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Everything posted by MigL

  1. Apparently it's not too cold ...
  2. I have broken the law in Italy. ( as well as Canada, the US, Germany, Mexico and Argentina ) Fortunately, Italian cops can be bribed. It's not his fault. It's a disease; he's a forum junkie. πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„
  3. You guys have it wrong. Nobody is born 'good'. We are all born with basic animal instincts. Instincts that we have evolved over millenia as a means of survival. Dominate others, take what we need/want, and deprive others of their needs as they are the competition for survival/reproduction. We see it all the time in 'lesser' animals; we pretend to be different ( Dim even thinks we have a 'soul' ). In fact it is society, and social living, that requires the qualities which we have come to consider 'good'. Do wolves share food with the ill, or injured, of their pack ? Why do children have to be taught to share ? There is no reason to discuss Dim's 'soul'; we are simply animals. Societal living tries to impose these 'good' qualities on us so that we can better get along, and our whole society benefits. But we have free will ( so Eise tells me ); what do we do with those who are anti-social and don't want to live by our collective 'good' rules ? We cast them 'out' of socity so they can't harm our collective 'good', The magnitude o their anti-social behaviour determines whether they are abolished from society forever ) life imprisonment or the death penalty, depending on culture ), or if there is a chance to re-integrate them into society, a temporary 'separation' where they can see the error of their anti-social behavior, and hopefully become contributing members of society again. I'm not sure jails, as we currently have, are the best vehicle for that rehabilitation, and re-insertion, into society. I would think an institution like the Armed Forces would be; they stress structure andpersonal responsibility, self-sacrifice for your group, and teach you a useful 'trade' which can help the transition back into society. Current jails do none of that, on the contrary, they produce more of the animalistic survival behavior we are trying to eradicate.
  4. What prison isn't? Halden Fengsel. As Geordief relates, maybe you should ask the inmates if they want to be there. If they don't, then some might describe that as torture. It seems I am unable to communicate my thinking clearly. I am not rejecting any of the many definitions given of 'torture', just that there are so many, and we are all talking about different definitions. To me, getting slapped once a day, every day, might not be torture, but being incarcerated in Halden Fengsel certainly would be. ( what can I say, I'm a free spirit )
  5. No, relativity needs space and time to be related to account for certain observations. General Relaivity needs them to 'curve' to account for gravity. Atomic clocks, because of their accuracy, were used to verify specific predctions of the theory ( time dilation ). Good luck on your quest to learn atomic Physics. Feel free to ask questions you encounter in your studies.
  6. But the dream of any scientist is to go where observations take you ...
  7. So nobody liked my Michael Jackson joke ?
  8. What 'soul' ? One of the problems when you are trying to discuss something which isn't clearly defined. But the OP isn't about justice; it is about 'torture', which also doen't have a clear, agreed upon, definition. Reminds me of the Supreme Court Justice, who said about pornography, a subjective activity, which lacks clearly defined parameters, " I know it when I see it ."
  9. Fighting for social justice is a valid and noble endeavor. Fighting for inclusion of a few trans females ( into sports ) at the expense of the whole ( cis ) female gender is not social justice. And speaking of Nelson Mandela ... Nelson Mandela, Adolf Hitler and Michael Jackson are on the deck of the Titanic as it is sinking. Nelson Mandela says "We must save the children ." To which Adolf Hitler replies "Screw the children !" After a pause, a confused but also excited Micnael Jackson says "Ok ... but do we have the time ?"
  10. In trying times, a sense of humor helps keep things in perspective.
  11. It is a world problem, not just an American one. The inept roll-out of vaccines means that although some countries can be fully vaccinated ( and mistakenly feel secure ), in others, where vaccines aren't even available yet, the virus is spreading, and mutating as the host reproduces it, possibly rendering the vaccinations in the former countries, ineffective, if not useless. The rapid spread of Covid in India, when they were selling all their vaccine production abroad, resulted in the mutation that is Delta. Who knows how contagious, or deadly, the next mutation from the Southern US, India or Brazil, might be.
  12. Not about to visit your web page; we should be able to discuss what is presented here. Your first two lines are wrong, making the rest moot. Time and space do not function in the four dimensions ( what exactly do you think dimension means ? ), but ARE the four dimensions of space-time. You can, and do, change position along the time axis without changing position along the three space axis. Try it; you'll get old even if sitting still. There is only one thing stopping a change of spatial position without temporal change, and that is the limited speed of light.
  13. I don't particularly care, or bet on sporting events, but maybe you should ask all those athletes who cry, after a bad performance at the Olympics places them out of medal contention, or Bukayo Saka, who cried on international TV after having his penalty stopped in the Euro final.
  14. Why this insistence on being able to visualize the universe ? It is bad enough trying to visualize the 3 dimensional volume of the unverse, since we are inside of it, and cannot possibly get to a vantage point to 'view' it externally, but due to the finite speed of light, events are linked, and 'evolve', through time, hence space-time. This would necessitate a 4 dimensional view; and you expect a depiction on a two dimensional computer screen ? The best we can do, is reduced dimensionality analogies, like the rubber sheet/bowling ball analogy of gravity, or Endy's space/time graph. but then you run the risk of non-sensical interpretations like "What is pulling down the boling ball to depress the rubber sheet ?", or "What do the black spaces between the lines represent ?".
  15. Do you realize how broad this definition is ? Doesn't incarceration cause mental suffering ? Doesn't shift-work cause mental and physical suffering ( sleep deprivation ) ? Isn't loud music/noise a form of torture ? I can pull as many examples out of my ass as you want, but unless we are all talking about the same thing, discussion is futile. PS Why would you think I was talking about you, INow ?
  16. So people who want a definition of torture 'get off on hurting other people' ??? But those who agree with your unstated definition are saints who wouldn't hurt anyone ? Am I in the right thread, or am I in the 'transgendered athletes' thread, where questioning gets you accused of being part of the problem ? This thread has wondered all over the place ( currently criminal police behavior ) , and we still have no definition of torture.
  17. What threats do you understand at two years of age, other than disconfort/pain ? Please give an example. Doesn't that depend on the reason for doing it ? If you smacked a prisoner's hand every day, for the period of his incarceration, would that be torture ?
  18. Again, that depends on your definition of torture. Not being telepathic, I have no idea what you were thinking about. ( and I still don't since I cannot watch your video link )
  19. I see rampant inequality in all three of INow's examples. Those three brats are watching the game for free; all those suckers in the stands had to pay ... One of the problems with analogies/memes πŸ˜„ .
  20. didn't know that. Thanks.
  21. Being directly under Dim's post, I would assume you'd understand it was meant for him. I think we're all arguing for the same thing INow, but different ways to acheive it. You seem fixated on the rights of the small underbrush in the forest to get access to sunlight, and want to cut down neighboring trees to give them that access, thereby disadvantaging the neighboring trees. I want to see the underbrush re-planted in an open field, so that the underbrush AND the neighboring trees are not disadvantaged.
  22. Seems Peterkin wants to eliminate any, and all, options that a person can make that would be unlawful. Shift all responsibility from the person to 'society'; that will solve all sorts of problems ( πŸ˜‘ extreme sarcasm πŸ˜‘ ). All depends on your definition of torture. If your two year old child, being curious, wants to stick a fork in the electrical outlet, do you slap his/her hand hard enough that they remember the pain and never do it again, or do you explain the dangers of electricity to them, and hope that they understand, and don't kill themselves the next time you're not looking ?
  23. Like the Moby Dick/Melville references, Joigus. Here's one of my favorites ... There's also the quote from Star Trek: the Wrath of Khan ... β€œβ€¦To the last, I grapple with thee; from hell’s heart, I stab at thee; for hate’s sake, I spit my last breath at thee.” - Moby-Dick, quoted by Khan Noonien Singh Seems Star Trek writers liked H Melville.
  24. I shouldn't have to... But essentially, society ( and sporting bodies ) should provide for equal opportunity for all, which means cis females should be able to compete against people of similar capabilities ( which we have been saying all along ); not cis men, or trans females who have the capabilities of cis men. Once that is provided by society, you, personally have to make the extra effort to excel and come in first in the competition. Equality of outcome is a pipe dream; if everyone gets gold, even the person who strolls to the finish line in the 100m race, that is not competition. But it might be the 'game' you keep referring to.
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