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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. Was it just me or did it seem really condescending when the narrator was saying, "Do you like to get drunk? Do you like to wear sexy clothes?", like it was the woman's fault for being so alluring?
  2. OMG, I was going to joke about whether or not it was spring-loaded and it turns out it is! Btw, Lance, the device diagram looks particularly funny over your signature. Has anyone downloaded the video they have at the website? It was horribly done and I really didn't like some of the implications they made. There is one shot of a guy coming home late, the woman is in bed, he hops in and comes on to her, she is obviously not in the mood but he presses the issue as she turns her head sideways to avoid kissing him. Now I think a rapist deserves whatever malicious thing he gets (I like Jouhn5746's teeth comment), but to use something like this on your boyfriend or spouse? It may be rape since the advance was unwanted, but I think leaving him would have been a better first move.
  3. I think those are great words to state it. I completely agree with your feelings. We just have to be careful what we advocate as a solution. Screening men for a predilection towards pedophilia before allowing them to procreate sounds like a highly corruptible system.
  4. Because it wasn't part of what I was asking you about. You added a bit of misleading vividness to strengthen a position you didn't have before. You are asking me to knock down a strawman of your making instead of answering my original question. You should be careful about what you are denying to others based on what they may have a predilection for. Attraction is not illegal. Are you advocating differently?
  5. That's a bit of a strawman. You're adding an element of violence into the analogy that wasn't there before. While I wouldn't discount incest as a possibility since it could happen to a non-pedophile, I don't think they would necessarily be more predisposed. Something changes in most people when they have children. I suppose if the police figured they could make a case for child porn they might be able to subpoena IP addresses as evidence. It would have to go beyond simple nudity, I'm sure. GAH!
  6. From an article in Scientific American: http://www.scientificamerican.com/askexpert_question.cfm?articleID=00074524-85CD-1D51-90FB809EC5880000
  7. I don't know the legalities involved. I'm sure blike would know best. Did ezekiel23 confess to an actual crime in his posts? Because while we may be repelled by his beliefs and desires, as long as he has not acted illegally he need not fear the police.
  8. I actually didn't get a chance to read all your posts before you erased them. I wasn't sitting at my comp the whole time. I rely on the forum to pick up the thread where i last left off. And with so many members, threads and posts, I don't always get a chance to read them all until sometime later. As a poster and a member, I view it the way someone seeking knowledge views burning books. You have taken away my chance for learning. Despite the nature of this thread and the fact that many of us have children in the range you're describing, all here were willing to listen. As a Moderator, you have violated this thread and made many replies look silly for future viewers. Of what were you afraid? Surely you must realize by now that, despite what some people were mentioning earlier, your IP address would never be shared. Word quickly spreads when internet forums depart from their integrity.
  9. Fixed. This thing looks dangerous to the user. Nothing that pointy should be used near anything that delicate. And wouldn't having the rapist's blood inside you increase your chances of an STD? How about printing out an official-looking tag that says the wearer is being quarantined for the ebola virus? Laminate it, wear it around your neck and whip it out when needed. Cost: $2.
  10. What worked for me was a total clean break. As YT said, set a date and do it and make a list of all the reasons why your life will be better. I wouldn't keep any cigs around though. That's just leaving the door open. The real trick is not to close or even lock the door, but to make the door go away, make smoking not an option in your life. Remember, you still have to live in a world where other people smoke. It's just not right for you. As atinymonkey mentioned, change your routine a bit. You need to break the patterns that made you reach for a cig. The physiological crave goes away pretty quickly. Behavior modification will help you with the psychological bits. DO NOT substitute one habit for another! Candy, coffee, extra food, toothpicks, forget it. Don't swap a thing for a thing. Use the extra $ for an activity you couldn't afford before (exercise will help your metabolism through the change).You can do this without crutches.
  11. Thus erasing any credibility you may have gained. Thanks for wasting our time.
  12. Actually, the ratio of views to replies is half that of the homosexuality thread, and significantly lower than most other threads. This is merely the longest thread in the Psychology sub-forum, and to that I attribute the fact that everyone is allowing the quest for knowledge to overcome their potential desire to flame out and get the thread closed. Nothing will change my mind that adult sex with prepubescent children is wrong, but no one seems to be telling me that it isn't. Many things that attract us are capable of being avoided with restraint, common sense and concern.
  13. I had no contact with the former tenants, I only saw the places where they lived and raised their families for a time. Part of the agreement in accepting such housing is a duty to keep health department standards for cleanliness. I think such knowledge was assumed. I guess I also made the mistake of assuming that anybody would realize that when enough grease accumulates on the countertop next to the stove, cleaning it up will allow you to actually use that countertop again. No. Such as apathy regarding the conditions in which you live. This is my whole point. But I would disagree with the excessive wealth part if that wealth was hard-earned. People who come into sudden wealth they didn't earn can fall prey to lack of pride in their efforts as well. People who order transatlantic takeout are not usually those who have worked their ass off for the money it requires. Again, I had no contact with the former tenants. I made no judgements or assumptions about the people other than to say they treated their gift poorly. I further attributed this treatment to the fact that they were handed this gift and felt no pride possibly because they had not worked hard to earn it. Congratulations! Something tells me that although you have seen the very situations hasmusen is talking about, from the poverty to the medications, you will probably not be ordering fish and chips to be flown over from London.
  14. Telepathy and other magic of this sort needs to be confined to the Pseudoscience sub-forum. I can appreciate this view. I'm personally put off by most hard-core porn. I feel it demeans both the viewer and the subject, besides leaving little to imagine. But I understand my opinion is not shared by most males. I respect this. It is actually a logical fallacy known as Slippery Slope, suggesting that abuse that starts small will inevitably lead to bigger abuses, but I happen to believe that is human nature. It takes a very strong person to resist the temptation. I think we've identified some very important distinctions here. I know I still feel that children prior to puberty should not be led towards sexuality. It sounds like that view is supported by the pedophiles posting here. I understand that your views towards those individual children who show a tendency towards early sexual initiation are different. No one here seems to be advocating seduction of innocents. But are there ways that children who do show sexual interest before puberty can be channeled towards intelligent choices beyond their wisdom?
  15. ed84c gets to call you naive again!
  16. Brevity is the soul of wit. Man: "Rabbi, since we're not allowed to work on the Sabbath, is sex considered work or play?" Rabbi: "Sex is definitely play. If it was work, my wife would have the maid do it." A stick.
  17. Some capitalist you are if you can't see the benefits of sending them a measly $1000 to get $2.5M.
  18. Did I say they were? You owe us two jokes now. Make 'em funny. Cashier: "You must be single." Callipygous: "You can tell that from what I'm buying?" Cashier: "No, you're ugly!"
  19. Funny is what we're looking for. Against forum policy.
  20. You should fly out to Lake Havasu and buy London Bridge back for the good old UK!
  21. I split the thread off from the original. Good point. Name changed.
  22. I want to say I admire all who are posting in this controversial thread for their tact, insightful comments and good judgement. This could have so easily degenerated into a flame war long ago. Kudos to all. That said, due to the many complaints we are receiving about this thread's content from members, I am closing it for today (possibly longer pending administrative decision). If it gets opened again, I would remind those posting from both sides that this is a science forum, hence we need citation and studies referenced. There are plenty of places on the web to discuss personal sexual opinions.
  23. I found this debate (so Dak and I can sleep again) at: http://www.gatorace.com/blog/archives/2005/02/mensa_desk_cale.html It seems more people feel that $0.76 is correct and that the calendar's answer is wr... wro... wr... wrong.
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