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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. I loved the movie, although by the end, Melvin revamps his opinion of all women after he lets Carol into his obsessive-compulsive world. I got the feeling he'd never be able to write trashy romance novels again.
  2. Martian Gin Honky!
  3. A man is seated next to a woman on an airplane. When the plane has leveled off, the woman begins to sneeze. Each time she sneezes, she grabs the arms of her seat and arches her back for a few seconds before finally settling back down. After five of these strange sneezes, the man leans over and asks, "Are you all right? I've never seen anyone sneeze like that before!" She gives him a worn out smile and says, "I'm sorry if I've bothered you. I have a rare affliction: every time I sneeze, I have an orgasm!" The man looks shocked, then says, "I've never heard of that before. What are you taking for it?" With a grin, the woman replies, "Pepper."
  4. Ascribing real attributes to these photos would be a phallusy (sic).
  5. I believe the reference was to Bush getting payments from the Saudis, who are Al Qaida's biggest funders, through the Carlisle Group, where Bush Sr. is on the board of directors, hardly an average investor.
  6. I would define it further as the fear of being perceived as less than acceptable.
  7. I own it. I agree with Moore that we are being manipulated by fear. He brings that across in his new film as well. Have you seen it?
  8. I just saw Fahrenheit 9/11 last night. I felt it had a lot of good and bad points. I can't believe half the US supposedly thinks Bush deserves to be president of the United States. On the other hand, I think Michael Moore needlessly edited some pieces together regarding Bush tying Al Qaida to Saddam Hussein. Bush had always tried to justify the invasion of Iraq with terrorism and thus with the 9/11 attack. I felt it weakened Moore's credibility to clip together random footage of Bush saying "Al Qaida" and "Iraq" or "Saddam". Overall, I think the movie had it's intended effect on me. Anyone else see it?
  9. It lacks a cattle prod. Dave, I'm sorry if you were going to say this eventually, but I felt it couldn't wait!
  10. As someone who likes to "sample" everything, I've often wondered this myself. When it comes to philosophies, whether it's religion, politics, raising children or whatever, I would feel like a sheep if I took someone else's packaged beliefs as my own. There are principles of many political parties that I firmly believe in, but not all of them. I'm fiscally conservative, socially liberal and believe that the needs of the people should be put ahead of the needs of big business, so I have NO representation in the politics of my country. My religious beliefs are even harder to categorize. I think the reason people put these lables on themselves is to seek allies in their beliefs, perhaps because they still are unsure if they've made the right choice.
  11. I always hoped my mind would be the last to go.
  12. When my five-year-old insists on wasting time or doing something silly we call her a goober (goober=peanut or nut). ExtraSense is the Uber Goober!
  13. Why didn't you put this in the first thread?
  14. I'm chuffed.
  15. I think this joke is appropriate since ExtraSense likes to post here.
  16. It only charges 2 AA batteries at a time, so I'm guessing they want you to buy 3 or 4 at 18 Euros each. It's still a great alternative to paying a 10 to 15 times markup (guessing).
  17. What a wonderfully sunny idea! I just love alternative energies!
  18. That one's not mine. That's vintage Steve Martin.
  19. That's also good to know. I didn't think rechargeable technology was very well supported, sort of like solar. They make more money off of us with regular batteries. I hear they've got a new type of plastic that holds a charge that can be made as thin as paper.
  20. In fifteen states and Washington DC, common law marriages are recognized between hetero couples who are not formally married if they act as if they are married and this gives them the same rights as married couples (insurance, pensions, taxes, hospital restrictions, etc). But common law does not recognize ANY same sex couples. Can you make him dance or swing the scythe by flexing your biceps or does he just breath funny?
  21. Do you use a wireless mouse or was that a kitten/mouse joke?
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