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Everything posted by MigL

  1. A destination can often be reached by more than one route; some routes are preferable to others. Some routes are actually harmful to one or many. The common expression is " The end doesn't justify the means" A lot of people with very lofty goals have committed atrocities throughout history, to achieve those goals. Also why is this in Relativity ? It has nothing to do with Einstein's Relativity. Should be in Philosophy oor Ethics.
  2. @John Cuthber Applying an extremely well regulated ( to 3 dec. places ) power supply to the 'ground' or common ( black lead ) on your digital multimeter, you will then be able to measure to 3 dec. places on either side of 1 V. IOW the red lead will measure the difference ( positive or negative ) from the 1 V reference. ( I agree, a well regulated power supply would be more difficult to source than a multimeter that reads to 4 dec. places )
  3. Virginia's economy benefitted greatly from slavery during the time when it joined the Union ( 1770s ), to the abolishment ( 1860s ), so I would have no problem with the state Government paying reparations. Especially now that the state economy seems to finally be in an upswing after the 2008-09 crash.
  4. Fortunately Electromagnetism is what Physicist call a gauge force. In simple terms that means there is no absolute value for voltage ( like, say, for temperature ), and if you use 1V as your reference, you will be able to measure +/_ 0.001 V on either side of it.
  5. No can do, Londy. They've all stopped returning my calls. ( as a matter of fact, a few have restraining orders against me ) Ha Ha, just kidding.
  6. Contact starlets/media personalities such as Jennifer Lawrence, Kaley Cuoco, Kirsten Dunst, Miley Cyrus, Kate Hudson, Scarlett Johannson, Brie Larson, Avril Lavigne, Rihanna, Kate Upton and many more ( including quite a few men, also ). They should be able to help you research the security of cloud based storage. ( or alternately, the stupidity of using cloud based storage for sensitive material )
  7. There is definitely a relation between something being invisible, and your eyelids being closed.
  8. What ? You guys don't have 4D graph paper in the US/UK ?
  9. His point no. 2 seems to be closely related to standard theory. Elementary particles could well be dimensionless. And their attributes are embedded in the field which gives rise to them. ( as per quantum field theory ) I also don't place much value in eliminating the distinction between model and reality, or the creation/generation of space( time ? ) by elementary particles.
  10. I'd say a 'more appropriate place' would be the Fantasy Forum. Certainly NOT Physics.
  11. Huummm… Noether's Theorem doesn't really relate position and momentum, or time and energy. It simply states that every differentiable symmetry ( time and translation )of the action ( integral over time of the Lagrangian ) has a conserved current ( energy and momentum ). I'd put it down to coincidence. But if someone can show a relation, I'd be very interested in hearing about it. ( good question, Strange )
  12. Is it just a coincidence if Clint Eastwood walks into your place of work and says "Go ahead, make my day"
  13. As Strange has implied... What makes you think the 'stain' is carbon ? ( I recall doing vacuum deposition of thin metal films on glass substrates in 2nd year Uni )
  14. With regards to the OP... A vector field such as the electromagnetic field ( or electric and magnetic fields ) has an associated energy density, the measure of energy stored in the field per unit volume of space. As such, it is the measure of a property of that volume of space. But it could also be interpreted as a measure of a property of the field. So if the field can be said to possess the property of energy, it must, by definition, also possess the property of mass.
  15. "It’s not the social programs that put those countries in difficult fiscal situations" I didn't say it was. It has been mostly mismanagement, and inertia to keep doing as they've always done. ( even in the face of the changed currency situation )
  16. I would have thought it's the other way around, CaronY. The US is probably more fiscally conservative than most European countries. Some are so in debt that they've had to be bailed out by other countries. They seem to be more socially progressive than the US, as they certainly have better social programs, like health care, climate change, education subsidies, gun control, etc. And they do this by higher taxation rates, although sometimes this isn't enough, and their debt get out of control. ( Greece, Portugal, Spain and Italy come to mind )
  17. Don't confuse Democrats and Republicans with Liberals and Conservatives. American Democrats are probably to the "right' of your UK Conservatives. I have no clue where most American Republicans are anymore.
  18. Not sure how you would build in this 'delay' into Newtonian gravity. And even if it helped account for relativistic effects, it would still only be applicable to nearly flat space-time (IE weak gravity limit ). As for the OP, I think Strange hit the nail on the head. Both are based on experiment/observation; how could they not be.
  19. Absolutely. You have to break a few eggs to make an omlette, and you gotta have differing opinions to have a discussion.
  20. Most scientists are not idiots. Quite a few Republicans are. See where I'm going with this...
  21. I would think the tariff is to stop the US from flooding the markets with cheap cheese. A lot of European countries ( Canada too ) protect some of their 'proprietary' cheeses. A few years back, some people ( one of them a Police Officer ) were busted for illegal smuggling across the American/Canadian border in a nearby town called Fort Erie. They weren't smuggling drugs; they were smuggling cheese to the tune of $250000 Can. every 6 months. Who would have thought...
  22. You'll have to forgive my friend, Dimreepr, who doesn't seem to understand a basic concept of rights and freedoms... Your rights stop when they start infringing on the rights of others.
  23. I read where Brazilian President J Bolsonaro is refusing to accept aid for the rainforest fires unless E Macron apologises for calling hin a lier. Totally disregarding the coments he made about E Macron's wife. I guess there are other world leaders just as childish as D Trump.
  24. Yes, you can measure the position where it struck you, and the momentum it transferred to you. No problem. You can't do that with a quantum particle. I suggest you do a quick look-up of the HUP on Wiki as you seem a little confused.
  25. You mean they gave Penzias and Wilson a Nobel prize for finding the temperature of the Cosmic Microwave Background ( 2.7 deg ) and it was undeserved ?
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