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Everything posted by MigL

  1. There seems to be some confusion, and some misunderstanding, so I'll clarify. My definition of millionaire, and billionaire, is a measure of 'disposable' wealth or assets. I would venture that most people who own homes in certain parts of North America, Europe, and some other parts of the world, are worth more than a million, but I don't consider a house 'disposable', as you need it to live. ... and I didn't want Exchemist to feel like an a__hole ...
  2. There's a reason they call enormous wealth 'fu*k-you money'. You say and do what you want, and don't need to give a damn what anyone else thinks. Explains why most millionaires/billionaires are assholes.
  3. On the other hand, that may be the source of the angst young people experience more and more these days. Their desire to express their individuality is at odds with their need to 'fit in'.
  4. I'll have to take option C. But not because he's a CEO; because everyone has been calling him a genius and kissing his ass for the last 30 odd years. the jackass thinks that every turd that comes out of his mouth is made of gold and smells like roses. Unfortunately a lot of Americans ( and other nationalities also ) think he can say and do no wrong. Kind of reminds me of another millionaire former American President. Not the cult of personality, rather, the cult of the rich and influential. @toucana It occurs to me That, if all these people, who are travelling cross-country to burn down buildings and facilities, had jobs, they wouldn't have time for such silliness. How bad is the lack of employment in these areas? And do these peoplemisguidedly blame immigrants for their job situation ?
  5. I'm a proud Canadian; don't be dissin' John Candy.
  6. J F Kennedy is one of those Presidents that everyone remembers fondly as one of the best. They go so far as to describe his time in Office as 'Camelot'. He could certainly 'turn a phrase', but when you read about his Presidency, and what he did, you can't help but think his reputation is undeserved.
  7. You know, water will boil unattended. It is then a simple matter to add some salt, drop in the pasta, give it a stir, and start tasting it for 'doneness' about a minute before package directions. Some of us are very particular about the 'firmness' of our pasta; it would take a lot more effort to continuously taste it for doneness if going from cold water to boil. Why not save yourself the extra effort and not try to re-invent the wheel ?
  8. MigL

    Donald Trump

    I hope Saturday Night Live is watching. They need to book the Marsh Family.
  9. I like what he brings to the party ( election campaign ), but is it just me, or does he look much older than his 60 year age ?
  10. And, we have to start calling some Republicans 'weird', not a*sholes.
  11. No J Shapiro or M Kelly. VP running mate to be T Walz.
  12. MigL

    Donald Trump

    This may be 'preaching to the choir', but it is still preaching. This is a discussion forum; what do you wish to discuss ? Or, did you just 'read the room', and decided to make your first post about something that everyone would agree with.
  13. I was not aware of this effect either, until a week or two ago. From what I've read since, it seems it is not the mathematics that predict this problem, rather, it is the computer simulations that result in SMBHs not merging. We do know such mergers happen, so we are missing information that governs these simulations. Something, that overcomes this 'dynamic gravitational drag', to allow reducing separation past the 'final parsec'.
  14. He's been here a while, and we've gotten used to him. Are you recommending an intervention ?
  15. If you substitute 'national' for 'collective' in the above, you essentially end up with B Mussolini's Fascist ideology of the 20s. That, and J F Kennedy banged anything that walked and was female.
  16. What if I told you ... Go peddle this crap elsewhere.
  17. This is not supporting evidence. You're just making guesses on top of other, unsupported guesses. Is that how you think science works ?
  18. It seems even more Republicans have found their back bone ... 'Unprecedented': Launch of 'Republicans for Harris' causes commotion (msn.com) and ... Democrat Ruben Gallego promotes Republican support in his Arizona Senate campaign against Kari Lake (msn.com)
  19. I think we run the risk of confusing the mathematical models of dimensional spaces with physically realizable spaces. Space-time is not physically realizable, as the time axis, for orthogonality reasons, has to be imaginary. Similarly, for the usual notion of spaces, which are simply volumes, boundaries are simply mathematical constructs, as are horizons, or curvature produced topological boundaries. No the t or ct axis has the same extent as the other axes. You're going to have to explain what you mean by that, Studiot. Space-time can be foliated into causal, 'present' surfaces, unique to each observer, so, while space is not timeless, I, as a unique observer can define a foliation, or 3D surface, that is causally connected to my present instant in time, And so can every other observer define their own unique foliation.
  20. You are right. Any of the proposed candidates for VP would mop the floor with J Vance in a debate. His past opinions are in the public domain, and he hasn't 'seen the light', it is just unashamed opportunism. Where you are maybe wrong is that this is still America, and many Americans are superficial. They don't consider a person's policies, or opinions, but rather judge them on their ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation. And maaybe that makes some of the best candidates unelectable ? I always thought K Harris was a good fit, but she should have been given more 'exposure' during the last 4 years, to dispel any fears Americans might have had about her gender and skin color. and I admit to being pleasantly surprised at the reaction in the polls; maybe there's hope for America, after all. Lets hope that translates to undecided voters in swing states
  21. A local energy density, in excess of the baseline, which would manifest as a particle, would modify local space-time curvature just like any other energy/stress/momentum does under GR. Essentially what experimental Physicist do. To test at really small scales, we need to poke really hard, with equipment as large as the LHC.
  22. I've come to expect it; and wouldn't have it any other way.
  23. Possibly a lot of the misconceptions can be attributed to mixing up models. GR and QFT treat space-time differently. In QFT, space-time is the stage on which various fields act. In GR, space-time is an active participant, and no background stage is required for the acting. I find it funny when one uses the quantum mechanical considerations of a crystal, to make predictions about the properties of the aether that ( they believe ) permeates space in GR. And I'm with Studiot ( as always ) on this. You can't define space by the matter within it, and then say "there is empty space between matter". How, then, is that 'empty' space between matter defined ? We would do well to stop trying to force reality to be the same as our models ( GR and QFT ). All our models do, is describe small parts and qualities of reality, and only within their range of applicability.
  24. I, and many others, dislike Spam. But if one candidate is a shit sandwich, and the other is Spam on white, I will take the Spam anytime, without question. This was the humor part ( sometimes you don't recognize my lame humor ). All I'm trying to say is, if you don't like Harris/Shapiro, you can vote them out in 4 years; you may not be able to with Trump/Vance. You may "never need to vote again".
  25. In QFT ... yes. There are excitations of the various fields which are perceived as virtual particles, or if above a quantum of energy, as real particles. In QFT, these fields require a background stage to act on. GR, on the other hand, has no background stage; space-time is an active participant. But it seems your OP was awfully large to state something which could be summarized by yourself in one line And ... ???
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