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Everything posted by MigL

  1. This is what I was referring to as "Off topic". And if my reply to this is off topic, then so is the post that prompted my reply, and deserving of a similar warning, Strange. Not to mention all the others he has brought up that are similarly off topic. By all means, enforce the rules, but do it equitably.
  2. Thousands of years of military strategy turned on their head by Curious Layman...
  3. I don't think Mistermack got that, Dim. Come on guys, you wanna bash girlfriends, that's allowed. But mothers, daughters and sisters are off limits. ( although this locker room talk may seems appropriate in this particular thread about sports )
  4. Off topic, but why would the US gain from orchestrating a 'hot' war between the Ukraine and Russia ? The Ukranians are no angels ( corrupt government ) but they were moving away from the Russian sphere of influence, towards Western integration ( after much needed government reforms ) and possibly even into NATO. Then Russia destabilized and took over the Crimean peninsula ( they needed a seaport for access to the Mediterranean so they can retain their status as the European boogey man ). And you think the Americans started the hot war in eastern Ukraine ? What, so the Ukraine can take over Russia ?????
  5. I would have to differ INow. Sexualization occurs in your own mind. There is no 'action' involved; that would be what you probably mean, and of course treating/acting that way is wrong But telling someone what they can and cannot THINK ( even about someone else ) is dangerous.
  6. You don't need to convince me. I've lost all vision in my left eye due to ganglion damage ( where the optic nerve curves into the back of the eyeball, the 'cup' area ) from Glaucoma And even after filtering operations, medication is barely keeping pressures in check in my right eye. re-growing these nerve cells would restore my vision.
  7. MigL

    Sports Talk

    Women's soccer seems to be more popular in North America than men's soccer. At least, judging by the viewership of this year's women's World Cup matches. Might have to do with the fact that the American and Canadian national teams are both highly ranked. I watched, and really enjoyed, all the games I could. That being said, I'm shallow, and watch all the women's beach volleyball I can.
  8. Regardless of 'who did what' in the past, the situation we have to deal with is the current one. ISIS has, and continues to, kill, rape and displace a large number of their own people. Are you suggesting we stand by and let the organizers and influencers of this madness continue, Mistermack ? To put it in perspective, in 1948 250-300,000 Palestinians were displaced by the creation of the state of Israel. The UN estimates that 2 % of the pre-war Syrian population ( about 400,000 ) died in the civil war, and several million were displaced into neighboring countries.
  9. Would be interesting to know what evolutionary forces led to the platypus. Any thoughts ?
  10. @geordief All motion is relative. Expansion/inflation is not motion. @MultiSingularity "each supermassive black hole has a singularity ..they are entangled with the first singularity ..the big bang" No, there is no evidence or physical interpretation for any singularity, neither in a BH or at the Big Bang event. It is an extrapolation of a theory past its useable limits. I don't think you quite grasp entanglement. And even if you could entangle two 'singularities' across distances ( note that ALL information about a BH is encoded on the event horizon' NOT the singularity ), how do you propose to 'entangle' across time, where one event is the product of another ? Definition of entanglement from Wiki... "An entangled system is defined to be one whose quantum state cannot be factored as a product of states of its local constituents; that is to say, they are not individual particles but are an inseparable whole."
  11. This type of Nativity scene is very popular in Italy for Christmas decoration, Mordred. My brother actually has one that was brought by my parents to Canada in 1968. Just wondering how you plan to make the Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Magi, shepherds, Angels, cow, donkey and assorted sheep figurines. Seems you've just got as far as the 'easy part' so far.
  12. A lot of misconceptions and misunderstanding. I suggest you either start asking questions on this forum to fill in the gaps in your knowledge, or get a good book on cosmology.
  13. I really dislike the use of demerits to make an argument. Stop being dishonest and make a valid argument.
  14. Education, and learning, isn't about what educators give you; it's about what you take from them. That is why everyone learns differently. ( incidentally I was always very artistic )
  15. It will be interesting to see exactly how they go about applying/distributing these reparations.
  16. You seem to forget the number of civilians ISIS murdered, raped and displaced from their homes before the world decided to do something about them. I would have paid for your flight to Syria so you could use these same arguments to convince them to stop. ( maybe you could have brought up the Good Friday Agreement )
  17. Somebody should tell them that.
  18. How wold you splice the optic nerve and keep it functional ? I think that's still beyond medical abilities.
  19. Not very certain. I still consider myself a noob, but, having checked, I seem to have been around for quite a while. ( time does fly when you're having fun, doesn't it ? ) I got the impression from one of the other threads that it was the exact opposite in the early days ( dial-up internet access ? ), with massive reputation swings, based on whether the presiding 'Gods of Olympus' ( Swansont, INow, not sure who else ) approved of your post or not. Not that I would care ( the discussion/argument is more important than the popularity of my opinion, haven't you noticed ), but that would make arguing against Swansont or INow a risky proposition for some. You'd get a lighting bolt' up your a*s, and your rep would be in the negatives. ( just kidding, neither would do that )
  20. Sounds like 'the devil you know is better than his replacement' kind of thinking, Stringy. Would you also apply that to D Trump ?
  21. IIRC the approach that seemed to work with M Gaddafi was the air strikes by a squadron of F-111, flying out of England, that demonstrated just how quickly R Reagan could take him out, if he so chose. He quited down very quickly after that.
  22. You just mentioned a couple of mis-applications, where studies are conducted with gender or 'racial' biases.
  23. Relativistic mass is essentially kinetic energy, it is a frame dependent phenomenon, and not actual mass. The ionized particles are essentially in distant orbits about the pulsar which has an extremely strong gravitational well, and are whipped about by the equally strong magnetic field, although I would have thought the magnetic field to be tightly localized ( apparently not, as per your link ) This is not a surface phenomenon as we would normally understand 'wind', but more like the solar wind, and its interaction with Earth's magnetic field. Additionally, because of the strength of the magnetic field of the pulsar, any ionized particles that would be considered an 'atmosphere' about the pulsar ( close to the surface ), would have a preferred direction of travel; Easy along the magnetic field lines, but extremely difficult crossing them.
  24. I disagree. Pure science ( definitely not political, social or even medical ) has no gender, ethnicity, sexual preference or religion. The mis-application of pure science can have.
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