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MigL last won the day on October 12 2024

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  • Location
    St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
  • Interests
    Modern Military aviation
    Computer hardware
    and of course Science
  • College Major/Degree
    B.Sc. Physics
  • Favorite Area of Science
  • Biography
    Single, never married
  • Occupation
    Solvay Canada - Phosphine and organophosphorus derivatives production

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  1. The color of their skin, or DEI, has little to do with anything. It's their stupidity, perception that they can do no wrong, and total lack of responsibility for their actions that frustrates and angers. I keep hoping I'll wake up soon.
  2. His first order post annexation, would be to deport all the immigrants, leaving only the approx. 5% indigenous population. He doesn't want our people, just our resources, and development potential for ski resorts ( like the Gaza Riviera ).
  3. I like broccoli ... The F-47 ( where did that designation come from ? ) has been in the works for some time. It was formerly known as the NGAD program for an advanced 'system of systems' air defense fighter to replace the F-22, as the numbers of F-22s were inadequate and restarting production would be prohibitively expensive, F-16 and F-15 are reaching developmental obsolescence, and the F-35 and B-21 cannot do the air dominance mission. Europe is in even worse shape, as two competing programs are set to artificially increase costs ( like EF2000 and Rafale ). The French/German/Spanish FCAS program for a 6th Gen fighter will directly compete with the British/Italian/Japanese GCAP program, Unfortunately these programs need to go ahead as Europe doesn't have an American partner in NATO that it can rely on anymore and needs to be self-sufficient in defense. It's too bad Canada doesn't have the option of waiting/partnering on these European systems, otherwise we could cancel the F-35, as we can't rely on the US anymore either ( they actually seek to annex us as the 51st state ).
  4. All news is worth watching. You just need to realize it's not W Cronkite's news anymore. All news these days, is infected by political spin and ideology ( just like society is ), so you need to do some leg-work for yourself in the way of critically thinking about what is presented/fed to you. Think for yourself, don't let others do it for you.
  5. Does the definition of 'random' include lack of knowledge, Studiot ? For example. If I give you the number sequence '15926535' you might consider it random, as it has no causal connection to any calculation nor are its members related in any way. Yet, upon further consideration, we realize it is a calculated number ( pi minus 3.14, to 10 decimal places ), and not random at all. That sequence will result every time we perform the above calculation. It is only our lack of knowledge that makes it appear random. Now, I'm not arguing against the concept of 'randomness' as there are obvious physical examples. Between any two observations/interactions of a quantum process, there are only probability amplitudes as described by the wave function, and no local reality. Swansont's previously mentioned radioactive decay, quantum fluctuations, etc.
  6. And which party would propose this Constitutional amendment ?
  7. D Trump wants to bring 'manufacturing' back to the US, and his idiotic supporters believe that will make America richer. Tell me what company is going to set up shop in the US, when Americans will refuse to work for less than $40/hr, and they have to charge customers $30 for a pair of socks which you can get, imported from India, at Walmart for $3 ? No-one will; the importer will pay the duty/tariff, and pass it on to the consumer at the higher price of $10. ( or, they'll just be manufactured robotically, and you still won't have American jobs ) Or did you get educated about tariffs at the same school as C Levitt, the WH Press Secretary ???? DEI is not dividing America; stupidity is. Some are much, much stupider than others. The much more stupid ones believe everything they are told by D Trump, and think that all the shit this president is doing will only affect others and not themselves. The other half, who have some intelligence, think that things will fix themselves, someone else will do it and they don't need to vote for responsible politicians. I'm not sure which group the people that think DEI is the cause of all this, fall into.
  8. We had a discussion about E Musk 5-6 years ago, regarding manned spaceflight to Mars. I believe I was in a minority back then, but I already recognized him as an asshole.
  9. Other than 'incels', who else might be interested in this thought experiment ? IOW, of what use are the results ?
  10. The first result I came across was the 'record' spending in the US of 1.4 Billion in 2023, which is still behind what China spends. The worldwide total seems to be 6 to 7 Billion. Compare that with the world's energy costs which Swansont provided of 30 Trillion. Or the current investment into AI, of approx. 500 Billion, mostly going to the current US Administrations Tech Billionaire buddies. I guess AI investments help to enrich Trump's buddies and brainwash the populace with group-think, while investing in fusion research helps keep Physicist/Engineers employed ( DOGE can't have that ) and the prospect of unlimited clean energy for the world.
  11. The US seems to have no problem partnering with industry to announce half Trillion dollar investments into AI research ( where the 'I' is dubious at best ), or the engineering of 5 nanometer IC foundries to facilitate the AI 'revolution'.. I wonder how much more beneficial fusion reactor research would be, as currently Chinese research is starting to leave us behind, and fusion mitigates ( or eliminates ) some of the risks of fission reactors. As Swansont says, a lot of it has to do with perception. AI is the new cool kid at the school, and gets all the attention ( just what we need, something to do our group-thinking for us ), but imagine the possibilities for humanity, of harnessing the power of the Sun, here on Earth.
  12. They do, however, have a large American military base, located in Greenland, which, considering Greenland's population and defensive capabilities, is more than adequate/capable of taking over the country. That idiot in charge of the US has already authorized planning for the invasion of the Panama Canal, yet people are still giving that lunatic the benefit of the doubt.
  13. J Trudeau's faults are far from silly mistakes. We could start with his election promises of proportional representative Government, until he won a majority and decided it wasn't in his party's best interest anymore; until the later election when they were a minority and bought another party's support ( NDP ) with undelivered promises, to stay in power well past his best before date. Or the great show he made of cancelling 'Harper's' F-35 program ( which the previous Liberal Government had locked us into ) as being too expensive, then, 14 years later after buying Junk from Australia to keep our planes from falling out of the sky, purchasing more of them then Harper intended to; they must have gone on sale. Or his virtue signaling on race and gender, before stories about him in blackface and groping young women surfaced, and the appalling way he treated women in his party/cabinet. Or his 'flexible' ethics when dealing with Liberal donating firms doing illegal business in other countries. And how about the Carbon Tax/Rebate which does absolutely nothing for the environment ? I would not mind if he took the tax dollars and invested them in infrastructure so I could charge an EV along the highways, but a wealth redistribution scam intended to buy votes is useless in combatting climate change. ( need I go on ? ) Then maybe he should stick to being a banker. Politicians have to know how people work, because they represent all their constituents. They don't represent their constituent's money. The problem with putting elitists in power, who think that they are good at everything , is that you end up with 'business men' like D Trump, who are good at ripping people off, and think that policy is done by extortion. To them, the 'deal' is more important than how it affects the people. Then again, I am judging him on very little information. He hasn't gone into full campaign mode yet, so I can't judge him on election promises, or their eventual delivery. I would think none of us know how well either M Carney or P Poilievre will serve. You cast your vote and you take your chances. Just because I dislike P Poilievre does not mean I will forgive J Trudeau's faults, nor those of his advisors, like Freeland and Carney. And speaking of 'elitists' ... Is that you, Hillary ? 😄
  14. The KM3NeT group has found evidence for high enough energy Neutrinos that may provide evidence of primordial Black Hole final evaporation. Black Holes of tens to hundreds of thousand pounds cannot be formed by stellar collapse and may have been formed shortly after the Big Bang event. If found in large numbers, such neutrinos may indicate large numbers of primordial Black Holes; perhaps enough to account for Dark Matter effects. See here for the 'Pop-Sci', quick and dirty explanation Evidence for Stephen Hawking's unproven black hole theory may have just been found — at the bottom of the sea See here for a more detailed analysis Observation of an ultra-high-energy cosmic neutrino with KM3NeT | Nature
  15. M Carny might have financial acumen, however he's seen as a J Trudeau policy advisor, much the same as was held against C Freeland in her contest against M carney. He will inherit J Trudeau's faults. And business oriented people don't seem to make good leaders ( D Trump, E Musk, etc. ) Then again, P Poilievre comes across as a little too 'slick', like a lawyer or used car salesman; you know he doesn't have YOUR best interests at heart. And don't even get me started on the NDP. Election is a toss-up. ( but I wish P McCay would run again )
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