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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. thequeenofhearts has been banned as a sockpuppet of some other ignorant asshat with too much time on their hands. Please grow the fuck up.
  2. As a guess, I'd say it's because the scientists are smart. Evolution's changes are in large part responses to changing environments. They probably figure that how we look isn't as important as how well-equipped we are to handle the world around us. Besides, if we evolve features that would look hideous to us now, I can guarantee that by then they'll be considered gorgeous, with just as much certainty as the artists in your links.
  3. ! Moderator Note If the rest of us are going to benefit from your perspective on this matter, you need to understand that posting barbarous responses to barbarous actions doesn't inspire meaningful discussion, and comments like this break many rules. If I suspend you for this, how can we learn from your perspective? Please feel free to post reasonable comments, but no more of this, Sensei.
  4. Buai has been suspended for 3 days for uncivil behavior. We attack ideas here, not people.
  5. ! Moderator Note Can you post the question in question rather than make members click the link?
  6. Central Colorado, USA. I just looked up the current restrictions, and it looks like they've had to change their tune and allow folks to retain up to 110 gallons of rainwater in no more than two barrels for gardening only. The new laws went into effect last August. This state has a history of claiming water rights over neighbors who obtained statehood after we did, and that's led to some bizarre water laws.
  7. Providing a seat for sitting for x hours has somewhat reasonable expectations. Just give us some hydration, snacks, reading material, video entertainment, window view, minimal privacy, access to the loo, and the vast majority of us are good. Providing a bed for sleeping for x hours is going to open the airlines up to much heavier expectations. We need plug-ins for medical devices like CPAP and more privacy, to start. I can only imagine what a large population is going to require from the airlines in order to fall asleep on the plane. Also, this design still has to allow for evacuation per FAA guidelines. It might be tough clearing the whole plane quickly enough if folks start out lying down.
  8. Laws like that may be tied to commerce. Iirc, in the US we can grow veg for our personal consumption on just about any property we own. Trying to sell it to others is a whole different kettle of corn.
  9. I think that's still too much of a leap. If it was a sudden death, how did the brain know "it will not recover"? I think it's much more likely that the brain was trying to determine what was happening wrt an event it's never experienced before. Scanning the past to see if there's a familiar pattern that can explain this new phenomenon. Death could feel so different that "life flashes before your eyes" in an effort to categorize it.
  10. Many of the homes I visited in Germany had the gutters designed to drain into a single downspout in the backyard, and that led to a series of catch-barrels. All of these homes had veg gardens, and the owners used rainwater exclusively for gardens. I was so impressed that I looked into something like it in the US, and found that my municipality doesn't allow homeowners to retain rainwater in any way. I still don't understand why, but apparently they fear people would hoard it so much that it would stop raining and filling the reservoirs. Or they could be greedy.
  11. I'm uncertain, but didn't Schrödinger publish some pussy records?
  12. ! Moderator Note If you post again to explain what you mean, please do so without advertising your YouTube channel, and please provide much more detail than "it's all in the blood". Your posts need to make sense so others can respond and a conversation forms. Assume people want to know what you're talking about.
  13. Adelbert_Einstein has been released into the wild, in the hopes that one day they will grow up to be... well, more grown up.
  14. Or celebrate them loudly with a smile because you're doing your part to keep your society safe. Aren't we all glad there are laws that prevent people from urinating in the streets? Aren't there situations where the government "being tough with society" is exactly why we have government in the first place? I think the mistake is in thinking mandatory masking or isolating is the government being "tough". In this case, enforcement of laws should be considered a neutral or null state. If the police give you a ticket for going over the speed limit, are they being "tough on society"?
  15. ! Moderator Note Aliens are like karma. If you want to use them as an argument for anything else, you need to establish support for their existence FIRST. If you keep asserting things you're unwilling to support, you won't be doing the minimum needed to keep this speculative thread open.
  16. ! Moderator Note Moved to Suggestions, Comments, and Support. Asking questions to start a thread? Excellent idea! It engages others by signaling that you're encouraging conversation rather than standing on a corner shouting at passersby. Religion is treated differently here, I have to admit. We want a reasoned, critical look at any subject we discuss, including Politics and Religion. We don't want rants or opinion expressed as fact. If you have something to say about anything here, understand that the members will hold you to certain levels of rigor while the moderators will hold you to the rules. Other than that, there's no clampdown of rights or censorship going on here. The topics aren't the problem, and if you just want to bash religion, I understand, but please use language that makes it clear you're expressing opinions. Do you understand? You can talk all you want about reincarnation, but if you use it to support another idea, we're going to ask you for evidence of reincarnation first.
  17. ! Moderator Note You need to spend more time thinking about the opening posts to your threads. This doesn't invite discussion, and looks like you're simply starting with an assumption and ranting from there. Please do better next time. This is a science discussion forum with a section for Religion.
  18. ! Moderator Note Fixed that.
  19. ! Moderator Note Moved to Speculations. Please provide evidence (not just the links) for this belief of yours, in order to raise it above the level of "opinion". And if you're going to use "karma" in your arguments, you need to first establish it with supportive evidence.
  20. Is this homework?
  21. The topic is fine. The problem is your approach to discussing it. Einstein's theories had nothing to do with either biology or politics. You're projecting one analogy Einstein used onto a situation where it's not appropriate. Analogies have very discrete and limited application. The trampoline analogy isn't even a good one for gravity, and confuses lots of people. This is what I mean. This is a False Dilemma. There are other situations that can cause change on the level you're talking about. You're basing your argument on something demonstrably false. There are other globe-affecting phenomena besides war, like severe weather or contact from off-world or even a global pandemic. Then you assume a world war will be a great thing, ushering in a new era of stability. How has that worked out for many of the world's war-torn countries? When you make assertions like this, you need to back them up with evidence, or state them so they're obviously your opinion. Or you could start by asking some questions, get some people interested in DISCUSSING this with you, rather than trying to preach or blog at us. So far, your science isn't at the level where you should be drawing conclusions without a LOT of outside input. This is the part where you're supposed to discuss your ideas with peers to make sure they can stand a rigorous beating. Well, when you can handle forum discussion and tough questions about your arguments, start another thread.
  22. No, this is demonstrably false. OK, so you haven't studied any evolution, so proper responses won't be understood. What prompted you to just make stuff up? Do you think this is a reasoned argument? The rest of your post was built on this nonsense, so there's really nothing constructive to say about it. Wrong, please study the subject, and take another try at it later?
  23. ! Moderator Note Rule 2.1 says: Slurs or prejudice against any group of people (or person) are prohibited. Nobody is interested in your bigotry, and your posts are aimed more at controversy and prejudice than discussion. If this is your A game, please take it elsewhere. This is a science discussion forum.
  24. ! Moderator Note If you open another thread on this topic, please remember to phrase it so others can participate, and leave out the dramatic blogging (OMG, the only way to stop the trampoline!!!). This is a science forum, and rants are boring. This one is closed for being a big old ugly soapbox.
  25. ! Moderator Note One account per member, please: https://www.scienceforums.net/profile/143735-alexpontik/
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