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Everything posted by MigL

  1. Of course it doesn't extend to doesn't extend to driving, Moony. But if a police officer thinks I'm inebriated he gives me a breathalizer test to verify and takes my licence/impounds my vehicle. How exactly does he verify that I'm stoned without doing blood work ? Roadside technology doesn't extend that far yet, and that is ONE obstacle holding up legalization of pot in Canada.
  2. I thought this was a thread discussing pros and cons of legalization... Whether a socio-political distinction, or a scientific distinction, the facts are that some drugs are more damaging to a society than others. How far are we prepared to go with legalization ? Pot is about to be legalized here in Canada, even though I'm not sure how I'd feel about a car full of 'smoke' behind me on the road. But what about 'harder' drugs ( no matter how defined ) ? I definitely don't want someone on hallucinogenics driving anywhere near me. And I realize the law always makes a distinction based on socio-economic conditions of the perpetrators, but, in the case of so-called 'victimeless crimes' there is a huge distinction. In the case of drugs the seller is always vilified while the user is often excused as they have no 'control' over their actions. In the case of prostitution the 'seller' is often excused while the 'user is targeted more because they provide the market. Should that line of thinking not be applied to the fight against drug use ? Without a market there is no incentive for anyone to sell.
  3. I would think it depends entirely on the type of drugs. I don't see a particular problem with legalizing 'soft' drugs like pot. Although legalizing pot while making tobacco products almost illegal seems counter-intuitive. But should I care, I don't smoke either ? Legalization of 'hard' drugs would turn an acute problem, where people die quickly from related crime and overdosing, into a chronic problem, where safe-injection sites and availability lead to ruined lives and ( most likely ) eventual death. And I shouldn't care because I don't do 'hard' drugs either. Problem is, I do care. A lot of people use drugs as a 'crutch', to escape from the unfortunate state of their lives. Much like alcoholics use booze. What may have started as a 'pleasurable' experience, becomes a 'crutch' as a coping mechanism. There is another 'crutch' that people use as a coping mechanism. And although it is legal, I don't see many advocates for religion here.
  4. Never mind a spaceship to Proxima Centauri... I throw a baseball at you faster than the speed of light. Because light takes a certain amount of time to reach my eyes, you have already been hit, and have fallen on the ground, even though I still see you standing. You are, then, no longer where I aimed the baseball. So you didn't get hit by the baseball. But then you wouldn't have fallen. So you did get hit. And on. and on, and on... It is a paradox, like time travel, which yields results at odds with each other, where there should only be one result for causality to hold. ( as Swansont has already explained )
  5. A lot of Brett's 'cures' seem to be a variation of the 'cure' for Bubonic Plague... "a pocket full of posies", or 'nice' smelling stuff. IOW 14th century medicine. ( I'm surprised he didn't mention leeches and blood-letting )
  6. I happen to like America, and what it stands for. I can hate an Administration and its policies, but I think America will eventually come to its senses. And although they may stick their nose where it doesn't belong, from time to time, I can't think of another country that has helped others as much as the US over the last century.
  7. Democrats ( and Republicans who don't support D Trump ) need a slogan... "Make the World like America again"
  8. The 'one' would be me. And you just repeated that they must be manipulating microwaves. Do everyone a favor and look up microwaves before making absurd claims. Microwaves have very low energy, and cannot even affect electron transitions in matter. They are non-ionizing radiation Their usual effect is bending/stretching molecular bonds ( microwave ovens ), and vibrating conduction electrons ( in antennas for communication ). So what exactly, are these UFOs/aliens using the microwaves for ? Communication ? Radar ? Or to heat their food ?
  9. Moral laws are not absolute. Survival of the fittest is what got us to our present evolutionary state. The weak/infirm gazelles are 'sacrificed' to the predator lions so the rest of the healthy herd can reproduce and pass on healthy genes. Our prehistoric ancestors behaved much the same. Very cruel, by modern man standards, but it allowed us to become the dominant life form on the planet. With our intellect/technology we have become more compassionate. We take care of our sick/weak/hungry and ( unfortunately ) pass on even bad genes. One could say this is 'unnatural'. So, what exactly, are right and wrong morals ?
  10. I wouldn't be feeling too proud. Your ideas are quite ridiculous. Science doesn't guess, or believe. It builds models, and verifies them with experiment. Your ideas about atomic charge distribution and microwave propulsion are verified wrong. No amount of 'belief' will change that. ( and if you don't believe me, ask the aliens, next time they anally probe you )
  11. Hey, how come I've never been invited to one of Strange's parties ?
  12. How does an electron work ? Exactly how the math suggests it should.
  13. I see very little chance of our type of life being found; not even bacteria. The report suggests large amounts of perchlorate salts dissolved in this water. Now I'm no chemist, but perchlorates are strong oxidizers; and strong oxidizers tend to sterilize and kill our type of life.
  14. Whoah, I didn't see that coming from a mile away. They actually rejected your manuscript ?
  15. MigL


    At least I got some useful information from this thread... Don't go to Missouri in July !
  16. Karma was invented by people who, having been wronged, got no justice. All they have, then, is the hope that the b*st*rd that wronged them, eventually gets his. Very sorry to hear about your young friend, Lyudmila.
  17. When I imagine water-world aliens, octopodes ( octopuses, octopi ??? ) always come to mind.
  18. MigL

    Fox News Watch

    Speaking of the press... D Trump has now started banning reporters he doesn't like from White House press conferences. Freedom of the press, or rather, freedom of citizens to have unbiased information about their government, is being challenged by the President, on his way to becoming a despot like his idols V Putin and Kim Jung Un. Dare I say it Ten oz... "Is America evolving into a fascist state ?" Or is it already there ?
  19. MigL

    Time and space

    From your last post, Argo, you seem to have the impression that my quote ( compartment 1 ) justifies a common universal now. If you re-read it, I'm sure you'll realize I stated the exact opposite. Relativity DOES NOT allow for a universal now
  20. Not quite a room... This is currently done by NASA using an empty passenger plane to approximate weightlessness for training purposes The effect won't last as long, but buying and modifying a plane for such a purpose is immensely cheaper than your scheme..
  21. So you could, in theory at least, have an object absorb the incoming visible light from an empty field on its one side. Then spin it fast enough so that re-emission is on the opposite side towards the observer. Thereby rendering the object invisible.
  22. Oh give it a rest Ten oz. This discussion isn't about economic caste systems. It is about a bill which enshrines cultural protection, or even state religion ( if you want ) into law. And as far as I know, no one has ever said a word about the state religions in the Nordic countries and England, nor the many other countries who have cultural protection laws. But as soon as Israel does, the rhetoric starts flying about how they are becoming a fascist state. what you are saying to Israel is "No matter what you do, we will always find fault with it, because we just don't like you." There is a word for that. Examine your conscience and see if it applies. I will take my leave of this discussion.
  23. MigL

    Time and space

    More philosophy than physics, but from a practical point of view, we can never know reality other than through our interactions with it ( as Swansont has noted ). These interactions both limit our understanding of 'reality', and, yes Geordy, affect our reality. All we have are mathematical descriptions of 'reality' modelled on the observed interactions, and so our perceived reality changes with our models. For us, 'reality' is the model, and so is subjective, Markus. But reality would still be there without a model/interaction/observer.
  24. I only wish...
  25. The quote function can sometimes be dishonest, as it gives an out of context interpretation of what the original poster intended. ( I hardly ever quote anyone ) And I can see why you would ignore some of my post, as you still haven't explained why protecting cultural identity is a bad thing. ( see #2 in one of your previous posts on this page ) In Canada we firmly believe in protecting our British derived heritage, but we also protect the culture of immigrants through tax-payer funded Multiculturalism. ( the only one that used the 'notwithstanding' clause of the constitution to get around that, and favor French-Canadian culture, is Quebec ) Our Multiculturalism seems to work much more harmoniously than your American 'melting pot' model. But why ignore your own post and link. State religions aren't only found in the Middle East ( as you quickly dismissed in your post ). They are also in countries like Argentina, Poland, Greece, England, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Some of these are not bad company at all. ( I can see the OP now, "Sweden evolving into a fascist state" ) When you hold one country to a different standard than others, and chastise their 'evil' acts while giving a pass to others who do the same, that is not 'whataboutism', it is preferential treatment. ( and no, I will not start tossing around labels like anti-Semitism; I hope we're above that ) But your link also states that Judaism is considered a 'culture' in Israel, and all other religions are free to be practiced, as are most likely, all other cultures. I have previously conceded that I don't agree with expanding settlements, and the fact that this bill offers 'support' for such, could be a bad thing, and further destabilize the area. But the fact that this bill makes Israel the 'homeland' and 'unique' to the Jewish people ( not religion ) doesn't prevent/exclude any one else from making it their home with equal rights to everyone else.
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