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Everything posted by MigL

  1. You are confused. The analogy to the universe expanding is NOT the balloon expanding, but the surface of the balloon expanding. Small difference but huge implications, which render all your other points about the CMB, moot.
  2. OK. There is a genetic element, a hormonal element and an environmental element. Possibly all three in varying combinations. I don't think anyone has ever argued for a totally genetic basis.
  3. No, I'm not. According to that old adage, I shouldn't throw any stones, as I live in a glass house.
  4. Getting back to the OP after an 'anal' post ... Apparently Governor A Cuomo can't control his instincts.
  5. We have had numerous threads where the consensus ( including yours ) was that offence is in the 'eye of the beholder'. What you intended has little to do with the perception of a new, impressionable member. Maybe you could lighten up a bit. ( save the irreverent attitude for those of us who can 'hit' back ๐Ÿ˜Ž )
  6. TBH, I don't remember it, Zap.
  7. Melodramatic I can live with. Glad you didn't say 'drama queen'.
  8. We can make predictions based on our best theories, but they do have limits of applicability. We simply don't have any predictive or observational evidence for the center of a BH. All we know is that ( currently ) we have no evidence of any force that can counteract gravitational collapse, once neutron degeneracy can no longer counter it.
  9. I notice that in the table you provided, INow, 55.3 % of workers in the Food Preparation and Serving Related industries are 'allowed' to be paid less than minimum wage, with the intent that they make up the rest n tips. This is a large chunk of the workforce ( and consisting mostly of women trying to make ends meet ), and I'm all for eliminating this 'loophole'. ( call me Mr Pink; referencing Reservoir Dogs )
  10. That link was posted by me on January 21. Doesn't anybody read my posts ?โ˜น๏ธ
  11. Yeah ! Never mind the transgendered; why can JC ( and I ) post the same opinions and get treated 'respectfully', while poor Curious Layman was accused of having a hidden agenda, and pilloried ? Is this evidence of noob discrimination, as the rest of us have been around for 10 years or more ? Can we not be more inclusive ? ๐Ÿ˜€
  12. Thanks for the clarification, Beecee.
  13. We have a fairly good idea of the separation between objects in our observable universe, and we also know that separation between them is increasing ( expansion ). With this information, we can 'wind back' the clock, such that 4 Billion years ago those same objects were separated by half the present amount. Assuming a cnstant rate of expansion, 4 Billion years before that, they were separated by half the amount again. And the separation was reduced by half the previous 4 Billion years. A scaling factor that sounds a lot like Zeno's paradox. However, we know that expansion seems to be currently accelerating, and the universe may have undergone an exponential 'growth spurt' shortly after its 'origin'. This scaling factor is happening throughout the observable universe, such that there is no 'outside' that the expansion is moving into, and, the effect looks the same from every vantage point ( ie. there is no center ).
  14. I find it amusing that people who readily give their opinion as fact, without evidence, then demand evidence from those who disagree with them. Actually, no; I find it extremely annoying.
  15. Two different constraints in play here. Measuring anything to an arbitrary precision is known as the 'measurement problem', which, as Swansont explained, is due to the limited precision of our measuring equipment/experiments,is the first constraint. New technology and fresh ideas help kick this can down the road until we hit the next roadblock.. The other constraint is inherent in quantum systems, and represnted by Heisenberg's uncertainty Principle. It states that certain aspects of reality itself cannot be measured to arbitrary precision, and that is a propertty of the system, having nothing to do with the method of measurement
  16. No ! post science and we can discuss/confirm/refute it. Post quotes from the Bible ( on a science forum ) and you will be ignored ( or shut down ).
  17. Cows produce methane by the action of methanogenic microbes in their ore-stomach. These microbes break down coarse plants and produce methane as part of pre-digestion. Feeding the cows something that obstructs the methane producing microbial action, results in incomplete digestion. So you either need to feed them more food, or more easily digested food. There is no 'free lunch'; even for cows.
  18. To be fair Zap, John usually is not, but Dim is always ambiguous ... ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
  19. IIRC, that happens when a test mass is counter-rotatng wrt the BH, within the ergosphere, and by what is called the Penrose process, that mass can split in two, one half falling through the EH and gaining negative energy, while the other half has more energy than the original. This energy comes from the rotational energy of the BH, and slows its rotation down. Usually, the accretion disk is rotating with the BH ( due to frame dragging effects ) and actually add to its rotational momentum.
  20. If anmyone doesn't want their Astra-Zeneca, send them to Canada. Our only hope for large scale vaccination is if J Biden is right, saying that all Americans who want a vaccine will have it by the end of May; then ( maybe ) Moderna and Pfizer will send us some.
  21. I would think that R-N and Schwarzschild BHs are highly unrealistic. A R-N BH with any charge will be highly 'selective of the ionized plasma in its accretion disk, and quickly rid itself of that excess charge. While any collapsing body, with even the smallest hint of rotation, will see it amplified tremendously by the 'ice-skater drawing in her arms' effect. That makes Kerr BHs the only realistic solution. Hawking radation is only a 'tacked-on' QM effect, due to having assigned entropy to the surface of the EH, and therefore, a 'temperature' to the BH. Glad this conversation is ongoing.
  22. MigL


    You are one of the people I've learned a lot about GR from, on this Forum, and a previous one. You were always appreciated, and while sad to see you go, you gotta do what makes you happy. Good luck; hope to hear from you again, whenever you can.
  23. MigL

    Today I Learned

    Today I learned that a 17 year old girl will marry a 93 year old widower. https://www.yahoo.com/huffpost/civil-war-veteran-widow-helen-jackson-030518406.html Thanks Zap.
  24. No, it was M Grossmann, an expert in differential geometry and tensor calculus, and a former classmate of A Einstein at the ETH, who helped Einstein with the non-Euclidian geometry of GR. Meanwhile N Tesla was feeding birds in the park , and going broke with unworkable schemes. Did I mention he was nuts ?
  25. And why do you keep bringing up N Tesla ? You realize he was half-nuts ? ( its a fine line between genius and madman )
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