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Everything posted by MigL

  1. But you can at least post your 'perspective', listen to any and all criticism that is offered up by members, ask questions about unfamiliar concepts, and learn from the experience.
  2. I remember when unidentified anomalies in equipment ( no matter how 'advanced' ) were called 'glitches' in the system. Now they are labelled UFOs, which while the correct acronym, implies 'extra-terrestrial' origins to the tin-foil hat crowd.
  3. There does seem to be continuing confusion about aerosol spreading of SARS-COV2 virus, with reports out of Wuhan, of detectable traces of virus RNA in cramped, non-ventilated areas of hospitals, markets, and even open air. But you would have to breathe for 15 min or more, to inhale a single fragment of virus, in open air. Whether these fragments are viable whole virions, or not, is debatable, as the testing is not that specific ( only looks for certain markers ), and no-one has yet attempted to 'culture', and grow these fragments to check for viability. Also , viral load comes into play at these small concentrations; how many virus are needed for an infection ? Indications are that low viral loads result in mild to no infections, that may still test positive. Larger exposures are needed for serious,symptomatic cases. A recent case in BC, Canada, had a woman undergo testing 4 times, two positives, one negative, and one inconclusive, so she was diagnosed of having been infected. After quarantine, she was subsequently re-infected, and medical professionals are left wondering if there is no acquired immunity to the virus. I would first look at the testing procedures, to see what determines an active, viable virus. And the minimum number of viable virions that determine infection.
  4. Iowan daily new case number does seem kind of high for the total number of cases ( all depending on testing of course ). I can't get a history of Iowa's daily case numbers, but yesterday's single data point, would indicate new cases are still climbing rapidly. Most places will wait until new case numbers decline for a period of time before considering partial lifting of the lockdown.
  5. I'm only familiar with semiconductor clean rooms, which are not sterile as they are only concerned with particulate contaminants.
  6. Laminar flow simply means without ( or minimal ) turbulence. Top-down flow is a method to minimize turbulence and horizontal flows ( which may spread contaminants )
  7. Didn't think social distancing would be much of a problem in the wide-open spaces of Iowa . Stay safe.
  8. I would think so. Spinning separators work on density, to separate cream from milk, for example. Knock-out pots ( or cyclonic filters ) work on the same principle as a snow fence. Air has to accelerate to go over it, and the heavier snow drops out on the windward side. For this same reason I wouldn't think ventilation systems would spread virus droplets. Going through a high speed fan will get rid of most virus droplets. ( usually the knock-out pot or cyclonic separator is just ahead of the fan to collect dust, liquid or whatever you're separating out of the airstream )
  9. Thought it was kind of funny, that she swatted away flies, while she was cooking... crickets ? Wouldn't want to get bugs in your bugs.
  10. What about this vaccine being developed at Oxford, which has been able to skip several stages of testing. as it uses the same mechanism used for a MERS vaccine previously developed. They say if final testing proves successful, they could have 3 million units ready by the fall.
  11. Droplets tend to fall out of suspension very quickly if the airflow is passed through a 'knock-out pot' ( engineering speak ). In Physics terms, airflow is directed into a large chamber, where it is quickly decelerated, and then accelerated again. The liquid droplets have much more inertia than air molecules, and cannot 'keep-up'; they drop out of suspension.
  12. Anything that damages ( in any way ) the lining of the lungs will lead to chronic pulmonary fibrosis. IE scarring and thickening of the lining, making respiration more difficult ( pneumonia ), and impossible in extreme cases ( you die ). Heavy doses of steroids taken concurrently/subsequently may alleviate some of the effect, but steroids have their own issues.
  13. IIRC Italy and some other European countries have had their R0 number ( R naught or reproduction number ) at less than 1 for over a week before they started cautiously lifting some restrictions. I know we're not near there in Ontario, yet there is talk of lifting some restrictions in the coming week. Then again, our largest hot spots are metro Toronto and retirement homes, and it's a big province. ( I see more old people out and about than young; what are they thinking ? )
  14. Apparently his last 22 min. press briefing, was caused by a CNN reporter, who D Trump wanted moved back, from the front row to the sixth. Both her, and the other reporter in the sixth row refused to move, as is their right, and that got the President 'upset'. He cut the briefing short and refused to take any questions. https://www.mediaite.com/news/wh-tried-to-force-cnns-kaitlan-collins-to-move-to-back-row-at-briefing-reportedly-threatened-secret-service-involvement/ Real 'grown up' behavior.
  15. For the ones who don't recover, getting infected is much worse. ( so far, over 200 000, and climbing )
  16. Again, as far as Germany is concerned... If you carefully think about it, my 'fallacious' argument is perfectly sensible, as you have no idea if people you interact with are infectious or not. So answer the question as posed, without re-wording. Or whether lifting the lockdown *( added to your quote )
  17. That is not what I meant. They are protesting against the lockdown. IOW they want lockdown and distancing restrictions lifted. Lifting those restrictions is what will put everyone else at risk. You rebutted something I did not suggest; Try again. ( and as far as I know, Germany has no such protests, so I fail to see the value of their court rulings in Canada or the US ) Let's consider a similar example... In countries where prostitution is legal, do you also believe sex trade workers who have contracted HIV and /or AIDS, should be allowed to continue working without informing their 'customers, or should they be charged with willful negligence/reckless endangerment to human life, or possibly even manslaughter ?
  18. The 'standard' I use is "your rights stop, once they start infringing on the rights of others" You want to go out and get sick ? Fine I have no problem with that. But what gives you the right to infect others, for several weeks before you come down with symptoms and eventually die ? Or to infect the health care workers whose job it is to save your ignorant a*s ?
  19. I'm waiting for the invitation to supper at your granma's, Dim. Sorry, INow. I'll have to decline your invite to the locust stir-fry dinner.
  20. I've had both. Wild is much more sought after by the older generation Italians. I prefer tame as it is readily available in Italian supermarkets, or stores that carry 'Mennonite' raised meats.
  21. But President R Reagan did, unofficially, apologize for the incident.
  22. Growing up in the 'Italian tradition', rabbit was almost as common as chicken for supper. And I love it; even more so now that my parents have long passed, and I don't have very often. But I had never heard of 'swamp rabbit' till today, Moon.
  23. Apparently it isn't just the US that has groups protesting the lockdown/shutdown. We had our own protesters yesterday in front of the Provincial Parliament building in Toronto. Dozens ( 30-40 ) people were 'allowed' to protest by the police ( as long as they practiced social distancing ) and no tickets were issued. Our Premier, Doug Ford ( yes, the brother of the (in)famous Rob Ford ) called them selfish, irresponsible, and 'ya-hoos'.
  24. You are right Moon. The USS Vincennes/Iran Air fl655 incident.
  25. Proud to report I haven't seen a single one of his press briefings.
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