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Everything posted by MigL

  1. MigL

    Today I Learned

    You would think they would standardize on one side or the other. If only to avoid the confusing messes at the gas pumps.
  2. I think a little bit of religious guilt makes the sex more enjoyable. Nothing better than a 'guilty pleasure'.
  3. I wouldn't go there. Might run into Thanos.
  4. To be fair L Susskind has changed his views also. IIRC originally he favored the hot firewall hypothesis arising from entanglement break between interior ( to the EH ) and exterior regions of space. It was only later that he changed his views to the information being encoded in the radiation, thereby preserving the 'monogamous' entanglement. Keep in mind also, that spatial entanglement and information conservation ( as well as Entropy and Hawking radiation ), as related to Black Holes, are 'hodge-podge' marriages between GR and QM, where their areas of applicability slightly overlap. Any conclusions we may draw as to wider questions may be overturned by an actual Quantum Gravity theory
  5. Nothing comes out of a BH. Virtual particles are a consequence of borrowed mass-energy with a time constraint according to Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, and originate outside the event horizon. If the BH captures one of the pair, the other cannot annihilate with it anymore and must become a real particle and escape. That is the radiation part. The one that is captured by the BH actually adds mass-energy equivalent to one virtual particle, but once time is up and the 2 particle virtual mass-energy debt must be repaid, the BH has a net loss of one virtual particle equivalent mass-energy. That is the evaporation part. The temperature of a BH is due to entropy considerations. Large BHs have a very low temperature and radiate at the characteristic wavelength of a black body at that temperature. Very long wavelength, low energy radiation. Small ( microscopic ) BH shave a very high temperature and radiate at very short wavelengths, and high energy. They lose more equivalent mass-energy and so evaporate much faster. There are also what are called 'active' BHs, which feed ravenously. Possibly because they are located in a gas/dust cloud, or are drawing mass from a companion star. These form an accretion disc of infalling plasma, accelerated to relativistic speeds, and the resulting 'cyclotron' radiation is emitted as polar jets. It is thought that in early epochs of the universe, as galaxies were forming, their large central BHs were feeding and growing at massive rates, and their polar jets were what we see as distant ( in time and distance ) quasars.
  6. A BH is always feeding. If its temperature is lower than the CMB, it is feeding on that energy plus the virtual particles that give rise to the Hawking radiation mechanism, with the net effect being an uncrease in the mass-energy of the BH, and resultant increase in the area of the event horizon. If the BH's temperature is higher than the temp of the CMB, then the Hawking radiation will dominate and it is only feeding on that ( Hawking radiation 'feeds' on one half of the virtual particle pair, technically, nothing is emitted from the BH ), and the net effect will be a loss of mass-energy, a constantly smaller area of the event horizon, leading to even higher temperature; IE evaporation of the BH. There is no such thing as a naked singularity. Although certain theories ( solutions of the field equations ), at the edge of applicability, predict the singularity 'shedding' its event horizon. Such as Kerr ( rotating ) BHs at a certain critical spin, and R-N ( charged ) BH's above a critical charge.
  7. You essentially answered your own questions. Think of the liquid crystals as 'shutters' which allow light to pass through or not. And just as shutters always leak a little light, no polarizer is 100% effective. Some light always leaks through, and 'blacks' aren't really black. In OLEDs ( or plasma displays ) the pixels themselves emit the light, and are either on or off. And when they are off 'blacks' are black, giving better contrast. The fact that the pixels also radiate in all directions, instead of the LCD/LED case, where the backlight passes through a crystal 'window', means that the viewing angle is not reduced by the 'window'. Black 'blacks', high contrast and viewing angle are what makes for a good TV. For watching TV movies, high refresh rate plasma displays used to be the favorite. Now they are being replaced by OLEDs with HDR ( more important than 4K ) for the best contrast. For computer screens LED is perfectly adequate.
  8. MigL

    Turkey and NATO

    They are buying the S-400 missile system from the Russians. This has led to tension with the US, on top of the already present accusations that the US is harboring enemies of the Turkish state, and the fact that they have the most imprisoned journalists of any NATO member state, The missile system purchase has brought several threats from the US, that Turkey will be disallowed from buying F-35s.
  9. You mentioned that publication in another thread. I wrongly assumed.
  10. So, you speak German, and read Il Corriere della Sera. Are you Swiss ?
  11. Build a wall around your bathtub. Some people seem to think this will keep little Mexican dogs out. ( too soon ? )
  12. Is this not a crime ? And certainly grounds for impeachment. Can it really be this difficult to get rid of this idiot that has made America the laughing stock of the world ?
  13. Fair enough Rangerx. This discussion has become 'personal' to some. Surely we're ALL mature ( not a quip about your age ) enough to keep it civil.
  14. Holy cr*p ! If I listen to Sensei, I might never use a computer again.
  15. By the way Rangerx, one more quip about Raiders age, like " grow the fu*k up" and I'm reporting you. This is a discussion forum. Present your opinions without the condescending attitude. I still remember the big flap you made when I unknowingly commented on your age. ( and we're probably very close in age ) The people doing that know who they are, Zapatos. ( read that thread and you'll know also ) Really INow ? We're now quoting fine upstanding citizens like E Spitzer ? He would know about 'moral hazards' and bad behavior, wouldn't he ?
  16. Funny how the same people who rail against String Junky's insistence on 'principles and honor' in the 'You think you got problems, America' thread ( no matter how many people suffer in the UK due to BREXIT with no deal ) are perfectly willing to stand on 'principles and precedents' when it comes to their own government. Polarization at its best. ( fu*k the people who have to suffer, my ideals/principles are intact )
  17. I'm not sure those are concepts that are understood too well at the gr. 8 level. What exactly is your understanding of wave-particle duality ? Are you merely referring to historical differences of opinion between the Newtonian corpuscular theory and Hook/Huygens wave theory ? IIRC Newton explained the straight line trajectories of light in terms of particles, and bending into a denser medium ( refraction ) as an array of particles encountering more resistance on the narrow angle side. Hook and Huygens explained refraction as a wave phenomenon ( with Fresnel ), and later, Young's interference and diffraction. At least that's what I remember from gr.8 and gr.9.
  18. Not sure whether yo have it in the US, but in Canada we used to have a child benefit, which was received monthly until 18 yrs of age. So this is an interesting idea. ( I seem to remember $25 or $35 when I was a child/teen ) And there were no restrictions on its use; this sounds somewhat similar, but with more restrictions. I believe these days, our child benefit has been changed to a tax credit; not entirely sure, and haven't looked into it.
  19. MigL

    'Stupid Woman'

    A dollar bill and four quarters are essentially equal. If I need change for the parking meter, four quarters is better. But If don't wear a belt, and don't want my pants falling around my ankles, a dollar bill is lighter and so, better. Things can be equal, but each have their individual advantages. That's the new math, INow. Didn't they teach you that in school ?
  20. Main ingredient in Bonaqua is carbonated water. With small amounts of magnesium sulfate, potassium chloride and sodium chloride. The last two are salts that your body needs ( see how much sodium chloride is in a can of soup ? ) And if you're ingesting that amount of magnesium sulfate when you drink Bonaqua, I don't think any absorbed through your scalp will have any noticeable effect.
  21. MigL

    'Stupid Woman'

    OK, I work with compressed ( liquified ) Phosphine. Firefighting is part of my skill set. Fortunately I've only ever had to drag a 150 lbs 'dummy' ( no, not a dumb person ) to safety, wearing full bunker gear and SCBA supplied breathing air, in thick, white Phosphorous Pentoxide fumes ( or total darkness ), on my knees (no visibility ), on metal grating floors or up/down metal stairs. I work with several women, that I have the greatest respect for, but I really don't think any one of them ( and possibly some of the guys also ) are getting a 200 lbs person out of harm's way, if the situation arose. Are we now just discussing our jobs, because I don't see what this has to do with words being 'sexist' ?
  22. Hair loss, or male pattern baldness, is caused by hormonal ( testosterone ) imbalances. Not by CO2 dissolved in water. ( says the guy with a full head of thick hair )
  23. MigL

    'Stupid Woman'

    No way am I coming to Iowa to share a meal, INow. Really ? Iowa ?
  24. Today I learned... The meaning of 'child', 'schild' and 'shwartz' in German.
  25. MigL

    'Stupid Woman'

    Read the posts INow. The example you gave is totally different from JCM's. You seem to read a lot of extra, or non-existent information into other people's posts. That's offensive. Maybe you should apologize instead of the eye roll.
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