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Everything posted by MigL

  1. But President R Reagan did, unofficially, apologize for the incident.
  2. Growing up in the 'Italian tradition', rabbit was almost as common as chicken for supper. And I love it; even more so now that my parents have long passed, and I don't have very often. But I had never heard of 'swamp rabbit' till today, Moon.
  3. Apparently it isn't just the US that has groups protesting the lockdown/shutdown. We had our own protesters yesterday in front of the Provincial Parliament building in Toronto. Dozens ( 30-40 ) people were 'allowed' to protest by the police ( as long as they practiced social distancing ) and no tickets were issued. Our Premier, Doug Ford ( yes, the brother of the (in)famous Rob Ford ) called them selfish, irresponsible, and 'ya-hoos'.
  4. You are right Moon. The USS Vincennes/Iran Air fl655 incident.
  5. Proud to report I haven't seen a single one of his press briefings.
  6. The biggest thing Republicans had to brag about in November was the strength of the economy. Not like they could brag about the President's track record, surviving impeachment, or anything. With that option gone, the economy limping along ( devastated in NY, NJ, Ill. and Mass. ) and unemployment at close to 25 % ( especially in Republican states ), I doubt they'll even manage to hold on to the Senate. Somebody's gotta be worried about this; I'm surprised they haven't taken the phone ( and microphone at Press conferences ) away from D Trump and told him to shut up. All J Biden has to do is show up in November; If he survives his age and the pandemic. What else is there to draw attention away from ?
  7. It doesn't take much to confuse the Iranian military. Apparently their Ground-based Air Defense units are easily confused into thinking passenger planes, taking off from their own airport, are ALCMs. Or is it too soon to be joking about that event.
  8. And to prove my point that you guys are overestimating his greed, and underestimating his stupidity... https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/skbaer/coronavirus-trump-light-disinfectants President Trump has now suggested experts find a way to inject light or disinfectants into the human body to combat Covid-19. ( I myself have been doing that for years, by raising my blood alcohol level; but not before driving )
  9. Whether billions of locusts can be caught, or, we can stay on topic ? Locusts will go where the food is; once it's gone, they'll die off, or migrate. Use of chemical agents to incapacitate them, also puts the remaining food at risk. The only suitable method, is trapping them, using netting, I would think. ( then possibly roasting them to dry out, and mixing with a suitable carb, like rice ,or other grain, flour ) Not sure how efficient the process would be; the netting would need to be suspended above the vegetation the locusts are attacking, and then, drawn up, and tight, to capture them. But you still need to incapacitate them somehow, or you'll need to put the netting in the roasting ovens also. So then, the netting would need to be heat resistant, and you could only do batches, instead of a continuous process.
  10. So this is just a case of using the complex number i to make the mathematical model fit observational evidence and postulates ? And it has no other Physical significance ? Ok, thanks Studiot.
  11. Thanks. Yeah, right. Good luck trying to restrain neutrinos . ( or protons and electrons; this is all in jest anyway )
  12. Oooops… Just noticed my previous post is non-sensical. The '=' sign should be right after neutron star; not between 'electron star' and 'proton star'. ( not that this makes the process any more likely )
  13. You don't need lungs to be infected, reproduce the virus, and spread it. Just cells with ACE2 receptors.
  14. Maybe he's thinking Beta minus decay on a stellar level. Neutron star = 'Electron star' + 'Proton star' + Lots of anti-neutrinos Kind of fanciful, but clearly impossible. ( and no gamma ray burst ! )
  15. Big difference between one infected person socializing on a cruise ship for 5 days, and then who knows how many others he/others may have infected, socializing on a cruise ship for 14 days, compared to one infected person in a restaurant for 2-3 hours, in a fixed location.
  16. But what, if any, is the result of making the coordinate distance in the time dimension, imaginary ? Is there any Physical 'reality' associated with the i in ict ? The mathematical formulae make sense with i in ict , but I am losing sight of the underlying Physics. Does the i have any Physical meaning ?
  17. Something which has always bothered me... I understand that the 4dimensional line element ds^2 = dx^2 + dy^2 + dz^2 - c^2dt^2 is invariant under a Lorentz transform, and that the 'time', on the 4dimensional space-time manifold, needs to be expressed as a co-ordinate distance, hence x, y, z, and ct. But the fact that c^2dt^2 is negative, implies the dimension is actually ict , an imaginary quantity. What exactly is the reason for making it imaginary ? Is it as simple as the fact that the complex plane is orthogonal to the real plane ( of the x,y,z dimensions ) ? Or is there a reason other than orthogonality requirements ?
  18. Oh, another thing... Hopefully no zoonotic virus, jump from locusts to humans. ( African Locust Acute Respiratory Syndrome - ALARS )
  19. Tried cookies with grasshopper in them, once. Never again ! I'm not against using them as a protein source for more 'traditional' livestock, like pigs, chickens, cows, etc. But feeding them to starving people, while we eat steak, seems kind of wrong.
  20. Yes ( ja ). I could add that the distance between points ( r ) is a function of the local curvature of the space, and the metric tensor is then, the derivative of that function or the infinitesimal distance on that space.
  21. Let me see if I can really dumb it down ( not for you geordief ) for the layman. In two dimensions, the general form of your relation is ax^2 + by^2 = r^2 ( generalized Pythagoras ), and in SR, the coefficients a = b = 1 as it is 'flat' ( Euclidian )spacetime. In GR, we are no longer dealing with 'flat' or Euclidian spaces. So the coefficients a and b have values other than 1. For positive curvature, the angles of a triangle add up to more than 180 deg. and the circumference of a circle is less than 2(pi)r, so the coefficients would be less than 1, and for negative curvature, where the angles of a triangle add to less than 180 deg. and the circumference of a circle is greater than 2(pi)r, the coefficients would be greater than 1. And in the case where your graph paper has a compound curvature ( different in differing directions ), a and b are not equivalent. IOW, the only difference between SR and GR is curvature, so you must use a more general form of the Pythagoras relation.
  22. No thank you. How about you click on this link... https://www.scienceforums.net/guidelines/
  23. If I understand this gibberish correctly... In the first case, the force is imparting the mass kinetic energy continuously; and it results in acceleration. In the second case, the nut bolt system is initially imparted potential energy ( tightened ), and afterwards simply remains at the higher potential; a very large difference. ( similar to bringing a mass atop a building and not dropping it off the edge ) As for the rest, electrical and binary functions ( ? ), I haven't got a clue what you're talking about.
  24. I thought borders were already closed other than transporting of goods.
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