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MigL last won the day on October 12 2024

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  • Location
    St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
  • Interests
    Modern Military aviation
    Computer hardware
    and of course Science
  • College Major/Degree
    B.Sc. Physics
  • Favorite Area of Science
  • Biography
    Single, never married
  • Occupation
    Solvay Canada - Phosphine and organophosphorus derivatives production

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  1. Curved space-time has energy. Gravitational energy gravitates. Not that I agree with any of the following ...
  2. To be fair, that was an old 'Dave Allan at Large' joke. He did a lot of Religion jokes.
  3. He has a 'concept' of a plan ...
  4. The Pope is discussing the Christian belief of God with a non-believer. After several hours of the Pope trying to convince the non-believer of God's existence, the exasperated Pope tells the non-believer "I give up. You are like a blindfolded man, in a dark room, searching for a black cat, that isn't there. How can I make you see ?" The non-believer respectfully replies "We are very much alike, your excellency. You are also like a blindfolded man, in a dark room, searching for a black cat, that isn't there. The only difference is you've found it."
  5. F Faggin was an excellent engineer in the early semiconductor days, when engineering problems were actually physics problems. He's had a distinguished career at Fairchild, Intel, Zilog and Synaptics, so I would not dismiss anything he says without consideration. However ... If your body and brain are just 'the drone' and sense-of-self and consciousness are manifestations of a quantum field, why do some brain injuries impair your sense-of-self ? Why do you lose consciousness from a blow to the head ? How are injuries to the body affecting the quantum field ?
  6. Both, the 'wanna be Emperor' and his 'first Buddy', have no clothes. And all the Republicans are afraid to tell them. That's another big problem ... People who don't understand, or willingly choose to ignore history, are always surprised when the same shit happens again. And not 90 years ago with the NAZIs and Fascists, but as recent as 2016-2020.
  7. It cannot simply be the amount of information, but the mind-set of people, and what the consider important or worry about. There are more online articles right now about T Kelce's brother being upset that people are accusing him of supporting the Eagles over the Chiefs than stories about a Russian sympathizer, Syrian dictator friendly and Snowden treason supporting ex Democrat , T Gabbard, being sworn in as Trump's choice for Director of National Intelligence. ( with the only Republican to shoe any hint of a backbone being M McConnell; really ? )
  8. The biggest problem, as I see it, is that while you guys ( CharonY, TheVat, Exchemist and INow ) are what I consider critical thinkers, a large swath of the American population is not. The majority have become the 'useful idiots' of this group trying to dismantle American democracy. Most Americans don't consider how tariffs will affect their costs or employment. They are told they are the greatest thing, and they believe it. They are told immigrants are their problem, not thinking about how many jobs immigrants ( and not Americans ) are willing to do, and how the economy and their comfort will be affected. They are told other people are taking unfair advantage of them, and the right to do so should be taken from them; they don't think and realize that the group preaching this is actually targeting them. And not just Americans. I have arguments most evenings, and even at work with otherwise intelligent people, Canadians who buy into this crap. I can somewhat understand how this could happen a century ago, where a few influential people could sway people's minds, but I cannot understand how people are so easily swayed today given the wealth of information sources and viewpoints available.
  9. Next he'll be telling us DEI causes plane crashes. Oh, wait ... Another uninformed guy already did.
  10. Did not know that; then again, they rotate those positions fairly quickly. He just became Prime Minister of Poland in '23. Doing a much better job than some of those other Eastern European leaders ( like V Orban, or R Fico ).
  11. Ok; we agree. My apologies for being violent 😄
  12. What an unfortunate name for the PM of Poland; sounds like an amalgam of DONALD Trump and elon mUSK. How will anyone take him seriously ?
  13. And I maintain it is not achievable. Temperature can be defined in two ways. Chemists are fond of the 'molecular/atomic motion' description. Physicists tend to use the 'energy of the system' description. It allows us to assign a 'temperature' to a single particle.
  14. I don't recall saying temperature; just that absolute zero is not achievable. But you do recall Heisenberg says that if you stop all motion of a quantum particle, its position is determined exactly, and therefore, its momentum, and energy, is indeterminate. What exactly, am I misconceiving; please elaborate.
  15. Not too surprised by the lawlessness, maliciousness and opportunism of D Trump, his boss E Musk, and the rest of his ass-kissing cabinet; the world is, unfortunately, full of people like them. After all, I remember 8 years ago, and the circus that was. I am very surprised at the stupidity of about half the American electorate ( Republicans ) who again chose to support this moron, and some of the other half of the electorate ( Democrats ) who chose to stay home on election day, either having forgotten the 8 previous years, thinking D Trump had changed his ways, or maybe simply not giving a damn. These people are in for a rude awakening over the next 4 years ( or longer ) because elections have consequences.
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