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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. I agree with you. Did you download Ad-Aware? Say goodbye to spies!
  2. Which bloodhound is this? The one who loves poetry or his evil twin?
  3. Tyson on the ropes; Danny Williams knocked him down. (no ears to bite here!)
  4. She sees the future; He stares and doesn't know her. No future in that!
  5. Several arrests (swept under the rug) but no convictions. Yet.
  6. I hear Tyson wanted to go to England because of Prince Charles. Now there's a set of ears...
  7. A lady bought a new $100,000 Mercedes and proudly drove it off the showroom floor. Halfway home, she tried to change radio stations and saw that there appeared to be only one station. She immediately turned around and headed back to the dealer. The salesman calmed her down and told her that her car radio was voice-activated, and that she would only need to state aloud the type of music that she wanted and the car would find it. She got back into the car and started the engine and then said the word "country," and the radio changed to a station playing a Garth Brooks song. "This is very cool," she thought, and drove off happily. After a while she said "rock 'n' roll" and the radio changed stations to a song by the Rolling Stones. A few blocks from her house, another driver ran a light causing her to slam on her brakes to avoid a collision. The woman angrily exclaimed, "Idiot!" ...and the radio cut over to Bush's press conference.
  8. Boys titilated... Not in school or just no class? Girls "figure" them out.
  9. I think this is the biggest problem with US politics. With everybody convinced you have to vote either Republican or Democrat, they can keep us at odds with each other over platform differences. We don't stop to question when their actions go against these platforms, we don't question when they make promises they don't keep and we somehow forget that it's the lobbyists they listen to. The PACs and special interest groups are in their faces EVERY DAY and the voting public is not. The US is so competitive we even treat our politics like a game of football. Will your team win or mine? If the other side wins you mope and grumble and refuse to get behind the office or the concept itself. I would like to see a president who wasn't so obviously tied to the major corporations. We are frightened and unwilling to stand up for ourselves when we think our livelihoods might be on the line, but the truth is the corporations would find a way to make money no matter who was president, even if he supported the people first.
  10. Naked girl, why is yourdadonapogostick? Mom says, "Get dressed now!"
  11. You are forgiven. Yolks are not so funny now! Sleep on feather bed.
  12. Bloodhound schizo boy, did you take your pill today? The voices are WRONG!
  13. Cap'n! My Cap'n! Thinks he can't get down with Hai (really very ku).
  14. Smart hardware dealer! Glider with his flamethrower- Dixon's still standing.
  15. Watch out! Blike is here! NSX says he is best, but "Brilliant"?!?! Not yet.
  16. Play nice, you monkey! Climbing down the psychic thread (That horse was too high!). Better phi us all to admit when we are wrong. Admiral? YT?
  17. Blatently you suck?There's no Haiku's from Dave yet on which to base this!
  18. Wow. Obviously, this is worth a lot to you. I am so sorry for ever questioning your niceness. I'll compose a Haiku for you.
  19. Let me guess: you're just down the street from here...
  20. Sayo thinking, "Hey! All spam must now be in this Haiku form, or else!"
  21. J'Dona writing. Intensely concentrating; It must be perfect!
  22. Ninja samurai cloaked in vocabulary; Sayonara, dude!
  23. Bloodhound sees his dream thread explode into funny little laugh-u-lets.
  24. See the puppet show! Cheney makes Bush and Blair dance for Haliburton.
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