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Everything posted by MigL

  1. Very well, I'll oblige. If I believe I'm not a 'he' or a 'she', but rather, a 'them', you may humor me because you don't wish to offend me, but you are under no obligation to validate the 'reality' I have created in my own mind. Since there is no more evidence supporting either view, why would you have me believe everyone elses differing viewpoints, rather than my own ? IOW, why believe someone else is a 'them', because their mind tells him/her so, rather than what my mind tells me that he/she is ? Which is the conspiracy here ?
  2. There is certainly a more and more 'accepted truth', but I think that is more to do with the fact that people generally don't want to offend others with the reality of the situation. This might be a better fit in another thread, should you wish to discuss it further.
  3. No, that won't do.
  4. That is essentially correct. However, making the case for cannonballs is not very productive. The fact remains that missiles/impactors ( or whatever you wish to call them ), have to have some sort of guidance. It is not easy to hit something 1-2000 km away, much less explode at height, and re-enter with multiple MIRVs. The one clear advantage defensive missiles have, is that they know exactly where the incoming missile is going to be ( or hoping to be ), and an intercept course is much easier to solve for. Think of it like bsaeballs. It is very difficult to hit an outfielder with a baseball. Yet, if you know that baseball is coming across home plate, it isn't tto difficult to tag it with a bat. good to hear from you, Moon.
  5. My take on the issue ... ( I know you've been waiting for it ) Everyone is free to believe whatever they want, imagine, or construct as a 'reality' in their own mind. Sometimes we end up calling thse people, visionaries, but most times we end up calling them delusional. What you don't have the right to do, is to force everyone else to agree with that reality you've created in your own mind. And that is what conspiracy theories usually are. But it is happening more and more with the dozens of 'genders' and sexual orientations, that people 'see' in themselves and expect others to see also. ( but that, alas, is a different thread ) Needless to say, your delusional reality is just that, delusional. And others do not need to aknowledge it.
  6. Maybe it was because of you friendly nature, that people called you names ? And you don't seem to have learned anything from the experience.
  7. I think any perceived problems you might have, are due to self-worth issues. Your feelings of inadequacy are not due to genetic, hormonal or environmental issues but are self created. Seek some professional help.
  8. The definition of density is Mass/Volume. Your statements are very confused. I was being sarcastic about knowing people in the aerospace field, and having contributed to stealth. But sure enough, you took the bait, and went off on another scatter-brained tangent.
  9. Regular Antimony tends to form a rombohedral crystal structure as a solid. These crystal structures have definite lengths and angles, which are not allowed to change much as long as it remains a crystalline solid. IOW, until it melts to a liquid !! You will find almost all crystalline solids act this way. If you were to actually read some 'scientific data'. And I would have thought you'd get this after John Cuthber corrected you numerous times in another thread. Yet you keep telling folksy stories about how you knew ( Le ) 'Roy' Grumman. Would you consider me an intelligent individual if I told you that I personally knew Jack Nortrop and Clarence 'kelly' johnson of Lockheed? nd that I helped them come up with stealth? Because that's what you sound like when you make outlandish, unsupported claims, and then drop names, or the Grumman lunar lander modules.
  10. You seem pretty sure that it doesn't, yet ... Assuming you mean 1000oC, and not some other temperature scale ( science attempts to be exact/specific; so should you if you want to be taken seriously ), Antimony melts at about 630oC, so it will be a less dense liquid at 1000oC. IOW, its volume will increase slightly, by the ratio given by Janus previously ( 1.025 : 1 going from solid to liquid ) Before further embarassing yourself, you might want to read up on Antimony Antimony - Wikipedia as you sem somewhat confused about it
  11. I would have to agree. Incitement is always dependant on the incited, and has little to do with the well-meaning ( or lack thereof ) of the inciting statement. Politicians should know their audience, and how they'll react to their statements. I have gotten a little tired of N Pelosi, mostly because its been years since she last blinked ( her eyelids, actually her whole face, are stretched so tight 😄 ). I'm also tired of the games. The two eaders ( house and senate, when under different control ) always did things, not for the good of the country, but to make the other guys look bad. That kind of political tit-for-tat should stop, and Americans should demand that their government work for them, and not try to score points against the opposition.
  12. Technical information, is just that, and it is readily available. None of your above post has anything to do with the fact that Antimony has a lower density as a liquid than as a solid. In other words, it will 'freeze' from the bottom up, as the liquid form is cooled. Notice that people using scientific methodology, identify the density as the property in question. No-one who knows any science would ever say it increases/decreases its mass on becoming a solid.
  13. What are you talking about ? Grumman, even after aquisition and merger with Northrop, has never produced aero engines. It is a totally different area of expertise, and best left to the GE, P&W, RR, Safran, Honeywell, etc. You certainly can't mean the main engines of the F-14, as the main contractor for the propulsion systems was Pratt and Whitney, with the TF-30 for the A model, which would have been superseded by the F-401 in the definitive B model. It was only some 20 years later that the F-14 D model got some advanced technology general Electric engines in the way of the F110-GE-400. Are you maybe talking about the APU ? Maybe, instead of relating stories, and dropping names as to how you personally knew Roy Grumman, you could try to be more clear as to what you are talking about, and post some evidence for your assertions.
  14. No problem at all with the G Floyd murder conviction, Beecee. D Chauvin got what he deserved. However the current political climate and politicization of these incidents, leads to cases like this Columbus incident. Columbus, Ohio, shooting: Police officer shot and killed a Black teenage girl holding a knife, police say and bodycam videFamily ofo shows - CNN Family, black community leaders, political commmentators, some democrats, and agitators should realize that 'to serve and protect' also applies to the intended victims of the teenage girl who was shot.
  15. I understand and sympathize, Zap. They'll only listen to votes. But when you only have two parties, the best you can do is vote for the one that will do the least damage, and in the last election that was a no-contest. That doesn't mean democrats shouldn't get called out for doing and saying wrong/stupid stuff.
  16. I am well famliar with the history of the Grumman F-14 tomcat and how it arose from the stillborn General Dynamics F-111B ( TFX for the Navy ). Magnetic bearings may have been tried for the various pumps, fuel, lubrication, A/C, etc., but they were most certainly not used for any hot cycle propulsion bearings, so I really don't see how 'switching to battery' would deny anyone a firing solution. The F-14 and its fire control radar use the Phoenix missile, a fully active radar homing missile, capable of beyond visual range use in fire-and-forget mode. Other missiles that may have been used, would be the Sparrow, a semi-active radar homng missile which needs the launch aircraft to 'illuminate' the target at least part of the way before its own radar takes over in the terminal phase, and the Sidewinder, an infrared seeker missile with no radar, that homes in on the hot engine efflux of the target. Anyone who claims magnetic pump bearings can defeat those types of missile homing systems, makes me reach for the shovel, as it is a load of crap.
  17. nd where is the rightful indignation from her fellow democrats? Those same democrats who denounce D Trump and his cohorts for inciting the idiots who marched and lay seige to the capital? Are you happy that your political parties have no integrity and simply play political tit-for-tat ? Wasn't that the whole idea of getting rid of D Trump ? You should demand better from your politicians, because from the outside ( Canada ) it can seem difficult to tell the difference between some democrats and some republicans.
  18. My apologies for trying to convince you resurrection is real, by bringing this thread back to life. Derek Chauvin has rightfully been found guilty of causing George Floyd's death. The justice system worked the way it was supposed to work, and all's well that ends well. Why then, did the whole process outside of court leave me with such a sour taste in my mouth ? Why were commentators and politicians so willing to politicise the issue? Why is America always looking at things in terms of black and white, republican and democrat viewpoints, instead of in terms of nuanced justice ? If a Republican says "f we don't like the outcome of this process, we need to get more confrontational", everyone lose their shit. It is called an incitement to insurrection ( rightfully so ) and people are still talking about months later. Yet when someone like California's Maxine Waters says almost those exact words regarding a trial, no-one bats an eye. How is that also not incitement to violence, and overturning law by force ? Is incitement to violence and overturning law, acceptable, when you agree with the cause ? M Waters has made quite a few controversial remarks, but everyone seems to give her a pass. Maybe some ( not all ) democrats need to take a good look in the mirror; some of them might be seeing republicans looking back.
  19. Incidentally, I'm one week into my two week quarantine period, and still feeling very tired. But I will do my best to keep my 1st vaccination appointment on May 3rd.
  20. Vaccination doesn't just protect you. It reduces the amount of viral shedding, when you are infected, such that you have less severe symptoms, and those exposed to you also experience milder symptoms. I guess it isn't necessary to make sensible posts, if you aren't afraid of being called ignorant.
  21. Not conceivable by a man's mind ???? Maybe you should apply scientific methodology, before making such nonsensical statements; are they magic ? Been locked in the house with Covid-19 for 5 days. No shortness of breath or fever, but aches and pains all over. The amount of laughing, while reading this thread, made those aches worse. It was well worth it
  22. If Mars was as habitable as the Earth, there would not be any environmental forcings to favor selected mutations. If Mars wasn't habitable, they would all evolve to dead people. In between the two extremes is where the interesting stuff happens. If you provide no information, all you'll get is WAGs.
  23. This incident was in no way comparable with the G Floyd incident. G Floyd was killed while he was in custidy; D Wright was attempting to flee arrest, on a no- show warrant ( $100000 bail ) of having taken about $800 from someone at gun-point, because he didn't want o go to jail. NOT because he feared for his life. The officer, K Potter may have been stupid in drawing the wrong weapon, but because this is now so political, she will probably get more jail time than the two girls who nonchalantly killed the Uber Eats driver a few weeks back. This is not justice when we totally disregard the responsibility of the 'victim' in the incident. It is simply political appeasement of the mob. edit ( took me a while to come up with this 'angle' )
  24. I just found it interesting ( and funny ) that some social media rep at Steak-Umm ( of all places ! ) had the insight to correct N deGrasse Tyson in such an eloquent and 'truthful' fashion. Seems someone at Steak-Umm is well versed in the scientific method.
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