Me and I found a couple of science podcasts that looked good. There are so many it might take me a while to wade through the dreck
  4. Leave out the pot and the porn. Lebanon is like the hashish capital of the world, isn't it? And don't give the mullahs anything obvious to rail against like pictures of nude women. Victoria's Secret catalogs, on the other hand.... Otherwise it's a fantastic idea.
  5. ... or else you'd have to kill me? *gulp*
  6. These units are great when you don't do much of any of those things. I try to be as paperless as possible in my work so mine works great. If you do more than a moderate amount of any or all of those functions, the all-in-one sucks multiple times. There are many gadgets like that where it seems like they work well only if you don't use it much. The wife and I bought a pasta maker once and really got into it. Broke three of them before throwing up our hands at the expense of mailing it back to be repaired. Same part kept breaking and they kept repairing it the same way. It truly defined insanity. Beyond making me grin evilly, does this have any practical functions? Is this one of your MI6 gadgets Q gave you to disrupt pacemakers, Mr. licensed-to-kill?
  7. I'm bumping this thread because my company has started giving prizes for top sales. I've got a new laptop, a Palm Treo, an iPod Nano and my new 30" flatscreen HDTV gets delivered week after next. I also bought a new bike and ALL these things are accessory demons. And the accessories are such obvious profit-monsters! I hate being a rube! I have already figured out that a pocket is the cheap alternative to getting a $30 arm-holster for the iPod (if I take it running I'll use duct tape, dammit), the little plastic stickies are expensive but worth it to keep the screen of the PDA from getting scratched, and rear-view mirrors on your bike's handlebars look goofy, rarely point where you need them and can't beat a quick glance over your shoulder. Any other recommendations, good or bad, for these and other gadgets for your gadgets?
  8. Weird name. I keep wanting to finish the sentence, "... collision". Not a pretty picture. Pink slips to the Marketing Dept.
  9. I also think there is something to be said about mental focus here. Teens are often distracted by many new things at this stage and lack of focus tends to tangle up the feet and hands. Thinking about your homework, sports, tests, computer games, music parents, friends, enemies and driving a car *simultaneously* is a skill you don't learn until you're... you know, 80 or so, and by then you've forgotten your locker combination (and where your teeth are). Also being worried that you will trip and embarass yourself takes valuable focus away from what you're doing. Add a nearby member of the opposite sex and focus is but a distant memory.
  10. If I can see it's wings flap it doesn't scare me, but the really fast winged ones that buzz give me the heebie-jeebies. I saw a bumblebee once as big as my thumb that flew a foot in front of my face and sounded like an RC plane. That's the type of fear that strips you of bladder control.
  11. Weird, yes! But false! This sounds like a misinterpretation of wave-particle duality, or possibly the indeterminacy principle. In which case what is proven is, "You can't have your cake and eat it too".
  12. Liability. We don't want anyone to get hurt by trying an experiment they read about here. There are some great experiments in the Chemistry section. Make sure to use all the precautions the members and Experts recommend. Trying each experiment the right way means you get to do more than one.
  13. I enjoy a flavorful chili, and I love the creeping burn you get with some of the best curries, but when a chili gets too hot it seems to overpower everything else you eat with it. If it goes straight up my nose like a spike (ala Chinese mustard) I can't taste anything else for a while. Is there some kind of resistance your taste buds build up to be able to handle the hotter chilis?
  14. POGOStick's Island Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale, A tale of a fateful trip when Pogo joined a Navy crew, aboard this mighty ship. (take it...)
  15. You have no idea. I was 10 when they cancelled that show.
  16. Keep yer jib tight and yer scuppers clean, mate! Arrrrr! I heard about that! Didn't you end up stranded with six other castaways on an island in the Pacific?
  17. "Sorry, I tried to say 'Moss' but I've developed a lisp!"
  18. IMM is heading back to the shower again.
  19. As long as I can see the insect it doesn't bother me. I dislike having flyers buzz in my ears before I see them. It makes me flinch every time. I saw a baby in a stroller once with a wasp hovering near it's ear and I went cold all over, so maybe that happened to me as an infant.
  20. I read something once where the author speculated that most of the accidents where people seemingly "lost control for no apparent reason" were because of bugs flying in the window or flying against the window and startling the driver. (wraps IMM in a big bear bug) There, there, it's gone now. You did really well. You kept your cool and didn't freak like so many before you. Everyone's safe, including the grasshopper. You did the right thing by pulling over. Go take a shower.
  21. Phi for All


    This is a logical fallacy known as Begging the Question, where the premises include the claim that the conclusion is true. We can't answer this question yes or no because it assumes Pakistan is the source of all terrorism, an assumption no one but you is willing to make. Remember that science is your favorite subject, please.
  22. Phi for All


    I know generalities are dangerous and you've made two of them in this thread so far. They must be so clever about it that the rest of the world has no idea. Ah, of course. And your evidence is where? We certainly don't mind you expressing an opinion, but if you are stating a fact please back it up with evidence. Not proof, just a few bits of evidence to show us why you think the way you do. We are not making fun of you, mere;y being skeptical science-types.
  23. Like many emerging nations, India has some very polarized extremes. It's very exciting that better education is making a difference for a richer life for some, and it's a shame that lack of education means staggering poverty for others.
  24. Phi for All


    If the answer were that easy, don't you think Pakistan would be... gone by now?
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