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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. Yes, in the form of ketchup. Judging by my daughter, ketchup is one of the major food groups in the US. I'm sure Emma Watson doesn't eat ketchup, though.
  2. Maybe Dave only needs to set up a voting poll for Best Debater. The rest seem to have pretty clear winners. He's going to decide later today.
  3. A shandy can be made with 7Up or Sprite instead of ginger ale. I've had them explained to me but never had one, never having been a big beer or soda fan. They sound tremendously hideous. Americans LOVE vinegar with their "chips", they just prefer the vinegar diluted with tomatoes, cayenne, onions and sugar. Oh, excuse me! Does Emma Watson like chips with her beer?
  4. A shandy is half beer and half ginger ale, crisps are potato chips. I'm calling Fundamental Attribution Error here. Don't make her out to be an alcoholic just because she's been "drinking". Seeing someone drinking a beer does not mean they are a falling down blackout drunk. Even having a bit too much is just experimentation at her age. Lighten up, people.
  5. There's drinking and then there's drinking. ;) Hermione has that girl-next-door quality about her. Couple that with the fact that Ron is oblivious to her and the average male then wants to reach out and protect her (while showing her what a real man is like, of course). It's part of the appeal of her character and you're transferring that to the actress. Seeing Emma drink a beer is not necessarily seeing her in a rehab clinic. Don't panic.
  6. Woman: (sneezes and moans several times) Man: "Excuse me, but is everything OK?" Woman: "Yes, it's just that I have this condition where every time I sneeze I have an orgasm." Man: "Yikes! Are you taking anything for it?" Woman: (smiling) "Pepper."
  7. I found this at a site which was at least asking if it was murder rather than claiming it was murder (1) If Courtney called them instead of Kurt it removes the question of security vs. suicide. Suicide's biggest piece of evidence, the shotgun and it's position, are called into question by three things: 1) it had been wiped clean, 2) it had been loaded with three rounds, and 3) a heroin addict most likely wouldn't want to go that way (admittedly conjecture). The second biggest piece of evidence for suicide is the "suicide note". Some say it didn't sound like a suicide note. I think it easily could have been. (2)
  8. I find a discrepancy in your testimony. Btw, where were you on the night of April 8th, 1994? I just think it would be a more credible approach to pick apart the evidence that suggests it was suicide and see if there is stronger evidence that it was murder. Looking for motive assumes it ws murder and insures you will either dismiss any suicide evidence or try to link it to the homicide thesis. The name of the person filing the missing person report is blanked out. Does anyone know who filed it? One report said it was "the family" but was it his wife or his mother? I read something about a call allegedly made by Cobain's mother to the Seattle police warning them that Cobain had fled a CA rehab center, was suicidal and had bought a shotgun. Was it ever confirmed that his mother made that call? It seems like a lot of info for a person about to commit suicide to confide to his mother.
  9. Is that the whole point? Sorry, then I'm not interested. I thought that setting out all the evidence that suggests it was murder should come first. If you automatically assume it was murder and jump right to accusing suspects then I'll never be convinced you didn't lead yourself to a conclusion based on your own presuppositions. I was semi-interested in taking a case apart scientifically but this approach insures it'll be just another conspiracy theory.
  10. Personally, I think it would be more credible to try to establish a case for murder as opposed to the suicide it was concluded to be. Pointing fingers assumes it was murder and I don't think you want to leap that far ahead.
  11. Am I remembering right that there were no fingerprints on the gun? And wasn't the room cleaned like someone had wiped it down? Abusing a corpse in any way that might offend family sensibilities IS against the law. It's not murder, but it is covered under public indecency statutes.
  12. Most likely it was a Pyrex pan and you've probably had it for years. After going in and out of the oven so many times Pyrex can develop stress fractures from thermal fatigue. Sometimes tiny scratches can add to the stress as well. I've noticed that Pyrex is really tough but when it goes it goes big time. I've dropped Pyrex from three feet or more onto hardwood and tile and it hasn't broken. Once I dropped a measuring cup and it landed just wrong and literally blew up, throwing pieces all over the kitchen.
  13. I can talk to Dave about extending the edit window a bit. I think it's set for six hours right now. There's no reason why you can't correct a bad post with a better post later in the thread. Then a mod can either soft delete it or just leave it in since you've made corrections in another post. The edit window prevents people from going back and changing a bunch of stuff that leaves threads in a shambles, something that's been abused before. It also helps with Warnings since the culprits can't edit the evidence. But mostly in a science and debate forum it's important to be precise the first time around. Pleez tri knot tu mayk enny miztakkes.
  14. "Don't wipe your feet, it's new carpet!" "It's actually less embarassing in front of a large crowd." "Baseball is more fun when no one hits the ball." "Did you say 'boarding pass' or 'BOMB'? "Televangelists aren't in it for the money." "I'll have the tofu fried in bacon grease." "Cheating? That's rather clever of you." "Stop working so hard and I'll continue your funding." "Danger is my maiden name."
  15. I'm definitely not an expert, but I would imagine acoustic signatures of organic origins are quite different and distinguishable from inorganic sources. I know a good sonar operator has an amazing capability for making such distinctions, and can tell the difference in classes of submarines by the varying sounds of their propellers underwater and even when one has flooded a torpedo tube prior to discharge. Oscilloscope signal characteristics from fifty years of underwater listening documentation have probably produced a set of analysis standards that allow experts to say with confidence that "bloop" is definitely organic in origin.
  16. Remeber that this "bloop" was detected by a SOSUS array, very sophisticated and extremely well tested. Underwater acoustics have been monitored by the US Navy since the early part of the Cold War. We've had decades to catalog sounds and ty to figure out exactly what made them. Beleive me, these guys know the difference between a pocket of methane and an architeuthis fart.
  17. We really need more than 17 people posting nominations. If you haven't already participated in the SFN User Awards Nominations yet, please do it NOW!
  18. In the sign up questionaire you fill out to join it asks if anyone referred you to the site. If you list their username they get a referral.
  19. If you click OK it probably takes you to a site selling penile enhancement drugs (DOS Attack? Der Ober Schlong mit Viagara! Yah!)
  20. Well, it's over with and you should take extra care next time about washing up before eating. Rehydrate yourself and be glad you're young. Salmonellosis can kill older folks. I recommend you thoroughly clean your trainers. For your carpet, do you have OxiClean for clothes-washing in the UK? I mix the powder in water and put it in a sprayer for carpet stains. Start out with a very light spray (small amount, DON'T soak it), let it penetrate for a few minutes and BLOT with a cloth you can dispose of. Too much OxiClean will bleach out the carpet so start with a little and then wait till it dries before using more. Either use gloves or wash well afterwards. For added peace of mind use a disinfectant spray on the areas. Then go have a bacon and brie on ciabatta (put some red onions on this time; that'll probably kill any bacteria ).
  21. Did your entire house go on the walk? Did your entire house have bacon and brie on ciabatta (that does sound tasty). You gave us a little too much info about the illness and not enough about the contamination. Salmonellosis can develop in 12 hours and can last untreated for 7 days, and it's symptoms include diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps. You could have picked it up from stepping in fecal matter or it could have been introduced into your sandwich by a sloppy and pretentious deli staffer.
  22. This forum doesn't publish how to make explosives. Too many people might get hurt and it is our policy to avoid helping them do that. Don't ask again.
  23. Quantum indeterminacy problem. Dave calculated how fast the server was actually going and then for two days we had no idea where it was.
  24. Never kiss anyone who can lick their own butt. You can't myth with that philothophy.
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