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Everything posted by MigL

  1. You're right. I made the unwarranted assumption that anyone who can measure the CMB temp ( and deduce its origins ), would know about frequency shifting and galactic motion. I believe the CMB was discovered accidentally, so it could have happened before we realized there was galactic motion, or even galaxies.
  2. Would you consider that, the development of imagination ?
  3. I will say yes no We measure the temp of the CMBR to deviate 2 parts in 10000, once the motion of our galaxy/sun/planet has been factored out, which blue shifts the CMB ahead of our path, and red shifts the CMB behind our path. I see no reason why anyone in the universe would measure any larger deviations. As for the quasars , someone in a galaxy 10 billion light years away might see our galaxy as it was 10 billion years ago, when its central BH was active and producing the large jets associated with quasars.
  4. OK, it's Tuesday ... You must be doubly overcompensating 😄 .
  5. On this forum, one of the very first things we recommend to noobs and amateurs, who want a deeper understanding of Physics, are the Feynman lectures. Those clear, concise and easy to understand lectures also did a lot for his popularity.
  6. Why would I be ? They are not making the compettion unfair for everyone else in that catagory. Granted it is unfair to themselves because of their situation, but it is not their 'right' to infringe on the 'rights' of others. I certainly would not demand that my tennis opponent has to wear a patch over one eye, just because I lost vision in one of mine.
  7. If it was always daylight and we couldn't see the stars, except for 1 night every thousand years ? Read the short story 'Nightfall', by I Asimov. Nightfall (Asimov novelette and novel) - Wikipedia or the R W Emerson quote "If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore; and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God which had been shown! But every night come out these envoys of beauty, and light the universe with their admonishing smile."
  8. Further to Beecee's excellent post, there are many things we cannot know, like the exact position and momentum of an electron. But the reason we cannot know is quite natural, and in no way does it deviate from known laws of Physics.
  9. I would assume he meant the difference between the aarc-length ( the Earth being round ), and the straight line distance to the top of the tree ( or 50 yards height ). In that case, at the distances being considered ( 100 yards ), the arc length is essentially equal to a straiight line, so the straight line distance to the top of the 50 yard tree is longer than the arc length to the base, or approximately (1002+502)1/2.
  10. That is ridiculous ! I almost want to change my rule of not giving neg reps.
  11. This is way too deep for me. I'm still on the fence about free will. I'll just wait for Eise to tell me what to think about consciousness. Quit introducing your kinky sex life into the discussion 😄 .
  12. True, but the 'dangers' of the internet have nothing to do with AI, or it becoming self-aware. They are more related to faulty programming ( see your opinion of Win10 ) and unscrupulous people who introduce malicious software, and ransomware, into the system.
  13. Henny Youngman ( the king of the one-liners ) would be proud of you ... He sends a +1.
  14. I would think this does deserve mockery ... This is a discussion forum; make a solid argument, and IT won't be ridiculed.
  15. Yeah, I was a teenager when that happened, and, even then, recognized it for what it was. Sorry JC, I didn't mean to include you. My rant was directed at Zap ( who should know better ) and ScienceNostalgia101. Zap used it as an excuse to ramble on about misogyny in sports, when he has been advocating that for many pages. He wants to give physiological males ( with a few missing pieces ) who identify as females, the ability to compete ( and dominate ) against cis women, yet doesn't see that as unfair to cis women. If he's that upset about misogyny in sports, maybe he should ask a woman how she feels about the situation. I'm not saying trans women cannot compete, but they need to compete in a catagory where training and effort, not physiology, are the determining factors, AND which doesn't put women back where they were 100 years ago.
  16. I see no point in going further with this, when SN101 can come in, 23 pages after the fact, and make the absurd claim that gender segregation in sports is due to the fact that opposite genders may 'distract' each other while competing; and no-one bothers to correct him. It is as though the arguments made in the last 22 pages did not even exist. Please get a clue, before you get an opinion.
  17. Cheating implies circumventing rules. Your solution ... Have no rules, so there are no cheaters. Yeah, that seems fair 🙄 !
  18. Leaving aside the fact that 'harm done' is a perception, obviously more evident to the victim than the aggressor, there is also the undeniable fact that some regimes/governments are more controlling of the information flow to their general population. Any country that has a 'state media', will tailor information to place themselves in better light, and hide unpleasentries from the general population. Say what you will about Western nations, but a free press is not controlled by the government, and are free to publish/transmit as they see fit, which unfortunately produces uncontrolled garbage like Fox News sometimes. Exploring the option of air strikes is vastly different from continuous nuclear bombing until Japan offers unconditional surrender again, and relinquishes control of two strategic islands to China. One is a contingency plan, like there are for strikes against Iran, North Korea, or even Russia; the other seems to be a Chinese government policy for militaristic expansion of Chinese control.
  19. Here Read this ... IntroductionLQG.pdf (univ-mrs.fr)
  20. Everyone likes to pick on the Japanese. The Chinese have released a video advocating for the nuclear bombing of Japan, should they come to Taiwan's aid, during a Chinese invasion of Taiwan. China Officials Share Viral Video Calling for Atomic Bombing of Japan (newsweek.com)
  21. Hence the need for rules, to preserve fairness.
  22. A quote from that Wiki link "The vacuum fluctuations provide vacuum with a non-zero energy known as vacuum energy.[17] Spin foam theory is a modern attempt to make Wheeler's idea quantitative." Aside from the links in the above quote, you may also want to investigate Hawking Radiation Planck time/scale Lorentzian Wormholes Holographic Principle
  23. I know that feeling ... You of all people should know that hormones have cumulative effects. A male who goes through puberty with male testosterone levels will have a deeper ribcage, enabling higher lung capacity and endurance. They will have wider shoulders and narrower hips, enabling faster running and better leverage for pressing/pushing motions. They will have different body fat levels ( to lean muscle mass ), and body areas where it is deposited. They will have different amounts, and placement, of 'fast twitch' and 'slow twitch' muscle fibers ( like red and white chicken meat ) optimizing for different levels of explosive strength vs. endurance. And many others. Hormone therapy ( estrogen and androgen blockers ) will not change these 'structural' features, later on in life. That's one possible scenario. Another is that they take their medication as prescribed, but before a competition, increase their testosterone levels ( through the use of HGH ) to the maximum allowed by the sport's regulating body, so that they come in on the extreme end of the bell curve, and are 'legal'. Other cis women don't have that option because any HGH levels will be identified as cheating and call for disqualification. Again, I am considering males who transition to female only, as that is the unfair situation faced by cis women.
  24. Yet you can 'think' in binary, decimal, linguistic, or even visual terms, while ALL computers ( other than analogue ) 'think in binary terms. That is a constraint.
  25. Quantum foam was a term coined by John Archibald Wheeler to describe the chaotic behaviour of space-time at scales where geometry breaks down ( below Planck ), or cases where geometry hasn't had a chance to be established yet ( Big Bang pre 10-43 sec ) Quantum foam - Wikipedia
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