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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. A. Tell them you hung yourself and the rope is too tight to talk so that's why you're writing. Q. What's your favorite conspiracy theory?
  2. Neanderthals had bigger occipital lobes. So your neighbor could remember the score of every game he ever bowled, but a 6-10 split would put him in a drooling coma.
  3. After making sure my family is taken care of financially, I use my last billion dollars to get a truly worthy woman elected president of the United States. Since she owes no favors to anyone but me, she abolishes the Electoral College, makes it illegal for anyone who owns a business to also own any form of media, spends half the defense budget on alternative energy research, the other half on repairing US foreign relations, and then fully funds both the military and education with money taken from former porkbarrel projects. I die when I smile so wide my head falls off.
  4. Links that don't involve The Star or The National Enquirer!
  5. You just had a major birthday, you fell in love... again, you're laying in bed thinking sad thoughts today, tomorrow everything will look completely different. This is common. This is normal. This is LIFE!
  6. No need to edit, it just sounded as though you were quoting someone you thought very highly of. Do you believe God is Matter/Energy' date=' Space/Time, or does He merely use them for His programming? The rate of evolution is changed by many different catalysts, but that's what evolution is by definition, organisms developing and adapting based on specific environmental need. You view "Man" as the masterpiece of evolution. It seems that "Man" and "God" are the only things deemed worthy by your circle representation. Personally' date=' I think that:1) viewing the entire human race as "Man", 2) believing "Man" to be the only important species, and 3) believing that everything we do is just a part of God's plan (programming), has gotten us into a tremendous amount of trouble in the world. To illustrate: 1) Woman is wrongly perceived as secondary to Man. How much farther along would the medical field be today if five million "witches" weren't burned at the stake during the Inquisition for practicing herb lore? 2) We are pillaging our own environment and destroying species which may be the keystones to our own survival, simply because it will supposedly make our lives easier. 3) The current war in Iraq was inspired by God because He told George Bush to invade, which is OK because it was pre-ordained and programmed by the MMM. Do you see my point? Does this mean that Time (Eternity) is a man-made invention? Is this "Forseeing Mechanism" some kind of oracle? I understand what you mean everywhere else in your posts, but I don't understand this.
  7. Phi for All


    RussianRoulette, this sounds like the perfect thing for you to get involved in. When YT2095 posted regarding buckling wings I immediately thought of ways to decrease stress during initial thrust, and your mention of wing shape efficiency earlier fits in perfectly (I love designing paper airplanes and always dreamed of being able to launch them from as high a point as possible). CAD would be great to know unless you're really good with sketch, also 3-D modeling, any computer skills would help. And get on good terms with your shop teachers, of course.
  8. If matter=energy and God is the mastermind of matter' date=' does the "independent rate" you speak of have to do with space/time? Is God the master of space/time as well, in your opinion? Are other living things inside the circle or outside the circle? Programming suggests pre-determined destiny and I don't believe I am not shaping my life with the choices I make. I also find it hard to believe God would give us free will and then feel the need to make our choices for us. You've placed "Mechanism of Evolution", "Independent Rate" and this last part in quotes. Are these quotes attributable to you or someone else?
  9. The feeling is mootual.
  10. Phi for All


    Is your trajectory vertical like a rocket or are you starting at an angle as a plane would?
  11. Not necessarily true, moo. As long as it could speak in semi-understandable sentences and its family could rig the vote, it could become president of the United States someday.
  12. The zero-point field is the vast quantity of matter which exists at the lowest possible energy state, almost at rest but not quite, using the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Even a vacuum will contain residual electromagnetic radiating waves of force at this zero-point of energy. Like many quantum phenomena, it is unobservable to us, but can be detected by its effects. I remember reading somewhere that we can't see it because it is so overwhelmingly present it gives no contrast to itself, the way you couldn't see light if there were no darkness to show you the difference.
  13. I found this which contains only one reference to quons (on page 2): The accelerated imploding vector arrows from every direction gives us a local understanding of inertia and inertial-mass without relying on Mach’s principle. Contrary to general opinion, there is no natural way Mach’s principle is contained in general relativity. This phenomena also gives us an understanding of the matter-wave duality, where wavelength λ = h/mc and the matter-wave duality; the quon ‘(phi)‘ = mλ and is the constant (h/c).This indicates gravity is connected to matter through relativistic effects when the reference frame of the vacuum is accelerated. Again, this paper is on using the ZPF to unify all forces, suggesting that all matter is part of the same basic force, gravity included. According to this hypothesis, everything that exists, man-made or not, is of a similar base structure. Is the "quon field" in your question the same as the ZPF? I'd also be interested to know more about phi being a quon, for personal reasons.
  14. I thought the zero-point field was supposed to be all encompassing, permeating everything everywhere. What would be the purpose of manufacturing more of it?
  15. It's hard to be serious about something which is supposed to reveal hidden meanings when it has so many variables. It's like finding hidden codes in the Torah when Hebrew has no vowels, so you get to fill in what makes sense.
  16. A horse once bit my sister. But it turned out to be a moose.
  17. Kool-aid drink you will.
  18. The main problem with ANY theory is when it is the only one represented. I see nothing wrong with teaching creationism as long as it is presented along with all the other theories as well. Choosing what to teach doesn't teach learning. Don't teach just one theory of anything. This puts the decision to learn on the teacher, not the student. Only by comparing and contrasting various beliefs will we learn to spot the truth. If I always prompt my five-year-old to remember her coat before going out, I am teaching her to be dependant on me for remembering her coat. If I let her go out without it, she will experience the effects of weather on her own and she will learn that not remembering her coat (and the consequences) is up to her.
  19. Phi for All


    Since it is legal for "them" to shoot my mother if they concoct a reason, but illegal for me to shoot "them" before they can, won't I find my house surrounded by SWAT teams or targeted by military smart weapons if I try? Then I lose my mother, my son, my neighbor AND myself. The 2nd Ammendment states that, due to the necessity of maintaining a well-regulated militia, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. If you think having guns in your house makes you safe from your own government, think again. Maybe you should try to form a well-regulated militia in your neighborhood. Get some training in firearms, look for the signs of neglect that criminals are drawn to, spruce things up a bit, work with local law enforcement and neighborhood watches and maybe you will be taking some positive measures towards keeping yourself safe. Otherwise you're just another armed crazy in a compound.
  20. Not that I'm condoning any conspiract theories, but mooey is right, the CIA takes too much flak to be at the heart of any media control. The NSA, however, has a charter that allows it to work inside US territory. And like the CIA, they have an undisclosed budget. And their expertise is also spying.
  21. Phi for All


    This is such a tricky issue. I own guns because I'm allowed to, and because taking away any of my rights makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up (btw, I had it braided in cornrows when the Patriot Act was rammed through). Beyond the reasons sited in this thread, I think the worst thing about owning a gun for protection is that it's the first thing you think of whenever you perceive a threat. The chances are so small that the threat will be best met by lethal force. Having my gun at full ready on the off-chance that a true crazy has targeted me is ludicrous. You may say I'd be thankful I had it ready for the 1 chance in 100,000 I'd need it, but odds like that give me no comfort. Younger people have better reflexes than I do (there, I admitted it, with another birthday looming). They must, otherwise why would they think they're safe driving 1 car-length away from the car in front of them at 70 mph? Statistics tell me the person breaking into my house with lethal intent will be at least twenty years younger than I am. Why should I go for my gun thinking I could shoot them before they shoot me? Tell me how I can accurately identify a true lethal threat so I won't be putting large holes in everything.
  22. I see your point, Blike. It is hard for me to get around the idea of abortion not being premeditated murder, but I feel I must because if you view it as murder in the second trimester, then it's murder in the first one. I personally would not choose abortion. But I don't think I have the right to choose for everybody in every situation. Capital punishment is premeditated murder as well, it's simply justified by the state as a deterrent and justice for crimes committed, for which you can't afford decent legal representation. But I feel it is necessary at our present level of society. Keeping someone fed and housed for life at state expense is not an answer. The problem I have with it is that people view it as the ultimate deterrent to violent crime. As long as they do, nothing else will be explored to replace it.
  23. I see no dichotomy because both issues are extremely complicated and need to be viewed in context to the situation. Second and third trimester abortions are often grave matters of health. It is often not a matter of choice. And fixing the things that lead to crime can make capital punishment less necessary. There is also the matter of politics to consider. Do you sincerely believe, out of the 38 states in 2002 that had capital statutes, that Texas criminals were twice as bad as ALL THE OTHER STATES'? That year 71 criminals were executed in 13 out of those 38 states. 33 were executed in Texas.
  24. Everyone loves to complain about the roads. If they’re not full of potholes, they’re under construction. When they’re under construction, 80% of the guys are standing around while 20% do the work. It seems like when the end of a stretch of road is finished, the potholes start to appear at the beginning again. For drivers, there is a very small window of pleasurable driving experience after a road has been resurfaced. It doesn’t have to be this way. In Germany, home of the Autobahn (which is no different in concept than the Interstate Highway system in the US), they use asphalt just like most countries, yet they spend a fraction of what we pay per mile on road maintenance. They also have glass-smooth roads that last for many years without needing costly repairs. What’s their secret? They let the asphalt cure for 3 months before they let anyone drive on it. They divert traffic and drivers are made aware of alternate routes. After the asphalt cures it wears like iron and is pure heaven to drive on. On one hand, road maintenance employs a ton of people, from the workers to the asphalt manufacturers. Letting us drive on fresh asphalt means less time waiting for our favorite roads to become available again. But we pay a lot in taxes and get terrible roads in return. On the other hand, letting them cure would mean a huge savings in taxes. We’d also spend less on vehicle maintenance due to fewer potholes. And we’d have better roads to drive on. But we’d have to detour longer. No matter how this is presented, it would quickly become a political issue. Which is more important in this matter, more jobs or better roads?
  25. Some web searches brought up quons in combinations with gluons and muons, as well as a reference to "anyons as quon particles", but the pages they referred to were in a Slavic language and couldn't be opened by my computer. Edit: Found a pdf at this link in English: http://www.fu.sav.sk/aps/acta01/articles/175.pdf
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