The present US administration calls their education program "No Child Left Behind". They proposed it, got it put through and then underfunded it by $27 billion.
They promised seniors a prescription drug benefit, but then put through a bill that gave the big drug companies $139 billion and forces seniors to pay more for prescriptions.
Their plan to lessen restrictions on air pollution is called "Clear Skies".
Their plan to allow unrestricted logging is called "Healthy Forests".
Everything this administration has done in Iraq almost seems calculated to foment as much anger from ALL the Islamic nations as possible. They bombed a mosque. They've humiliated Islamic prisoners in ways that strike at the heart of their religion. Then Bush shows his face on Arab television to apologize for it, saying "this is not the America I know", as if it is not his responsibility but OURS.
When questioned about any of this, they claim they are being misrepresented by the "liberal media". They have made this into such a sound byte that people forget that the media in the US is owned by huge mega-corporations who all have a vested interest in keeping Bush in office so that the last half-century's worth of social, economic and environmental reforms can be done away with, to make big business even more profitable.
This is the main reason I no longer trust US media. I learn more about what's really happening in the US by listening to the BBC.