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Everything posted by MigL

  1. Just to be 'cheeky'... That's Christians who believe in "turn the other cheek', Stringy. Jews believe " an eye for an eye'.
  2. MigL

    Fox News Watch

    Maybe D Trump should have been asking the questions C Wallace asked of V Putin. I can't believe Fox news shows more integrity than the President, Koti. That rant by S Colbert about D Trump being V Putin's 'holster' finally makes sense.
  3. MigL

    Time and space

    But space-time does causally interact, Eise. The model was conceived solely by analyzing the causal interactions ( granted, as a thought experiment ) The curvature ( if real ) of space-time, or more accurately the distribution of energy-momentum causes test masses to follow specific trajectories. I say 'if real', because the model GR, ascribes a curvature to the co-ordinate system. Whether that means space-time actually curves or not ( or is real ), is anybody's guess.
  4. But it can hold an infinite amount of points. There are orders of infinities.
  5. MigL

    Time and space

    Look at it this way Geordi... !50 yrs ago the model said an electron was like a raisin embedded in sweet bread. !00 yrs ago the model said it was a little billiard ball orbiting the nucleus. 75 yrs ago it was a probability distribution localized at or in the vicinity of the nucleus. As of 50 yrs ago it is an excitation of the electron field that permeates all space. All these models made testable predictions; some more so than others. What is an electron really ? Is it not the best model we have available ? ( and at the same time, it isn't )
  6. The crowds that big boxing fights draw ??? The World Cup final was played in a sold-out stadium which holds 81000 people. And I don't have numbers for this final, but worldwide viewership was over one billion for the 2014 final. Nearly half the world, 3.2 billion people, watched some part of the 2014 tournament. I'd say those people were excited about it, or they have a different definition of excitement than you.
  7. Why exactly does it need higher scoring/more excitement. It is already the most watched tournament on the planet. Incidentally, this strategy of going up one goal, and then defending for the rest of the game seems to have been started by the Italians. In the late 70s to the early 00s, they had arguably the best defensive line up in the world. They don't anymore; And where are they today ? England tried that strategy against Croatia. They did no attacking during the second half or the extra time. If you invite the opposing side into your end, and simply try to defend, eventually they'll put one in the back of the net. Even faster if your defense isn't capable of absorbing the opponents attacks. England's certainly wasn't against Modric, Mandzukic and Raketic. Notice that the French defense was able to mostly hold off Belgium's attacks. And Belgium had arguably some of the best attacking players in the world.
  8. MigL

    Time and space

    You don't even need to go to Planck scales for time to assume a 'statistical' behaviour. It is already demonstrated at the quantum level. A single particle can decay immediately today, yet repeat the same experiment tomorrow and it can take ten years for a like particle to decay. And since it can be different every time, a single particle's behaviour is not time dependent. It is only when you repeat the experiment with a billion, billion, billion like particles that you can say half will decay after 5.75 years. And since that is repeatable, the statistical behaviour of particles is time dependant
  9. The Universe is not expanding into something, Airbrush. It is not expanding into a 3dimensional space, which if occupied by another universe, will then overlap, or be prevented from expanding. Think of it as a number line, where the infinite numbers of universes occupies the 'space' between each adjacent numbers. Each of those 'spaces is composed of an infinity of points. Now expand the spacing between each of those points. The space between each number expands, but still has an infinite number of points. As a result, if all the 'spaces' ( between each number ) expand, then the number line expands, but still has infinite numbers. The number 3 is not preventing the space between 1 and 2 from expanding, nor is there any overlapping numbers.
  10. I would argue that any goal changes the game completely, Zap. Admittedly Croatia played hard right to the end and never gave up trying to find an equalizer, but if you've played the game, you know that being behind forces a much different style of play. The need to be aggressive when behind forces a much more 'open' style of play. Unfortunately that also leaves you open defensively and can lead to the other team scoring even more goals which might not have happened otherwise ( or been deserved by the quality of play ). But what do I know, I'm still crying in my pint over England's loss.
  11. MigL

    Time and space

    In the two examples given by Eise, both processes are essentially clocks. One translates time into distance fallen and the other, time into volume remaining. It is then trivial to make the 'changes' of one clock a function of the 'changes' of the other. But the relation is not fundamental. The Wheeler-DeWitt equation, on the other hand, is fundamental. And has no dependence on time. Edit : ( then again, one could argue that the Wheeler-DeWitt equation is an abstraction )
  12. Wow. Fox News ( and quite a few Republicans ) critical of D Trump. A dozen Mueller indictments who may start telling tales. Is it ( finally ) time to talk impeachment ?
  13. As for the Susskind statement about adding or removing a particle from a condensate not changing anything... Condensates have a particular property; they observe Bose-Einstein statistical rules. You can stack as many as you want into the same state. You may have misinterpreted it.
  14. MigL

    Fox News Watch

    And, by engaging in unnecessary trade wars with China, and even allies like Canada and the EU, he is inviting retaliatory action which will do damage to the American economy. He will not bring back the jobs which left the US 30 plus years ago.
  15. A few misconceptions are evident... Saying gravity is not a force and therefore cannot be quantized, is one. It is not the force that gets quantized in Quantum Field Theory, but as the name ( and Markus ) suggest, it is the field.. And as AJB once put it; in GR, geometry IS the field. Secondly, whether space-time is actually curved ( or warped ) is irrelevant. We have a model, in which the co-ordinate system uses curvature, to effectively describe the paths of objects. And this model, GR, reflects actual paths taken by test masses in reality. But the fact that the model employs curvature does not mean that space-time necessarily ( or is even able to ) curves ( or warps ).
  16. They had a rugby team at my University in the late 70s/early 80s. Their slogan was... "You gotta have leather balls to play rugby" Neymar wouldn't have made the cut.
  17. You have no idea what its like being Italian, in an Italian coffee shop/club, watching England play ( wearing an English jersey and with an English flag flying on my vehicle ), and being the only one cheering England. I even sang along to God Save the Queen with the fans in the stands. ( OK, now I'm embellishing a little )
  18. MigL


    Meanwhile, for those of us who have spent the better part of 30 yrs in bars and clubs, every weekend since 16 yrs of age, and who have never gotten into a fight.... There is such a thing in tank armor, where the usual impact comes in the way of shaped/kinetic charges meant to penetrate and disable interior occupants/systems. It is called reactive armor, the most common being explosive reactive armor. It consists of an explosive layer sandwiched between armor plates. which explodes on incoming impact, forcing the outer armor element outwards, either defeating the force of the kinetic penetrator, or, increasing the path length for the shaped charge, metallic jet penetrator. Originally developed by the Russians, not really sure as to how widespread its use is.
  19. Not really a cup, so I don't know what you'd pour liquid into. Made of 18 kt gold and worth about $200000. This is the second iteration, and changes hands every 4 yrs. The first was awarded permanently to Brazil after their many victories. And promptly stolen
  20. England may have won, but that was one 'ugly' game. They face an easier side, and could very well make it to the final. Would like to see a France - England final.
  21. Thanks for the explanation Markus.
  22. But isn't that simply a mathematical problem with the model ? Because of the way we express energy-momentum in GR, we can only solve for the case where the metric is flat and static ? IOW, not an actual physical problem, just one that resists mathematical handling. Please elaborate.
  23. The typical way we determine energy conservation id by calculating the energy flux into/out of a region of space-time. As such, it can only ever be local. Global energy conservations would involve flux in and out of all space-time. And since space-time is not embedded, this calculation fails. I believe E Noether was working on the global conservation problem when she came up with her famous theorem linking conservation laws to symmetries.
  24. This will only stop once the officials start yellow carding the 'fakers' upon video review.
  25. That would be 10% of the WORKING population that stop working, Bender. There is a large percentage of the TOTAL population that are retired, or cannot work for health/family reasons. And that percentage increases in developed countries. These people still deserve a BUI. So its not a simple problem of 90% supporting !0%. It can be as problematical as 30% supporting 70%. Governments are having a hard enough time meeting their pension obligations to retirees. I can just imagine how badly they'd bungle BUI.
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