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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. Anything that starts out nice and ends in a stern warning and possible punitive action should be treated like a mother bear with cubs around. Just drop it and walk slowly away. When it comes to human relationships, nothing is simple, you have to work at it, but no part of it should be that difficult either. An honest approach should never get you in trouble. If you've been told to lay off, lay off. Staying in that situation is a crutch, you know it will never progress and you can't get hurt any worse so you just keep banging your head against the wall because at least you know how to do that. Change of pace. Go out, meet someone else, take a chance, make some more mistakes, get dirty, get bloody, have some fun, talk to other girls (but don't talk about the "angel" to them). Your only problem is that you're young and inexperienced. You've had no good experiences so it all seems overwhelming. Ramble, ramble, ramble. Sorry. Pick a few of these pick up lines and go practice. Relationships are like ice skating. At first you fall down a lot but if you don't get up again your butt's going to get cold. Yeah, it's like the line that isn't.
  2. Have you tried, "Would you go out on a date with me?"
  3. Assuming you know what the girl is going to say is the first step on the road to disaster, herme3. Never plan a battle past the first encounter.
  4. Do you think Bill Lucas got Divine Force Law from his relative George Lucas? Thanks for the transcript, Silkworm, that was really... amusing. I do have to say, though, that I agree in part with the Indian man. There is a huge difference between saying, "You have no data" and "You have nothing". When you use phrases like, "You have nothing", "It's garbage" and "I suggest you find another line of work", you shift the listener from critical examination of Lucas' credentials to your hostility. These audiences are smart and probably will realize, after you point out the flaws, that it IS garbage. But when you use the phrase you may be losing some support from those who don't like those types of confrontational methods. Do you see the difference between outright calling him a crackpot and showing everybody the evidence that will lead them to the same conclusion? The Indian man probaly blew you off as a rude young man but might have come around to your POV regarding Lucas if you hadn't drawn his conclusions for him in such a "not nice" manner. Don't get me wrong, Lucas deserved what he got from you, but you don't need anyone in the audience wondering if you have an axe to grind about anything other than his ideas. You might want to simply present your findings and concerns and let the audience come to it's own inevitable conclusions.
  5. I remember hearing a hypothesis that gravity may pass through all points in the universe (and other possible universes) simultaneously. Could GR be used to transmit a Morse Code message faster than C?
  6. 10. Buzzard circling my car 9. Washed hair with coffee, microwaved my shampoo 8. Boss called and said, "Take the rest of your life off" 7. Studied till 3 am for Music Appreciation final, forgot about Quantum Mechanics 6. Pulled the "Death" card at Madame Luna's 5. Left underwear at teacher's house 4. Dog ate my whole briefcase 3. Coughed up pancreas 2. Psychic Hotline lady burst into tears and hung up 1. Got fired/expelled three months ago Top 10 Things That Sink
  7. 10. Just blatantly arrogant enough to pull it off9. Will probably have a less sissy uniform than the other team 8. Kipper power 7. Enormous bribes 6. Brazil will be laughing too hard 5. Gas from Essex gives them a boost 4. Shagging the referees 3. Will do anything to embarass Germany 2. Wants privilege of spelling it "socker" 1. the tree needs someplace to pee Top 10 Really Bad Wines
  8. Top 10 New Games/Gags to Play at the Office 10. Paper Airplanes by the Ream 9. Order Viagra online from everyone else's computer 8. Laser Pointer Tag 7. Bring "herb" bagels 6. Toner Wars 5. Tape paper clips to the bottom of everyone's microwave meals 4. Hide the stapler in the telephone 3. Digitize your butt 2. Super Glue + Keyboard = Hilarity 1. "Porno-tize" the PowerPoint presentation Next: Top 10 Automobile Names that Never Caught On
  9. 10. All math done in base J 9. Embedded porn links 8. Arrived wrapped around fish 7. No one got your "pier review" fish jokes 6. Too many Al Gore references 5. Written on 3x5 cards 4. Funny parts not highlighted properly 3. Title of the paper, "Retardation Among Science Publication Editors" 2. Unprecedented use of sock puppets 1. Crayon smears Top 10 Reasons You Should Be Earth's Emperor / Empress
  10. We rescued a 5-month-old Corgi pup last December from an animal shelter and the little guy has the sweetest disposition. He never barked at anyone or anything, not even a little grrr-uff, and is extremely friendly. In March my 7-year-old daughter had taken her bath and was drying herself on her favorite over-sized beach towel when she decided to scare Mom and Dad downstairs. She started at the head of the stairs and, covered completely by the towel, started belly-crawling down the stairs like some kind of bug. I think her plan was to inch down the stairs and then yell, "Boo!" when she reached the living room. The dog, Max, spotted her about midway down and suddenly started barking his head off for the first time since we'd known him! My daughter panicked and rolled the rest of the way downstairs tangled up in her big towel. After the initial shock none of us could stop laughing since Max had scared us all worse than my daughter ever could have with that lame old jump-out-and-boo routine.
  11. 10. Occam's Razor proves it must be my after-shave 9. Penile enhancement procedure almost complete 8. Neighbor's Great Dane winked at me yesterday 7. Subscribed to Roofie-of-the-Month Club 6. Got rid of most of my polyester 5. Found a glue for my fake sideburns that is unaffected by copious sweating 4. Best friend's grandma said she'd "do me" 3. Found "work-around" solution to the incontinence thing 2. Caught Marge from Accounting stealing a copy paper after her retirement party 1. Women can't ALL be smarter than me Next List: Top 10 Saints You've Never Heard Of
  12. 10. Aggravate A Postal Worker Day 9. Billionaire Day 8. Turn Off Your Computer Day 7. Drugsgiving 6. Trash Day 5. Zoroastmas 4. Spudfest 3. Bacon Day 2. Stiff Your Waiter Day 1. Spit in Your Customer's Food Day (waiters only) Next List: Top 10 Jobs You Don't Want
  13. What do you pay total for cable, if you don't mind my asking? And btw, 100 posts, w00t GutZ!
  14. I get basic cable for my daughter but I don't watch it much anymore. I found out my local library has some of the best cable series on DVD if you don't mind being a year or two behind (I'm up to season 6 of West Wing and we just started HBO's Carnivale). The library is also good for science specials, but again, you're not going to get the latest broadcasts. The Discovery Channel was pretty good a few years ago but it's crap now. PBS has better science programming but you may need to tape it at odd hours.
  15. Personally, I don't think minting or using currency with those words on it constitutes a First Ammendment violation. It is not espousing a creed the way the Pledge of Allegiance does by including the words "Under God". That's a spoken pledge, a vow if you will, that shouldn't have any religious connotations if you want allegiance from atheists, the way I see it. Also sprach zyncod.
  16. I've had this happen with rockfish. They swim near the bottom and when you hook them they don't put up much of a fight. You think you've just got some plant on your hook so you reel it in quickly to free the line and the rockfish has it's swim bladder expanded out of it's mouth and it's intestines poking out the anus. Ugly way to go. Stupid rockfish.
  17. Top 10 ways to tell your parents that you're a homosexual narcoleptic cow in a man costume: 10. "How can you sit there and drink milk while I..." zzzzzzzzzzzz 9. "Dad, I could trim your hair instead of barbecuing those..." zzzzzzzzzzzz 8. "Mom, I've been sneaking your birth control pills and the hormones have..." zzzzzzzzzzzz 7. "Zipper? No, it's the scar from when I had my append..." zzzzzzzzzzzz 6. "Remember when I went Vegan and ate nothing but grass and played Bette Midler rec..." zzzzzzzzzzzz 5. "I'm going to redecorate the box my Gateway came in and live there..." zzzzzzzzzzzz 4. "Nothing for me, Mom, I just had a low-fat Soy Chai and some cud with frien..." zzzzzzzzzzzz 3. "Mom, Dad, I've decided to be a manicurist and moooove out of..." zzzzzzzzzzzz 2. "Folks, this is Kenny. He's a farmer with really warm hands and..." zzzzzzzzzzzz 1. "Dad, it's not what you think. I spend a long time in the bathroom in the morning mostly grooming and... and... milking myself. That is what you thought I was doing?! I'm so glad to come out of the barn on this..." zzzzzzzzzzzz Next List Top 10 Healthy Foods That Aren't Selling
  18. Top 10 Reasons why the whole world, even your parents, even your dog, hates you: 10. You recieve Windows ME as a birthday gift 9. Your shoes smell like urine and you don't own a dog 8. Starbucks runs out of coffee when you get up to the counter 7. At your parent's barbeque, you get the two leftover buns but no hot dogs 6. Reality TV 5. Your parents try to find your runaway dog and never come back 4. Everyone you try to talk to holds up a preprinted sign that says, "Drop dead, Bob!" 3. The folks block SFN access 2. Friends chip in to buy you "Russian Roulette for Dummies". 1. You receive a postcard with a picture of Hell saying "Wish you were here!" signed by every living thing on Earth. Top 10 Reasons your Roommate May be an Escaped Mental Patient
  19. I believe M-theory uses ten spatial dimensions plus one temporal. You can theoretically work with more but I'm not sure if any current theories support that.
  20. Exactly. Plus you'd be shooting real black customers. The mosquito is targeting everyone who can hear it who is loitering in the square outside the theatre. Gotcha. Perhaps this is where things are unclear. I had assumed that the device is only turned on after hours or when loiterers are present. I can't see any benefit to making young paying customers walk through an annoying noise to get into the theater. There are no analogies for a noise that targets a particular race. This is definitely a unique case. Again, I don't like the device but I don't think using it is particularly an act of discrimination. A sign that says "NO SKATEBOARDING" would, by default, target people under 25 as well but no one thinks it's discriminatory.
  21. Your strawmen are becoming persistent. I'll ask you what I asked Dak. Would it make you feel better about this to know that they use the Mosquito to clear out the young loiterers and then call the police on the older loiterers? Would that show you that they are simply targeting loiterers in every way possible?
  22. Yes. We may be forced to use our own Mosquito tactics very soon. Using only the story provided by the OP, I haven't seen any indication that the sound carries over any extreme distance. I would imagine local noise ordinances would cover anyone with this kind of gripe. "Local vicinity" is too vague for the purposes of this argument. It implies a much wider area of effect than I'm willing to believe is being imposed. And, again, the Wyvern sees most of its loiterers as being young, but they see them first as loiterers. There would have been no reason to use the device if they kids weren't loitering. It has nothing to do with who is or isn't coming into the store. It's primarily about keeping people from loitering. I would definitely be on your side in this if the sound was being used to keep certain shoppers out. I guess we really don't know enough about the rest of what is done by the Wyvern about this problem. Would it make you feel better about this to know that they use the Mosquito to clear out the young loiterers and then call the police on the older loiterers? Would that show you that they are simply targeting loiterers in every way possible?
  23. Perhaps replacing the mouse will come sooner. Less functions to manage and anything that keeps both hands on the keyboard will automatically make you a faster typer. It would be sweet to have an interface that would allow me to scroll, select, navigate and open programs and files without lifting a finger. This could probably happen much sooner than replacing the keyboeard.
  24. In case you hadn't noticed, I was talking about the Wyvern Theatre, the story the OP was referring to? I made no mention of any anecdotal observations regarding any other devices. There wasn't enough information to form an opinion on. "There is one of these things around where I live" is not exactly telling me much about who placed it and why. I made it quite clear what I was talking about. I mentioned the Wyvern Theatre several times. I mentioned their particular problems with loiterers. You are trolling and being obtuse and unnecessarily argumentative. You are fast becoming the new revprez as far as I'm concerned. It's such a shame.
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