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Everything posted by MigL

  1. How do you think D Trump's trying to disqualify Georgia votes, and vilification of the whole state, plays out with the voters in January when the two Senate seats come up for election ? Could his antics sour the voters on Republicans, so that they vote in Democrat Senators ? IOW, is the Republican party shooting itself in the foot by still backing the Loser ?
  2. As Swansont explained, EM radiation is red-shifted due to expansion. The fact that expansion is proportional to distance does NOT mean red-shift is due to distance. There is, however, a horizon beyond which, we will never be able to see. At that distance, the universe is expanding away from us faster than light can make up the intervening distance, so it will never reach us. That observable universe horizon is approx. 46 billion light years away from us. That does NOT mean EM radiation stops. I suggest you try to better understand your source material.
  3. Lovely ?? Your standards for 'lovely' are quite low .
  4. I've never been so tempted to give somebody a neg rep, Zap .
  5. I like the photos and links to waterfalls, sandstone landscapes, and starscapes, but please, no more giant pictures of bugs. I feel itchy all over, like bugs are crawling all over me, after I see those.
  6. I like it too, +1. In life, you try to control what you can. A good archer will move to a position to shoot with the wind; not cross, or against, it. It beats never shooting your arrow, or railing at the uncontrollable wind.
  7. How do you explain light, radio/microwave and x-rays, all Electromagnetic radiation, from galaxies billions of light years away ? When, exactly, does it terminate ?
  8. Welcome back to the 'sparring' match, MSC. You've outlined many reasons why Black American fathers aren't ( or weren't ) in the home. Most of them valid. But that doesn't change the fact that a lot of Black American children are born to homes without a father present. And,as the mother then becomes the sole provider, and has to work, a lot of these kids don't even make it through high school. Whatever the reasons for the fathers not being there, even you must admit that makes the situation a lot worse for the kids, and leads to a cycle of poverty. The study I quoted is freely available to all, and I would say that, far from being irrelevant because of its age, things have actually gotten worse in the past 60 years, and not just for Black Americans, but for all groups surveyed. Meanwhile you claim a study, for which you give no link, that 'quality' time is what's really important, neglecting to mention how subjective 'quality' is. ( is being your child's friend higher quality than being his parent ? The two are very different and we both know which is more important, yet better 'quality' depends on whether you ask the parent or the child ) Mind you this is mostly opinion, and understand,I'm not saying that is the only problem. There are many problems to equal opportunity. The large majority of them depend on the group that is doing the oppressing, as opposed to the disadvantaged group. So you can go through life depending on others to fix problems ( and we both know there will be resistance to this ), or you can take the initiative and fix any problems that are in your power to fix. Last time I checked that was called 'responsibility'. Oh, and I appreciate that my comments 'interested' you .
  9. Hopefully, Donald the Loser, and his lawyers ( especially mascara-hair Rudy ), get a good lesson in what the laws actually are, when they are vigorously prosecuted after he leaves office.
  10. You provided a google search ) result page , not a specific link. If I take the 2nd ( same as 4th ) result in that google search ... https://arxiv.org/abs/1909.09672 I get the following "We investigate recent claims for a detection of "Hawking points" (positions on the sky with unusually large temperature gradients between rings) in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature maps at the 99.98% confidence level. We find that, after marginalization over the size of the rings, an excess is detected in Planck satellite maps at only an 87% confidence level (i.e., little more than 1σ ). Therefore, we conclude that there is no statistically significant evidence for the presence of Hawking points in the CMB." So, of the links you provided, the 1st one claims 'apparent' evidence, while the second de-bunks it. I would think that, at best, you could claim there need to be further observations/investigations into the matter. Certainly NOT claim there is evidence.
  11. I will tell you as soon as you tell me where, and how, all the vacuum energy is coming from to allow filling the universe with massive particles. And don't say God, or magic !
  12. Well, if we have the Delta Flyer … To the Delta Quadrant to visit the Borg. ( you know you want to; resistance is futile )
  13. Small Black Holes ( smaller than stellar sized ) are very 'hot' and evaporate very quickly. If there is evidence of BH evaporation in the CMB, that would be evidence for primordial BHs, and, would be big news. I don't know of any evidence for primordial BHs, their evaporation, or CMB evidence. So maybe include links for your assertions.
  14. Reminds me of the 1st episode of the 3rd season of Star Trek: TOS, "Spock's Brain", where a bunch of dumb, good looking women use 'old' knowledge to steal Spock's brain, for the purpose of running their underground environmental functions. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spock's_Brain " Fascinating. It could explain much, Doctor. My medulla oblongata is hard at work apparently breathing, apparently pumping blood, apparently maintaining a normal physiologic temperature."
  15. The Higgs field is not in a false vacuum state. Vacuum energy is possibly at a false zero state. But if you add energy to the vacuum so as to enable particles to 'pop' into existence throughout the universe, you have effectively raised the vacuum energy to levels not seen since the Electroweak era ( before the Higgs field was manifest ), and possibly even before the GUT era ( where Color/strong force separated from the Electroweak ). The fall from these high vacuum energy levels, through symmetry breaks and intermediate false energy plateaus, is opposite to what you describe happening.
  16. i'm keeping well, MSC. Hope you and yours are, as well. I don't understand CCC very well, especially the requirement/attribute for the past conformal boundary of one FLRW space-time attaching to the future conformal boundary of another. But I do think that entropy does need to be reset to a low value, such that the universe can 'evolve'. It could not start at a high value since there would be no free energy for processes. I have not seen this information, but it seems, if true, that our notions of the Big Bang, and its duration, would be impacted. Could you please post the source, as I'm inclined to dismiss it as either untrue, or bad calculations. As for Methuselah, the jury is still out, but its age is calculated as 14.5 billion years +/- 800 million years, which means it may well be only 13.7 billion years old. It is a metal poor star with 250 times less metallicity than the Sun, indicating it probably formed, shortly after the recombination event ( cause of CMB radiation ), from the available Hydrogen, Helium and sprinkle of Lithium.
  17. MigL

    Political Humor

    Recognize anyone ?
  18. Or … Did you mean the place Bizarro Superman comes from ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bizarro
  19. Biggest problem with all versions of cyclic cosmologies is the fact that entropy has to be 'reset' to the low initial state. One mechanism proposed by R Penrose with Conformal Cyclic Cosmology is that all particles have to eventually decay. And while a proton decay is possible ( even with other theories ) after more than 1032 years, the decay of fundamental fermions is a lot tougher to come to grips with. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conformal_cyclic_cosmology
  20. Unfortunately, Ken, that is an evolutionary trait we've developed. So maybe it should be fortunately, because we're good at recognizing 'patterns' and 'markers' that indicate danger. We instinctively swat at flying, buzzing insects because we recognize the danger of being stung, even though bees, flies and mosquitos are nowhere near as aggressive as wasps. We fear noises at night because we instinctively 'remember' that is when the carnivorous hunters come out to find prey. Many of our fears are instinctive, and we become 'fearful' when we recognize certain signs of danger ( even if it's not there ). Similarly, it's ingrained in our consciousness that, if you are being followed by a black/hispanic gang member, at night, you are most likely afraid of being assaulted. This obviously is not evolutionary, but has become apparent during the last couple of hundred years in our society, where black people ( and other immigrants ) have been portrayed a evil people who can't control their urges/violence. This obviously is wrong. But if you're alone at night and being followed by someone, wrong or not, I suggest being afraid ( heightened senses ) and getting to a safe place.
  21. My apologies if I've given you that impression. Science, and Physics in particular, is almost as exact as mathematics. Physicists don't usually go on 'flights of fancy' and say things like ... because you haven't proposed a mechanism, or reason, for this to happen. It is simply a WAG. Planck denotes scale. It can be compared to a descriptor like 'centi' or 'kilo'. A Planck unit of length implies it is measured at the Planck scale, and related to other Planck scale units ( of time, energy, mass, etc. ). Do you understand now, what I mean by Physics is very exact ? To a Physicist, what you said is meaningless. Not just 'unlikely'. It is an ill-posed question akin to asking "What happens when you move faster than the speed of light ?". As far a Physics is concerned, that is impossible. Just as impossible as introducing enough energy into the universe fo fill all of it with massive particles. Any answer I could possibly give you will not be based on known Physics, but will be based on my 'imagination' or a WAG. Similarly, any answers you get from Ghideon, Area54 or Swansont, will be totally different, and based on their 'imaginations'. So what you are really doing here, is not real science, but 'imaginary science', or guessing, otherwise known as science fiction. Hope I've clarified my comments enough so that you don't perceive them as aggressive . Maybe take Zapatos' comments seriously, and tighten up the conditions of your thought experiment, so that you can get meaningful results from the resulting discussion.
  22. No. Planck is a descriptor of a unit, as in Planck length, Planck time or Planck energy. A Planck length unit is the distance light travels in a Planck time unit. This was pointed out to you yesterday at 12:50 pm; what exactly is an 'instant' ???? The universe is almost all empty space. Packing the universe with fermions would not result in vacuum decay, rather gravitational collapse of the whole universe, as you've increased its mass-energy density immensely. Where would all this extra mass-energy come from ? What other effects would the source of all this added mass-energy produce ? And again, how is this different from science fiction, if you can pull any effect, or phenomenon, out of your a*s ?
  23. That's probably the least of our problems, INow. The Loser is now considering options to strike Iran. This after he's announced plans for troop withdrwals from the Middle East and Afghanistan. The Loser seems a little confused.
  24. Not an 'expert' but I'll give it a shot. Any kind f Chemistry ( other than mis-named Nuclear Chemistry ) involves atomic captive electrons. Plasma is, by definition, ionized, or stripped ( of its ) electrons.
  25. doesn't that mean that county's results ( or possibly all of Michigan's, eventually ) are tossed out ? Certainly not that the results 'switch' to the loser ?
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