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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. Since you clearly didn't bother to read the article, Kizer was being sex-trafficked by her abductor. What part of that situation do you think poses less than an immediate threat? When you've been abducted and abused, isn't every waking moment an immediate threat? It may take a different thread, but I'd sure like to know how you're justifying your above comments. They seem fairly reprehensible to me, but I'm sure I've misunderstood you. I hope I've misunderstood you. If a white woman shot her black abductor, does it work differently where you live?
  2. Thanks for this reminder. I'm going to try to focus on possible positive outcomes from this travesty of justice, and fixing more travesties is a worthy goal. https://meaww.com/chrystul-kizer-what-happened-internet-calls-teens-acquittal-rittenhouse-verdict
  3. You just know the American Taliban is celebrating this victory by firing their AR-15s in the air. Guns have united normally peaceful folks who claim they're conservative with some of the worst extremist elements in the country.
  4. Here's a bit that's easily shown false. We can measure such things, and radiation can be blocked, where gravity can't. I understand how the concepts of spacetime and gravity can be very non-intuitive, but there's really no need to make so much stuff up on your own. Thousands of years have gone into the accumulated knowledge of our species, and you should really take advantage of it. We've been saving it all, just for you!
  5. So, I really don't need to study the math, do I? I could just use your reasoning and your definition of logic and save myself a buttload of time! The key to mathematics, apparently, is making philosophy easier to grasp by defining it any way you want to, then claiming you "reasoned" out the "logic". I just knew all this talk about scientific rigor and evidence was busywork meant to keep me from the Truth!
  6. General Philosophy is NOT synonymous with making wild guesses that are contrary to observation and experimentation, nor is "logic" defined as "this makes more sense to me than mainstream science". You have a great many misconceptions about a lot of aspects here, so many that you've had to redefine several standard terms and effects. Overall, I'd say you started with misunderstandings, but instead of asking questions and clearing those up, you decided to start guessing at an explanation. And of course, since you started making things up based on your own knowledge, it all made SO MUCH SENSE to you... but only to you.
  7. ! Moderator Note Listen, you need to stop pushing your book here. If you want to discuss your ideas, you can do it here, but please stop advertising. If you can't comply with our rules, I'll have to boot you.
  8. ! Moderator Note That's not the way it works here. We want to discuss your idea here, but we get too many people pushing traffic to their own websites, so it's our rule that discussion stays here. Please provide us (you can copy/paste) an overview of your idea, and anything that supports it (evidence) and we can start discussing from there. You mention lots of "problems" with physics and electricity, and we want to make sure this isn't misunderstanding on your part. We also get a ton of people who don't understand Relativity, and offer alternatives, but GPS works, and we have tons of evidence to support the theory, which the alternatives don't. Thanks for understanding, and we look forward to seeing your concept presented here.
  9. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3718863/ CharonY also mentioned that some psychologist is trying to play biologist and claim correlation between serotonin level effects in lobsters with their effect on humans.
  10. Sure they do! https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/12/171211145912.htm And before this, proper methodology has helped identify many works as being Egyptian even though they'd been translated into other languages.
  11. ! Moderator Note Please STOP posting test or homework answers. We don't support cheating at all here. Do it again and you'll be suspended.
  12. You're hung up on the idea of something from nothing, which is not the case. And energy can take many forms without being "destroyed". The model for the BBT shows that nuclear energy wasn't possible until atoms were formed, allowing for the eventual production of stars. When you die, cremation or decomposition releases stored up energy in your cells, and the bonds between the molecules are broken. Ash gets left over if this release is incomplete, and pieces of you that aren't eaten and converted to chemical energy break down in other ways. The various energies that are a property of your body never leave the system (universe) entirely.
  13. Flat-Mooners everywhere are howling at your presumptions.
  14. ! Moderator Note You aren't ready for discussion. Whether conscious or not, you're using obfuscating tactics and tap-dancing around the actual point of discussion, which is to learn. Here we choose to tap into the exponential power of communicating the results of mainstream experimentation and observation. Guesswork has its place, but it needs to be forged in the fire of a proper methodology. You are just waving your hands and expecting this idea to fly. Thread closed, don't bring this subject up again because you obviously can't support it within our rules.
  15. ! Moderator Note But it's not happening HERE. Your discussion style is evasive and unhelpful when trying to explain your idea. You quote some responses but don't actually respond to them. You "venture guesses" and later use that to assert some other point. You write like this is a blog rather than a discussion, and your presentation style doesn't lend itself well to asking the questions you really need to be asking. You've been told this A LOT. You don't change, and seem to double down on your biggest mistakes. You wave your hands and dance around the gaps in this idea, and it's frustrating to the folks who are taking time to help. You need to address the issues that have been shown, and please do so like we're at a table talking, not like you're at a podium or trying to talk your way out of a speeding ticket.
  16. From the link: Those bastards are insane. https://www.cnn.com/2021/11/15/politics/russia-anti-satellite-weapon-test-scn/index.html
  17. We used shoestrings at first because you just couldn't get thin elastic after the craft/fabric stores ran out. I now have mad skills at tying/untying a bow knot behind my head, which should come in handy for future escapes and certain magic tricks.
  18. Which is completely off-topic. If someone wants to know how to fix an LP record player, it's meaningless to point out how CDs work differently. Don't you think it's safe to assume the OP is looking at that "bare" HD platter? I don't think its existence is in question.
  19. My sister-in-law found a good pattern and made up 3 or 4 each for family and friends over the last couple years. She used materials she had on hand (except the elastic, always had to keep re-ordering that), so I have some solid color masks as well as a couple that look like drapery or chair cushion material. If I'm doing more than a few errands, or going to the doctor/dentist, I have some disposable KN95 masks I wear beneath the homemade mask. When we were actively making masks, I stopped at a grocery store I don't normally shop at, and they had a big round container filled with colorful, jumbo anodized aluminum paper clips. I needed some clips that big, but it hit me they might be good for the nose bridge on our masks. They're a bit long, but that lets me curl the ends to fit, and keeps it from sliding down the nose.
  20. I use a coated jumbo paper clip and some needle nose pliers. I curl the ends in a circle so they don't poke or catch, and it slips into a sleeve along the bridge of the nose. You bend it to fit the first time you put it on, and it keeps its shape well until you remove it to wash it. I don't think I've had one break yet, but I have multiple masks.
  21. Asking questions in a science discussion forum is SO much better than making wild guesses to fill the gaps in our knowledge. Asking questions has a far better chance of yielding a trustworthy explanation. We get far too many folks who want to promote a wild guess but only support it with wavy hands and stompy feet. Thanks for the questions, they're so much easier to deal with!
  22. Infamouse has been banned for being unable to follow our rules in their quest to improve science. We welcome improvement when it's well supported by lots more than wavy hands and insistent tones.
  23. bangstrom has been suspended for 3 days for soapboxing, goalpost-moving, and depleting ocean resources with their prodigious use of red herrings.
  24. I think this is a case where I'm imagining the outrageous horrorshow of insensitivity that would push my daughter to the brink of asking the courts to stop me from purposely causing her pain and anguish wrt how she is addressed by insisting on my own preferences multiple times a day, and you're imagining my neighbors getting perp-walked to a squad car just because they forgot to use my daughter's pronouns a few times. I don't think this argument is ever going to be meaningful in its present format.
  25. Well, koti, if I didn't react the way I posted, if I refused to accept my daughter's feelings as valid, if I called her choices "ludicrous" or "ridiculous", if I insisted on using words she's told me are hurtful or uncomfortable or make her miserable, and if I insisted on MY terms for addressing HER to the point where she had to hire a lawyer to make me stop and recognize her wishes as valid, I HOPE THE JUDGE THROWS THE BOOK AT ME, or at least helps me see that this isn't about me. I would be a shitty father NOT supporting something that obviously means so much to my child. It's astonishing to me that you don't see it that way, but my child may be older than yours, so if she tells me something like this seriously, I don't assume it's a phase she's going through, or something she's doing for the PC reasons you see everywhere. I don't assume her choice is ridiculous. It's not like this is the 50s and I want her to hide her bizarre gender choices from society. I care too much to do something to turn her so firmly against me that it goes to court.
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