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Everything posted by MigL

  1. I know Markus from another forum we belonged to before this one. And I've gotten to know Mordred fairly well. Both are extremely professional in the way they pass on knowledge without judgement. I have learned a lot from both, and hope to learn much more. Neither seems to participate much in forums like Politics, Religion, Ethics, etc., where opinions matter a lot, and tempers can flare; although it would be nice to hear their opinions on some matters. I don't think you need to worry about either of them getting 'pi*sed-off'. Watch out for that Zapatos guy though, He's American, and has guns .
  2. It would be interesting to observe the rotation rates of the center of the spiral as opposed to the outlying arms. I would imagine the center is spinning much faster as the most mass has accumulated in the center ( much like the figure skater drawing in their arms ). Or are they somewhat like galaxy rotations; fairly even out to the spirals because of 'hidden' mass. IOW, does dark matter have any influence at all, in solar system formation ?
  3. Now that D Trump's approval rating has dropped 4 points in the last month, and he trails J Biden by 8 points, I'm surprised he is still concentrating on China. I would have thought by now, he'd suggest that SARS-COV2 is a man made virus, specifically by the Democrats ( and that bi*ch N Pelosi ) and the fake-news organizations ( all of them ? ), to oust him from power. In all likelihood 99.9% of his followers will believe him.
  4. Welcome, and interfere as much as you like. Open minds are always welcome. You might learn a few things from our more knowledgeable members. And a few of us might learn some things from your insights.
  5. Reminds me of Linda Lovelace, who was responsible, with her movie Deep Throat, for bringing porn movies into mainstream, back in the early 70s. ( I remember going to the movie theater on Pine St, In Niagara Falls, New York, to see it. in 1978 ) She found Religion in her later years, and was a spearhead for the anti-porn movement, when she could no longer make a living doing porn. A lot of people put a 'price' on their 'moral' values. ( leave it to me to bring all discussions into the 'gutter' )
  6. GR also predicts, and allows for, singularities. Yet we know they are un-physical. The model is never able to encompass all aspects of reality.
  7. Well, there is time dilation due to relative motion...
  8. I'm surprised you want to go to all this trouble of sanitizing mass transit, dwellings and workplaces with A/C, etc. Why not just provide everyone with a powered bubbler face-mask system, where the air you breathe is bubbled, under pressure, through a hydrogen peroxide solution. But seriously, you are getting ridiculous with your wanting to sanitize everything we can possibly come in contact with. It is not the environment that is contaminated, it is us; we are the carriers and spreaders. As soon as one contaminated person touches something, that thing is contaminated again, and must be sanitized again. The way out of this mess is not by sanitizing everything, but by acquiring immunity/resistance. That is how adaptive organisms do it.
  9. WE ???? We are most certainly not; maybe you are, and have been for some time. ( may be time to look for a new hobby ) The rest of us are satisfied with the GR model, which, other than a few areas of applicability, works extremely well.
  10. While doing some reading concerning US Navy patents and countermeasures for aircraft, I came across this interesting article https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidhambling/2020/05/11/us-navy-laser-creates-plasma-ufos/#57d8f4031074 and it isn't even classified. Seems the Navy has patents that suggest the use of pulsed lasers to 'form' plasma decoys, and defeat the infra-red seekers of approaching missiles. These would basically be shaped 'lightning', and could be maneuvered by moving the lasers, in ways that defy explanation. Could the UFO incident have been a test ?
  11. Curvature, or geodesics, can be related to geometry; That is what GR does. Go ahead and relate refractive index to geometry. And use math, not analogies or hand-waving. As you have already told 3 people you don't want to discuss your idea anymore, I suggest you are in the wrong Forum. And there is no point keeping this thread open if we aren't welcome to discuss its merits.
  12. MigL

    Clap for Boris?

    Although it is a welcome change to see other world leaders getting pilloried. There is plenty of blame to go around. ( and I don't wanna hear about, or from, D Trump until his concession speech in November )
  13. And B will detect 10 pulses, but with different spacing, because the frequency of the pulses also changes. ( maybe you should consider what I'm writing before dismissing it ) This is a reference to gravitational potential becoming more and more negative as the universe expands. IOW, work has to be done to move mass to apart, since gravity does positive work as the mass approaches. I remember coming across this same idea in Principles of Modern Cosmology by P J E Peebles. And I've always considered it an 'accounting' convention.
  14. No, you are confused. The 'insurmountable problem' is your invalid assumption of simultaneity between frames.
  15. So if you look at the night sky in the radial direction ( perpendicular to direction of expansion ), you should see a vast empty void that the 'active layer' is expanding into, or a smaller ( but still vast ) void that the 'active layer' has expanded out from. We see none of those things in our universe. Are you maybe describing another make-believe universe ? That is not what 'theorists' do. Or are you postulating 4 spatial dimensions pus time ? ( can't be sure withyour mixed terminology ) In which case, the 'blast surface' would have an expanding 'thickness', as it moves radially outward. But that is still not our universe. I'll leave it to Strange to explain to you why 4 spatial dimensions plus time, does not provide for stable orbits. ( he just learned that and he's dying to share the information )
  16. MigL

    Clap for Boris?

    Boris Johnson has the 'clap' ? Clap is slang Canadian terminology for STDs ( syphilis and gonorrhea ). Seems a common fault of failing national leaders. They don't seem to be able to work with others. Must have something to do with their behavior in the sandbox, as children.
  17. My apologies CharonY, I edited my post to include discussable quotes.
  18. Information regarding the Taiwan timeline was recollections of the Time article I read this morning... https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/world/taiwan-says-it-tried-to-warn-the-world-about-coronavirus-here-s-what-it-really-knew-and-when/ar-BB14jlTX?ocid=msedgntp "In the weeks following the Dec. 31 note, the WHO echoed Chinese officials that there was “no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission”— even as cases began cropping up that raised suspicion of contagion." While the China vs US ( and a lot of other countries ) comes from this NYT article... https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/world/u-s-china-feud-over-coronavirus-erupts-at-world-health-assembly/ar-BB14iUmT?ocid=msedgntp "Earlier, Trump administration officials denounced China’s aid announcement as an attempt to influence the W.H.O., which is facing pressure from member states to investigate whether it was complicit in Beijing’s lack of transparency in the early days of the outbreak in Wuhan."
  19. Considering the ruckus that was made over the death of 3000 people on 9/11, and the trouble three successive governments went to, to mitigate and punish the perpetrators of the incident, I find the government's nonchalant attitude regarding the death of >90 000 people slightly unsettling. Re-election is more important than lives. That's 92 000 people, so far ... Other world leaders are not much better. And I ( and many other countries ) aren't letting China off the hook either. If China didn't want to politicise the Dovid-19 response, thy should have at least allowed Taiwan's observer status at the WHO, and the WHO should have heeded Taiwan's warnings in December instead of being China's mouthpiece and claiming there was no human-to-human transmission for three weeks. Saving face is more important than lives. But as bad as all the others are, none of them, not even B Johnson, has ever suggested people inject bleach disinfectant, or shine a UV llight up their butt.
  20. President Trump's strategy is simple ... He ran on a platform of 'draining the swamp'. He's fired four IGs in quick succession; the latest for investigating Pompeo's misuse of resources. I guess without IG overseers ( or free press ), he can claim there is no swamp. Similarly, since infections were found in White House staff, everyone there is tested daily; The rest of the country is way undertested. I guess without testing, he can also claim there is no more virus. What bothers me is his supporters, who defend him and buy into his crap. Abuse and overreach of power, nepotism, pay to play, bribery, corruption, and the worst response to the pandemic of any civilized country, and he still has that kind of support ( people thinking he's doing a god job ) ?
  21. If it can't be true, you must be able to explain X ray diffraction with those same photon 'tennis balls'. Or maybe you can explain the photoelectric effect with EM waves ? Whether light displays its wave nature, or its particle nature, depends on the observation you are attempting to make. Some models are better suited for describing specific aspects of reality than others.
  22. I suggest doing your analysis of the two observers in a gravity well, with EM waves instead of photons. The peaks and troughs of a wave are in effect signal pulses, and frequency of a particular EM emission is, in effect a clock. Now consider a specific emission deep in a gravity well, as observed by an observer much higher in the gravity well. Using your same logic ( as you previously applied to the photons ) the higher up observer will see the peaks and troughs of that specific emission arriving slower, and more separated. IOW, lower frequency and longer wavelength ( otherwise known as red-shift ), and if you multiply the two together, you still get c . Alternatively, an observer lower in the gravity well will see waves from that same specific emission ( but now higher up in the well ) arriving with peaks and troughs at a faster rate, or more closely spaced. IOW, higher frequency and shorter wavelength ( also known as blue-shift ). In both cases, the frequency/wavelength shifts are not observed at the same depth in the gravity well, but only at differing depths. That is a 'comparison' and what is meant by relative, certainly not 'absolute'. And in neither case is c measured to be different from the speed of light by any observer. Its amazing how much confusion you can avoid, by using the right model for the circumstances.
  23. Welcome. We are all good, but some are better than others. ( or just more opinionated ) Join in the fun.
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