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Everything posted by MigL

  1. That is, as you say, classically, Studiot. Quantum Field Theory has the field everywhere ( even where zero-valued ), and associated particles simply 'excitations' of that field. The field in a Quantum Gravity theory would be the geometry of space-time itself.
  2. Thanks CharonY, for elaborating in much detail. As long as we all understand that legalization does nothing to combat or reduce drug abuse/dependency. It is about reducing the associated public health costs costs ( as well as a large windfall for governments in taxes, not that that's a bad thing ) and related criminality.
  3. "worthless argument" ? Ouch ! That hurts. I have no stake in this discussion ( other than the discussing itself ). I don't do any drugs, or smoke, and even alcohol is only consumed occasionally and in a social setting. There are over 50 assorted bottles at my home, mostly Cognac as I prefer grape based drinks, but I don't drink at home. I have to have wine if I'm eating pasts, and I'm forced to have Scotch at my brother's place ( he likes Scotch, the peaty stuff like Lagavulin ). Otherwise its the occasional beer or mixed drink in bars/restaurants. But lets be clear. Quite a few people are advocating legalization, but NOT the selling/producing aspect of it. why is that ? There doesn't seem to be a problem with the selling/producing aspect of alcohol ? Either there is a difference, hence the illegality of selling/producing, or there is not, and people should be able to cook meth and open 'drug' stores like they do distilleries and liquor stores.
  4. While I agree with you Studiot, that dust is a thermal insulator, other than the CPU and GPU most other logic ICs don't generate that much heat. CPU/GPUs can generate upwards of 100w, and as a result, usually come with heat sink/forced air cooling. Cleaning them is crucial, but others such as voltage regulator circuits, Southbridge controller and memory, could all use a dusting while you're in there. My use of the IPA/acetone mix is strictly for cleaning thermal paste off the heat sink or thermal spreader of a processor. They have no varnish, and it makes the job easier. I don't clean circuit boards anymore, but back in the day when I could see well enough to solder ( even on laptops ), I'd use spray electrical cleaner to wash off the rosin residue.
  5. Time may indeed appear continuous and infinitely sub-dividable, and it very well might be. But at certain scales time and/or geometry cease to have any valid meaning. Or at very least, not the accepted meaning. This may be one aspect of its 'granularity'.
  6. If you live in a dry area prone to static build-up ( like our Canadian winters ), always touch the power supply casing ( while still attached to the outlet ) to discharge any static. Otherwise go ahead with compressed air, vacuums and brushes. Its been a long time since I've worried about static discharge, back in the 80s, I used to wear an ant-static strap when working on the inside of the case. If you are comfortable enough, remove any heat sinks, unscrew the fans off them, and clean both thoroughly. They are the only things affected by dust build-up, and the only actually needed. Clean up any dried, old thermal paste with Isopropanol ( I use a mix of IPA and Acetone, less elbow grease ) from the heat sinks and processor. Don't forget to replace the thermal paste when re-assembling. If it makes you uncomfortable, take it to a professional ( ? ).
  7. You're taking all the fun out of being obstinate and argumentative. Go do some 'soft' drugs and mellow out.
  8. I still don't see how relativity allows time to 'flow'. It doesn't. what you call 'flow', for a particle, is more accurately viewed as a 'line', at an angle greater than the light cone ( that pesky SoL limitation ), extending through its lifetime.
  9. I know, Dimreepr. Some of us obstinate/argumentative mebers are still focused on the hard/soft question. cross posted with Koti
  10. No, I remember history books stating the Nazis had lost the war. They lost territory as a result; what would they keep ? I'm not sure where you're from, but who were the original ( or at least previous ) peoples who lived there ? Should you leave and give back the land ? I live in North America,. Do I have to leave and give back the land to the native Indians ? Do all non-aboriginal Australians have to leave ? Do all white Africans have to leave ? Why are you applying this bizarre 'morality' only to Israel ? I don't think you're anti-Semite, because intelligent/educated people are not. And I respect your opinion, because Israel does do some things which are distasteful ( and don't help their cause ), but to liken them to the second coming of Attila the Hun is hyperbole. Especially considering the character of the neighbors they have to defend againts.
  11. John, I'm pretty certain you drink alcohol ( from previous conversations ) When are you gonna give it up and switch to doing heroin ? Do your (adult ? ) children drink ? Would you prefer they did heroin instead ? And, if not, why not ? ( since its side effects are so much more benign )
  12. I will change my mind and wholeheartedly agree with you, Mistermack, when you give back the land that you reside on to the original owners. As I previously stated, there is no place on Earth that hasn't seen migrations of peoples and displacement of natives. Apply the same rules to all. And then you talk about obnoxious double standards, Mistermack ? And now you've stepped in the mess of having to defend retaliation/revenge, John. Not prevention/defence as most Israeli acts can be classified, but retribution for past acts.
  13. Count the dead civilians on each side ???? In WW2 almost 8 million casualties for Germany and less than half million for Great Britain. So you guys were the bad guys, not A Hitler. As for the UN condemnations, half of the UN human rights council is composed of states which should not be 'throwing stones' because they 'live in glass houses'. look up the membership and see how many you can defend.
  14. Well at least I'm right about one thing. Your score is still zero. This thread is about anti-Semitism and treating people differently due to religion. My example applies. Yours does not. Some Israeli citizens are Palestinian, and the expansionist Israeli settlements could house Arab/Palestinians with Israeli citizenship. ( and yes, even I consider Israeli expansionism illegal )
  15. I promised myself I wouldn't get involved since I know little of the OP subject... If I was a Palestinian I would have no problem walking around any city in Israel. Maybe instead of posting cute pics, John, you should comment on how long a Jew would last walking around in Gaza. I know a lot of people here have fancy names like 'whataboutism' for it, but if you condemn and boycott Israel for human rights abuses, while shopping at Walmart for Chinese products, with a car fueled by Saudi oil, you are a hypocrite. Actually, applying different standards of moral behavior to different people, races or religions has a different name. in the case involving Jews, it is called anti-Semitism. And you are absolutely right Mistermack, crime and crooks are created by police. Every nation on Earth is estabilished where former peoples were displaced. Lets all start shooting off rockets. and strapping on bomb vests
  16. Reminds me of my yearly work medical a few years back ( with a new doctor ), Dimreepr. He asked me how many drinks a week I consume, and I replied about 10-12. He then stated that needing one or two drinks per day makes me an alcoholic. To which I calmly replied that I only drink one day per week.
  17. MigL

    Yemen Civil War

    Don't look at me. Us Canadians are doing our part. Our Prime Minister ( sometimes surprises me by demonstrating he has cojones ) and government is involved in a huge row with the Saudis over human rights violations. The Saudis even communicated a picture of an airliner flying towards the CN tower ( as a thinly veiled threat ).
  18. Alcohol may indeed be a dangerous 'drug', John, but it is used differently. While a small minority would suffer alcohol withdrawl symptoms, the vast majority have a drink with their dinner, or after a work day to 'take the edge off'. No one I know inhales half a toke ( and tosses the rest of their joint ), or a couple of grains of coke ( and saves the rest of the line for tomorrow ), just to relax. And just to play devil's advocate, CharonY... Having expensive stuff makes me feel good. Hitting people who have wronged me also makes me feel good. Feeling good is very addictive. can we then say that theft ( to support my need for expensive stuff ) and violence ( retribution for those who have wronged me ) are medical problems and not criminal problems ? the only difference is theft and violence hurts specific individuals while drug use hurts society as a whole. IOW are we just doing some 'creative accounting' with the problems by moving it from one column to another ?
  19. I know what you mean Jajrussel. Very hard to read thread. I get the impression there is a misunderstanding on Argo's part. A dimension is not a 'place' that can contain points. Simply put, it is an axis of a co-ordinate system. And his 'points' don't seem to correlate to space-time events. I'm not sure what they are.
  20. Lot of love going on here. This is getting uncomfortable.
  21. I've only been driven ( bad pun ) to do this a few times... If someone is tailgating, I usually just motion for them to back off or pass me, and that usually works. For the ones who insist on forcing you to speed up ( they won't pass or back off ), I start slowing down. I have on a couple of occasions, stopped in the middle of the road. They finally get the hint. ( and, yes, the passing/fast lane is just for passing. Not for you guys, but for all the other Americans driving in Canada, who don't seem to know any better ) Most of these guys are bullies who feel very brave inside their vehicles, but will not resort to violence when confronted. ( then again I live in Canada, not Texas ) Someone previously made the comment that cars and computers seem to make people act much more belligerent than normal, with a sense of anonymity if you will. You see it all the time. The guy in the car next to you picking his nose, like he thinks being in a car makes him invisible. I have to wonder, Phi, if you're still upset about this incident a few days after it happened, are you maybe just as obsessive as the guy behind you ? most of us forget about this kind of stuff within minutes. I hope you're not upset enough, that the next time this happens, you escalate the situation. Forget about all the assholes you meet in life. I you obsess about them, you miss all the beautiful people.
  22. Sorry Koti. Had to go do something at work and didn't log off my computer. A lot of jokers at my work. Last time they wrote a comment about me peeing in the litter box ( I have two cats ), but I caught it before it was sent. ( we make stuff that the US government considers WMDs, can't be too serious )
  23. That is the 'classical' way of looking at things. the electric field provides the means, or enables, the 'action-at-a-distance' of the electrostatic force. Quantum field theory turns this upside down.
  24. I like Chicken I like liver meow mix meow mix please deliver !
  25. That is essentially the QED model, and it seems to correspond with experiment/observation rather well.
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