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Everything posted by MigL

  1. That's the problem with conspiracy theorists... They will not be educated, making fun of them re-enforces their beliefs, and if you ignore them, they run wild. It's settled, then. Off to concentration camps with the lot.
  2. Yes, still do. ( but not Discovery, no way ) That was never said in the original series. "One of the song's phrases, "It's life, Jim, but not as we know it", originated with "Star Trekkin'", but has been subsequently misattributed to the TV series." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Trekkin'
  3. From that same link ... "There is still some debate over the long-term effectiveness of this technique. Some have discovered the yellowing reappears, and there is discussion of factors that may result in this happening. There are also some concerns that the process weakens the plastic." A lot of things 'work'. Paint oxidation is removed with gritty, abrasive rubbing compound, so a scouring pad will also work, but will ultimately do more damage.
  4. I suggest a correlation with age, or mental maturity. Only shallow, immature people are strictly concerned with 'looks'.
  5. While I would use baking soda as a cleaner, trying to remove oxidation and photo-oxidation ( due to UV ) with a strong oxidizer like hydrogen peroxide, is just wrong. H2O2 works on teeth by removing color due to stains and aging; it does not remove ( rather causes ) oxidation. Plastic oxidation is due to stripping electrons away, either by capture, or liberation by UV, from the long chain polymers making up most plastics. This degrades the plastic making it weaker, more brittle, and less flexible, while changing its color to yellowing, 'dusty' white, or gray, depending on original color. I suggest you store your collection in dry, nitrogen filled ,or vacuum bags, in a dark area. Any mold that grows on them can always be cleaned off with a white vinegar solution.
  6. That's what happens when people ( more specifically, BigQuestioner ) start confusing subjective beliefs and opinions with actual science.
  7. I didn't realise it was a problem. There are rules in place for such situations. I am concerned about bike lanes, however. You should not have to check behind your right shoulder when making a right turn from the far right lane. Bikes don't stop behind the last vehicle, but move right up to the intersection. Whatever happened to no passing on the right ?
  8. Italian is pronounced as it's spelled, but French is similar to English; sounding it out might not lead you to he correct spelling. At nine years of age, I did not find English very hard to learn; my brother ,sister and I were nearly fluent after 6 months of immigrating to Canada. My mom reached an equivalent level after about 5 years while my dad never achieved fluency. I think a bigger problem is spell-check/auto-correct. Just like calculators made sure that young people working at McDonald's can't make correct change mentally, spelling aids on phones and computers are ensuring young people don't know how to spell. ( but more importantly, who is Jim ? )
  9. I am a big proponent of Fusion reactor power, and believe it is our future. There are many technological obstacles in the way of that future. The biggest obstacle is that we cannot replicate the solar process here on Earth. That process relies on the vast central pressures generated by the gravity/mass of the Sun, and extremely high temperatures, to produce relatively harmless Helium. We can however, react Deuterium-Deuterium much more readily, and Deuterium-Tritium even more so ( 24 orders of magnitude more reactive than H-H ). So, naturally, if we are just going to investigate the concept, we start with Deuterium-Tritium, which requires the least pressure/temperature for reaction, but, has many associated problems. See here https://thebulletin.org/2017/04/fusion-reactors-not-what-theyre-cracked-up-to-be/ Once problems are ironed out, and technology develops sufficiently, we can move to investigating Deuterium-Deuterium fusion Reactors. With the ultimate goal ( technology permitting eventually ) to realise Hydrogen-Hydrogen fusion Reactors. If you're just learning to swim, you don't jump into the deep end of the pool.
  10. You got that right; it isn't any kind of science. Your whole premise is based on 'concepts' easily dismissed by most people on this forum; which you don't want to discuss. So, once again, someone claims something impossible/meaningless is real, and draws all kinds of absurd conclusions from that. I now know what you meant by "scientifically supported to actually exist", and it is definitely not what the rest of us mean.
  11. Perception is not reality. There is a reason the scientific method is used to define the workings of the world around us. Your conjectures are by definition, not repeatable, and don't yield the same results when tried on different people. IOW, this is not science of any kind.
  12. How is it scientifically supported to actually exist, if it is a mental construct, and different for every 'believer' ? Does the bolded, underlined have a different meaning for you?
  13. You can publicly express support for any theory you want. But others can publicly express their displeasure, and ridicule you for it. Free speech is for all. Even on this forum, you are allowed to present alternate theories of human evolution. But you had better do it in good faith, and back it with evidence.
  14. A photon travels at c when passing through a medium with which it does not interact. Photons tend to interact with a lot of things electromagnetically. A neutrino, which has mass but interacts much less and only through the Weak ( short range ) interaction, often gets to its destination faster than photons emitted at the same time.
  15. Most people here are only concerned with opinions and facts. And opinions and facts don't have 'color'. If, in our attempts to make a point, we sometimes say something that you find offensive, simply say so; most of us are considerate enough not to repeat it, and intelligent enough to find an alternate way to make that point.
  16. The economic exploitation would necessitate some scale of settlement. Think about little towns that spring up when a mine opens up in Northern Canada; unless the exploitation is done remotely, people will need to be, and live, there.
  17. I didn't mean it in a bad way, just trying to make a point as clear as possible . To be clear, if you don't like people of color, for whatever reason, that is perfectly acceptable, and not against the law. However, you cannot act on that dislike; everyone should be treated equitably, to do otherwise, is against the law. Sometimes, speech can incite hatred towards certain groups, however, and that is also against the law. When you start to tell people what, and how, to think, you've gone past the 'slippery slope', and right off the cliff.
  18. Sure you can say it. Free speech. And the jury is still out so you are not wrong either.
  19. I meant 'police', the verb, not the noun. But it's not all about YOU. Again, if the above offends you, should I be stopped from saying it ? And by whom ?
  20. No, the 'alternate reality' is a different interpretation again. The 'cat in the box' is the superposition of states ( of the wavefunction ) in the Copenhagen ( N Bohr ) interpretation.
  21. So who do you think should police and censor what people think ? ( And, if the above statement hurts your feelings, do you think I should be stopped from saying it ? )
  22. As a cat owner, I think this mental experiment is an example of ' animal testing' for scientific purposes, and cruelty to animals. What could be possible ? Schrodinger's cat is simply an interpretation of the mathematics of Quantum Mechanics, absurdly ( and incorrectly ) applied to macroscopic objects.
  23. Italy usually conducts "open Seas' exercises with neighbouring Mediterranean countries ( the latest may have been Cyprus ). Outside the Mediterranean it has conducted some exercises in the Middle East ( off the coast of Qatar with the Indian navy ), but it is usually part of a joint NATO group.
  24. Sure, everyone wants to live in a 'comfortable' place. But if it's a matter of survival, there are various degrees of 'comfort' we are willing to accept. For a while, when populations were growing exponentially all over the world, there was even talk of enclosed undersea cities ( shallow seas and oceans ), where you would need a suit to go outside ( no different than enclosed cities on Mars ). That has fallen by the wayside now that China is actually building landmasses ( islands ) in the South China Sea. Terraforming the Earth, you might say.
  25. That is a movie. Artistic license and all that. As for bringing me to tears, only Saving Private Ryan ever made me pretend I had something in my eye when watching with company.
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