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Everything posted by MigL

  1. Damn straight, iNow. We'll conquer the US and burn the white House down again ( ? ).
  2. G W Bush axis of evil... Iraq, Iran and North Korea. D trump axis of evil... Canada, Mexico and most of Europe.
  3. Brazil has failed to impress during the last decade, they may be losing their magic. Germany has lost some key players, don't know if the youngsters can pull it off. Spain is starting to wind down, amazing play still, but have lost some very important games. Both Italy and Holland failed to qualify, while Argentina barely slipped in. I would say France is the odds on favorite, but I'm hoping for an English miracle. Haven't worn my St George's cross jersey in a while
  4. I'm glad you think you know me so well, Ten oz. I think I've come to know quite a bit about your character as well. As For D Ford I only mentioned him in passing while describing the current state of affairs in Ontario and our ballooning deficit. But that would have to mean you actually read other's posts, and don't already have preconceived notions. I mentioned several months back how I was going to vote in this election, as I only have respect for one of the leaders, Andrea Horwath. She happens to lead the NDP, a SOCIALIST party. So I have no idea why you keep referring to D Ford. But that would have to mean you actually read other's posts, and don't already have preconceived notions. That speaks volumes about your character ! I'm sure others are bored by our bickering ( at least Phi is ), so I'll give it a rest. You go ahead and keep on going, if you like. There's plenty of other stuff to make up about me.
  5. While your concerns might be true if Ten oz spoke only of Republicans, or even American Conservatives, the fact that he labels ALL Conservatives, CharonY, wherever they may be from, is prejudicial and hateful. We did not vote in D Trump, nor support him in any way. Need I remind that the typical Canadian Conservative is far to the left of Republicans, Democrats and probably even B Sanders ? I suggest you use a much finer brush, Ten oz. And while I may have brought up some subjects you did not like and consider unsavory, what I don't like, is the hypocrisy of preaching tolerance and respect for all people, while actively vilifying and disrespecting those that disagree with you.
  6. The only other person I know who hates his fellow citizens because of perceived differences is D Trump. He hates based on skin color and nationality. I suggest you and he are more alike than you care to admit, Ten oz. You hate based on ideology.
  7. I have spoken English for almost 50 years now. Yet for some reason, I still do mental addition and multiplication in Italian. Welcome back, Markus.
  8. Sure. Lets take the generalizations one step further. Americans have aligned their values and ideals with those of D Trump, by electing him President. IE all Americans are responsible for making America mean again ( and the laughing stock of the world ). Or are generalizations only valid when they suit your narrative, Ten oz ?
  9. I don't really label myself, Ten oz; I have voted liberal, conservative and even socialist ( yes, we have more than two parties in Canada ), depending on the issues of the day. But I suppose most people on this forum would consider me a fiscal conservative because of my stance on excessive borrowing and runaway debit. You seem to think that invites a comparison to American Republicans and even D Trump ( in your previous post ). Maybe I should make a few comparisons of my own... Your American President has recently called our Prime Minister 'dishonest and weak'. Your former President R Nixon called P Trudeau ( father and former PM ) an 'asshole" Should I assumes that says something about the character and integrity of all Americans ? ( you are American are you not ? )
  10. One problem that I can see... Guide vanes and stators are used to 'straighten' the gas flow, otherwise it spirals around the engine and has an unfavorable attitude to the fan blades ( plus unwanted gyroscopic effects ). In your design, the two shafts need to spin at exactly the same speed, so that each succeeding stage can straighten the flow of the preceeding stage. Even a small difference in rtational speed will cause the gas flow to spira axially. The shaft driven by the first turbine will necessarily spin faster than the second turbine, as gas speed has been reduced by interaction with the first. In normal engines this isn't a problem, as the first turbine drives the outer shaft/hi-pressure compressor, while the second turbine drives the inner shaft/lo-pressure compressor at a lower speed. That brings us to the second problem... Most advanced engines nowdays are turbofans which have a slower turning lo-pressure compressor, and 'bypass ' air is ducted around the hi-pressure compressor. Military engines have a bypass ratio of 0.3:1 up to 1:1 depending on application, and then dump this bypass air into an afterburner/re-heat section; meanwhile commercial aviation engines can have bypass ratios of 8:1 or more, and the most advanced ones have 'geared' fans to reduce/optimize rotational speed even more. Your design does not lend itself to these types of application. And while a small turbojet might have applications in non-reusable missiles, most APUs and turboshaft engines use centrifugal compressors to reduce size and part count. Have you tried contacting any of the companies I mentioned in my last post ?
  11. Can't say for certain, as its been years since I read and thought about it, but Rolls Royce may already have a patent on that idea. ( or it could be the former Bristol Siddeley aero engines, now part of RR, who holds the patent ) I know there have been RR 2 spool designs with counter-rotating spools ( RR Pegasus in the HS Harrier VTOL aircraft ), to combat gyroscopic effects which would be disastrous fo a hovering aircraft, but I think stators/guide vanes are still used in the Pegasus, which is an extensive modification of the 50/60s era Bristol Siddeley Orpheus. In the Western world, the big three military engine manufacturers are the already mentioned British Rolls Royce, General Electric and the Pratt and Whitney division of United Technologies, both American. Smaller players are Safran ( formerly SNECMA ) of France, MTU of Germany, FIAT avio of Italy, Volvo-Flygmotor of Sweden, and the American Allison ( owned by Rolls Royce ). Boeing and Lockheed-Martin don't manufacture aero engines, turbine or otherwise.
  12. Both our federal Conservative government and our provincial Liberal government invested heavily in the economic recovery following the 2008 crash; and our economy had one of the fastest comebacks in the world. However the federal Conservatives made an effort to return to balanced budgets and were booted out of office, the provincial Liberals did not, and continued spending like drunken sailors. I'm glad that our health care system is envied by Americans, Phi, but it can be quickly rendered ineffective, either by massive cuts, as Conservatives are claimed to want, or, if money has to be diverted from health care because its needed to service a massive debit, as the Liberals have done. I will agree that privatizing certain services is detrimental. Hydro in Ontario is private now, and the PCs have promised to change that ( we'll see if it actually happens ). The CEO earns 6 million ( don't get excited, its Canadian dollars ) and we have exorbitant prices for hydro. On the other hand our liquor and beer are under provincial control and heavily taxed; we pay $40 for a case of 24 beer. The PCs have also promised 'buck a beer' prices, i.e. $24 for a case of beer ( we Canadians like our beer )
  13. I just gave you an example in my previous post, Ten oz. Maybe you should read other people's posts before prejudicially assuming racism , hate and intolerance. Must be tough living in your world, where everyone is evil and you are the only one who's seen the light.
  14. A 1 kg will attract the Earth as much as the Earth attracts the 1 kg mass. That is how gravitational interactions work. If a star interacts with a photon so as to constrain it along a geodesic, the photon is equally interacting with the star. So, yes, a photon does have a gravitational field. The reason quantizing classical gravity theories will not work is because renormalization fails. Gravity is self coupling, that means it interacts with itself. At very close ranges a quantum gravity particle ( graviton ) would be surrounded by a 'halo' of virtual gravitons. this also happens in QED with photons and electrons, but these fields are not self coupling, and the infinities created by the surrounding virtual particles can be cancelled away. In quantized gravity theory, the renormalization trick fails because the infinities don't cancel out. Most people have given up on quantization of classical gravity and are taking new approaches such as String/Superstring theories and Loop Quantum Gravity.
  15. To answer your question... The biggest argument against fiscal conservatives is that they want to cut funding from social programs. I live in Ontario, Canada where we have a large debit. So large that 12.5 billion of every annual budget goes towards servicing the INTEREST on the debit ( the principal must still be paid by our kids in the future, because we choose to live so large ). You see that 12.5 billion as a necessary evil to fund our social programs. I see it as money that could be spent on social programs but is, instead, wasted paying interest on an unmanageable debit. It is in effect, a 12.5 billion CUT to our social programs. Incidentally, tonight we elected a Conservative government in Ontario, after a decade and a half of Liberal rule. Not too happy about that as their leader is D Ford, the brother of the late R Ford; the famous crack smoking, outspoken and forced to quit, Toronto mayor. ( what can possibly go wrong ? )
  16. We have strayed a little off-topic from the OP. The biggest problem with a perceived offence is the fact that it is based on subjective perception. If a normal person compares a group of people with animals, the common interpretation is that they have no morals, are barbaric and don't get along well in society. When someone like D Trump says it, because of his history of intolerance for immigrants, the perception is that he is comparing them to animals. Whether that's factual or not, that is the general perception because that's the bed he's made for himself. I don't think its fair to say that all conservatives think along the same lines as D Trump, Ten oz, or even all Republicans. That is a broad brush generalization which you have often railed against, but somehow you see fit to use that brush to paint people who you don't agree with or like. I consider myself a fiscal conservative, and have yet to hear a convincing argument as to why I should change my views. ( Phi has tried )
  17. Star Wars is 'dumbed down' for the masses. As such it enjoys a much wider audience, and each movie makes a truck-load of money. Is it any wonder there are 2-3 spin-offs a year now ? I liked Star Trek TOS and TNG. I thought Enterprise had potential, but was proved wrong. While the rebooted movies started off good, the third was real crap.
  18. Very well, I'll rephrase it in your words... The baker discriminated against the gay couple because of prejudice. IOW he didn't like them, and he acted on those feelings.
  19. Me ? Called a d*ck or pr*ck ? Quite often ( possibly by a few of the forum membership ). But never by someone on TV.
  20. No,I'm not making an equivalence between the two. I understand R Barr has a history of stupidity and hatred, and frankly, I expected no better from her. I did expect better from S Bee. That's why her comments are almost more disappointing.
  21. Agreed. And why exactly, do you think the baker discriminated against the gay couple ? You seem to think that discrimination is more than simply not liking another person for the colour of their skin, or their gender, or their sexual/romantic preference, or even their religious beliefs.
  22. I tend to feel equal disdain for 'racial' hated and gender hatred. Only dark skinned people are hatefully compared to apes, and that's what R Barr did. To me, that displays hatred towards a 'race'. Only women are called 'feckless c*nts', and that's what S Bee did. Tome, that displays hatred toward a gender. Should everyone have forgiven R Barr if she had apologized "profusely and sincerely" also, rangerx ? And if R Barr had made those comments during a televised comedy routine instead of twitter, do you think she should have gotten a pass, CharonY ? How did that work out for Michael Richards ?
  23. Come on, Phi, this was never about religion; the baker simply did not agree with the lifestyle choices made by the couple ordering the cake. His religious beliefs were simply the excuse used to deny their business. And you simply cannot pass laws to make everyone like everyone else. If not religion, they'll simply use some other excuse next time. The only way to change their attitude, is not through legislation, but through their profits, or lack thereof. I'm sure this baker will soon realize his mistake when business drops off. ( or maybe he can move to the US south )
  24. Dimreepr says... "If the context is, in public to humiliate an innocent party in the most degrading way you can think of, that's deplorable and deserving of punishment." and I tend to agree with that sentiment. So, to get back on topic, is this not what S. Bee did ?
  25. seriously ? I might not like the way Phi parts his hair, and if he wants to hire me to build a fence, I can refuse because I don't like certain lifestyle choices ( hair parting ) he makes. There is no law requiring a person to like everyone. Similarly there is no law requiring anyone to patronize that bakery if you don't like the character of the owner. If enough people vote with their wallet, that bakery will soon go out of business, and another problem will have been solved by capitalism.
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