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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. Keep yer jib tight and yer scuppers clean, mate! Arrrrr! I heard about that! Didn't you end up stranded with six other castaways on an island in the Pacific?
  2. "Sorry, I tried to say 'Moss' but I've developed a lisp!"
  3. IMM is heading back to the shower again.
  4. As long as I can see the insect it doesn't bother me. I dislike having flyers buzz in my ears before I see them. It makes me flinch every time. I saw a baby in a stroller once with a wasp hovering near it's ear and I went cold all over, so maybe that happened to me as an infant.
  5. I read something once where the author speculated that most of the accidents where people seemingly "lost control for no apparent reason" were because of bugs flying in the window or flying against the window and startling the driver. (wraps IMM in a big bear bug) There, there, it's gone now. You did really well. You kept your cool and didn't freak like so many before you. Everyone's safe, including the grasshopper. You did the right thing by pulling over. Go take a shower.
  6. Phi for All


    This is a logical fallacy known as Begging the Question, where the premises include the claim that the conclusion is true. We can't answer this question yes or no because it assumes Pakistan is the source of all terrorism, an assumption no one but you is willing to make. Remember that science is your favorite subject, please.
  7. Phi for All


    I know generalities are dangerous and you've made two of them in this thread so far. They must be so clever about it that the rest of the world has no idea. Ah, of course. And your evidence is where? We certainly don't mind you expressing an opinion, but if you are stating a fact please back it up with evidence. Not proof, just a few bits of evidence to show us why you think the way you do. We are not making fun of you, mere;y being skeptical science-types.
  8. Like many emerging nations, India has some very polarized extremes. It's very exciting that better education is making a difference for a richer life for some, and it's a shame that lack of education means staggering poverty for others.
  9. Phi for All


    If the answer were that easy, don't you think Pakistan would be... gone by now?
  10. Does it have anything to do with arms sales? At the back of my mind, whenever I hear about new or old flare-ups of hatred, I picture someone lobbying for the arms dealers. Lobbyist: "Are you going to just let them take your land like that?" Hothead #439: "We don't like it, so we're sending someone to negotiate." Lobbyist: "And how long will that take? You know those people never listen." Hothead #439: "What do you suggest?" Lobbyist: "How much is it worth getting that land back once and for all? I know these guys...." Who stands to lose billions if sales are down because some sort of peace is achieved?
  11. I work with many great people from India, Calcutta and Hyderabad mostly. I may get to visit in the next year or so. I'm really looking forward to it.
  12. Tupperware has more use than you do for a tight seal?
  13. Totally off-topic but I couldn't resist: The normal ratio of Views to Replies is between 7:1 and 8:1. This thread, due to it's title, has a ratio of 126:1. Sex *is* fun! Or there's just a lot of voyeurs out there.
  14. Two rednecks are having a beer on the front porch. The first one says, "Hey, lemme ask you sumpthin'. If I was to sneak over to yore trailer some Saturday and make love to yore wife whilst you was out huntin', and she got pregnant and had a baby, would that make us kin?" The second redneck squints his eyes up and scratches his head for a while, then finally says, "Well, I don't know if it would make us *kin*, but it shore would make us EVEN!"
  15. You probably won't be on a sub during basic, but if you are don't open the window. Stay safe.
  16. Right on. In the US, I think movies are a big part of the problem, exaggerating and glamorizing a tiny part of the culture as a whole. Thus we end up with a country where people buy cars and homes to gain respect, guns for security and clothes so we can be thought attractive. Take away our stuff and you'd think we'd fall apart. We don't though. We adapt and realize the stuff is not really us. We pull together in times of crisis (unless there's a Walmart to loot) and show our character when it's most appropriate. The US has some strange values on the surface, but dig a little deeper and the bedrock is there.
  17. Like most things, I think good representation should be a mix of all views, old and young, conservative and liberal, fiscally and socially minded, passionate and calculating. Only when all sides are considered can you be sure of a considered vote. If the entire parliament were just out of college, or all in their sixties, then you'd be in trouble.
  18. Italy has no nuclear weapons, so if it comes to war France has the advantage. Plus more cheese.
  19. I question this definition. Are you defending it or amending it?
  20. There is a special level of Hell for those who even suggest such a thing.
  21. Phi for All


    Dignity is a point of view. You're assuming she had to lose her dignity to earn that money.
  22. In the US, when you yank someone's chain you're having them on, "taking the piss" I think you call it, making fun of something they are being too serious about. I know it's part of your persona to be self-deprecating but I don't know why. Your posts are just fine, more knowledgeable than a lot of people's. You're not (quite) in the top ten on our Loony List, so stop worrying.
  23. Since the home page is sort of like marketing for us, we don't want people being directed to silly posts like yours always are. We feel the tone of the forum should be.... Gotcha! I really have no idea why your posts wouldn't appear, except maybe it takes a bit more time than your giving it. I just saw you dangling that big chain and decided to give it a yank *. * I hope that doesn't mean anything sexual in the UK.
  24. I wish the masses bothered to check facts. In some ways we are still subject to 19th century rabble-rousing, although innuendo has been replaced by spin and those who do bother to check facts quickly lose ground from the sheer volume of what is being reported 24/7 from all points of the globe. It's a good thing but it's a bad thing since the good thing is because of the bad thing - to put it in a sound byte makes you nod but tells you nothing.
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