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Everything posted by MigL

  1. MigL

    what is a god

    I've gotta get a new toaster... Mine just 'toasts' bread.
  2. Other than the differing opinion that energy can be treated as a 'substance' ( and not a property ) which makes no sense, the biggest stumbling block seems to be that energy is frame dependent. Your treatment doesn't take that into consideration. Nevertheless, it is an interesting approach. I haven't read your paper, but, can information be made frame dependent ? I mention this because information is a conserved quantity in QM, but it is not in Relativity. If your treatment could be made frame dependent, it might give further insight of links between GR and QFT, and possibly provide a way towards a quantum gravity theory ( could your 'chunks' of energy be equivalent to the loops of LQG ??? ).
  3. A book has to 'connect' with the reader. The novel needs to immerse the reader in its world for it to be enjoyable. IOW it needs to be read in the right circumstances ( such as age ). I was fortunate to read 'classics' like Animal Farm and The Catcher In The Rye when I was in high school, and they were very hard to put down. At that point in my life Orwell's 1984 would not have had the same effect on me as Animal Farm did. I read Moby Dick as a teenager and found it boring, but II re-read it about 15 yrs ago, when Star Trek-First Contact came out ( Jean Luc Picard quotes Moby Dick's Capt. Ahab while discussing the Borg ) and found it excellent and certainly deserving to be called 'classic'. Tried reading the Harry Potter stuff, even bought the Blu-ray movies, but to no avail. Still haven't read, or watched, them. Mostly read science fiction, but I've gone from the simplistic stuff of the 30s-50s 'pulp' , to more complex, thought provoking stuff. The only ones I've kept ( nostalgia I suppose ) are Andre Norton's works; which are by no means 'classics'. He was actually a she, when women didn't write science fiction. And she had cats ( and included them in her stories ), so she couldn't be bad.
  4. I'll never get that image of Bullwinkle, naked, on the beach, out of my mind...
  5. A lot of people are happier in their delusions than they are with reality. The booze, drugs and pornography suppliers are making large amounts by recognizing this.
  6. Momentum is a conserved quantity ( due to symmetry considerations ), initially, as well as any time subsequent.
  7. I think what Raider is asking, is where do we draw the line ( as a society ) in fixing people's mental health issues by changing their perceived reality. If I was convinced I am Napoleon, and it made me happier, should society give me surgery to make me 5 ft tall, partly balding and give me a 'hook' nose ( oh yeah, and an empire in Europe ). Or am I merely delusional and in need of drugs/therapy ?
  8. As far as I know, that's not happening in Canada, but we do have our share of delusional people who want others to submit to their own bizarre,subjective reality. And while there are some problems with our health care system, such as long wait times for life saving surgeries, eye exams not covered but sex reassignment surgery to anyone who wants it, it still beats NOT having a health care system.
  9. I'm waiting on Nimrod the Goat to post an explanation for his/her user name...
  10. K Thorne could be making an analogy... Consider a 2D representation of 3D space, and stack these sheets, or foliations, on top of each other in the third dimension ( as time advances ). If time is advancing at different rates in different areas of these 2D foliations, we notice a 'depression' in the stack of foliations where time is advancing slower. In effect, the top of the stack of foliations, with its depression where time is advancing slower, resembles the stretched rubber sheet with a bowling ball analogy of gravity. .
  11. My Last name is Migxxxx, and my first name is Lui, hence MigL. No particular significance to my avatar, but I am a fan of 'spaghetti' westerns.
  12. Oh, you are definitely challenged.
  13. Not political at all, Ten oz, but a social issue nonetheless. It is the fact that a whole group of people, so called incels, think they have the right to vilify the rest of society,, the Chads and Stacys, for their own shortcomings. They have been led to believe that their inability to form relationships is the fault of others and not their responsibility. And this is not isolated to Canada. The patron saint of the incel subculture is one Elliot Rodger, who stabbed and shot six people in California ( 2014). Incels have praised Alek Minassian online, for his actions and compare him ( as he himself did in a Facebook post ) to E Rodger.
  14. I could be wrong, but I would think that the flute, with its holes, is a variable length resonating cavity, much like the differing lengths of pipe on a pipe organ, the blocking/unblocking of holes alters the tube length, and so the resonant frequency, corresponding to the various musical notes. This would mean that the initiating vibration has to occur in the mouthpiece. Unfortunately I have no idea what composes the mouthpiece on a flute, as the only exposure I've ever had to flutes was from an episode of Star Trek TNG called 'The Inner Light' ( one of my favorites ).
  15. could have PMed you but I thought it would be better public... I apologize for my comments John. I have gotten along with other blunt people who speak their mind, such as Ophiolite and Dr Rocket, and I assure you, I respect your opinions as much as I did theirs. Its not much of an excuse, but you caught me on a bad day and I took it out on you. Incidentally ( to get back on topic ), enthusiasts do all sorts of things with negligible ( or even non-existent ) returns. That is the very definition of enthusiast. Do you think people collect stuff for its monetary value ? Do you think people can tell the difference between a transistor Amp and a tube Amp, or $1000 speakers and $15000 speakers ? So while you may argue that the difference between air and Nitrogen is negligible, to an enthusiast, it isn't
  16. We had a very disturbing incident in Toronto, Canada, this past Monday. A man rented a cargo van, and on a beautiful spring day, drove it onto the sidewalk, and ran down multiple people on a busy street. He managed to kill 10 ( 8 women and 2 men ) and injured another 14. It was not called a terror attack because there was no political motivation, although it generated the same results. As more information came out during the week, we learned that this man belonged to a group who call themselves Incels ( for INvoluntary CELibate ). They have their own internet forums/chat rooms and call regular people ( who can form/have relationships 'Chads' and 'Stacys'. This man, Alek Minassian, 25 yrs old, by all reports fairly intelligent, apparently still a virgin, failed at most of the things he attempted in life, including only 16 days in the Armed Forces before being turfed,and he blamed his inability to have a relationship on society instead of looking in the mirror. This is the reason I mentioned the sex of his victims, apparently he was targeting women. He was apprehended by police and now faces 10 counts of murder and 14 attempted murder ( although this is Canada, sentences are served concurrently with eligibility for parole ) Have we gone too far in absolving people from personal responsibility ? Do we blame society for all of people's problems and not the personal choices they make in life ? The fact that this idiot blamed society, and women in particular, for his personal shortcomings, and decided to take revenge against society for making him a 'loser', by killing women ( who had rejected him ), instead of recognizing that he was a loser of his own making, his own decisions, and which could be corrected, is a symptom of this lack of personal responsibility issue. The a*shole didn't even have the decency to off himself before the police got to him.
  17. And again, a small difference is still a difference. I can get my Nitrogen for free, so there is no added expense or effort on my part. The TPMS sensors in the valve stems came out once I started running Continental run flats. And the comment about you getting over yourself ( for which I should apologize, but won't ) is certainly not related to your knowledge/intelligence, but rather your condescending arrogance. In the time that I've been a member here, you've managed to nit-pick fights/arguments with quite a few of the members I consider most reasonable and level headed. Maybe telling others that they should not be posting on a science site is the wrong approach for passing on your knowledge.
  18. Maybe 'liquid' was the wrong choice of words, but look up a table of the dew point of water ( or more accurately the frost point ) at -25 deg C and 32 psi. You'll find that the maximum concentration of water vapor that it can hold is extremely small. And unless the air is extremely dry, moisture will precipitate out ( and freeze at said temperature ). That's why I would post it on a science site; Get over yourself.
  19. No way... Aston Martin DB5 James Bond wouldn't drive anything else ! Don't forget I live in Canada John, liquid water in my tires are a definite possibility at -25 deg C. And those cold winter mornings are when your dash screen would tell you your tire pressure is low; even if you just checked them the previous day. Oh, and I have an adaptor to fill my tires at work ( for free ). But you're right, I probably wouldn't bother if it wasn't free.
  20. No gas is an ideal gas, and, more importantly, most all N2 sources are dried, while air may not be. The GM recommendation for a Cadillac CTS-V with TPMS is N2 for the following reasons -A reduction in the loss of tire pressure over time. -A reduction in the variance of tire pressures with temperature changes due to reduction of water vapor concentration. -A reduction of long-term rubber degradation due to a drop in oxygen. I'm sure other hi-performance vehicles with tire pressure monitoring systems do the same.
  21. Nitrogen seems to have less pressure variation with temperature. If you have tire pressure sensors on your vehicle, your manual will recommend the use of nitrogen.
  22. Here's how Closed Timelike Loops work... Bob and Alice both have a wormhole generator which opens up their end of a wormhole. They both open their ends of the wormhole so they can see each other through it. Bob then takes his end in a spaceship, and travels at relativistic speeds for ten years, all the while talking to Alice. They see each other through the wormhole aging 10 years, but in Alice's frame she actually ages 50 yrs because of relativistic effects. Bob is 'actually' looking back in time. If after the ten yrs of travelling at relativistic speeds, Bob decides to step through the wormhole, and join Alice on the other side, he has effectively travelled back in time 40 years. This is because he has travelled back to a point in Alice's frame when only ten years have elapsed, not 50. Notice that this effect hinges on the ability to produce stable wormholes. And you cannot go back previous to the separation of the wormhole ends. See Kip Thorne's work on Closed Timelike Loops.
  23. Asymmetry in thrust can be 'trimmed' away, so a single engine can still provide some control. The tailfin is sized, along with the separation of the engines from the fuselage, to allow for this. ( possibly at reduced thrust of the remaining engine )
  24. I can keep my vision 'blurry' far longer than any of you. So long, in fact, that it never goes clear. But I have damage to my optic nerves, artificial lenses, and astigmatism due to eye surgeries.
  25. Interesting article Strange. I didn't think it would be possible to have direct gas cloud collapse to a BH because at a certain size/pressure fusion burning would be ignited, stop further collapse, and drive off any more infalling gas. I was only thinking in spherical terms, and not a rotating disk of gas.
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