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Everything posted by MigL

  1. I dunno. Something positive instead of talking about D Trump ? And I may have liked Logan, but it was a depressing movie ( and screwed up timeline again ).
  2. I wear one of my many watches at all times Studiot, and in the summertime the interaction of UV light from the sun with my skin forms, after a few days ( I'm Italian and tan easily ), an image of my watch on my wrist. You could say any interaction is an imaging, or 'seeing', albeit with different sensitivity and speed. On the other hand my left eye 'sees' perfectly well, and focuses an image on my retina and its detector rods and cones. However the information cannot get to my brain because glaucoma damaged my optic nerve; and I 'see' nothing. Maybe we need to define what visible and invisible means instead.
  3. No Ten oz, no-one has a right to be racist, as that infringes on other's rights. Yet the fact remains that nearly half of the voters in the last election were dissatisfied with the way government functioned. Enough to vote in a 'wild card' like D Trump. If not educating some of that half ( and showing them the error of voting D Trump ) what do you propose ? Further alienating them with taunts of 'racist/bigot/ nazi' ? Taking away their vote ? Deporting them ? Or continuing on as before and hoping for a different outcome ?
  4. No argument about D Trump, John. But I was talking about educating your fellow citizens, instead of calling THEM names.
  5. MigL

    U.S. Immigration

    Immigration will always be needed, as we don't reproduce enough to even replace our population. As a result, the average age is rising. We can either keep working into our 70s, or bring in young people from other countries, to work, pay taxes, and provide pensions for us old geezers ( no, I'm still working and not near retirement ). That being said, there are smart ways, and stupid ways of handling immigration. A smart way is consistent checks on all immigrants, not just specific countries, as undesirables can come from anywhere. a stupid way, is the revision of the rules according to different administrations as is happening now in the US. If the rules that determine immigration/admission are changed, there cannot be a change to the legality of your previous immigration status. You cannot change a law and retroactively prosecute people for previously legal things that they may have done.
  6. If you look at amounts spent by country as a percentage of GDP on defense, the US is not the highest. If you only look at absolute values, the results are skewed because the US is an extremely rich country, and can spend ( and waste ) a lot of money. There are countries where defense spending has reached double digit % of GDP ( Saudi Arabia in 2014 ) And years where Russia's % GDP spending has been higher than the US. ( not that I'm defending the 'pork barrelling'; 2.2 bill dollars for ONE bomber ? ) ) A lot of valid points have been made regarding what's happened, and what needs to happen. Yet these are your fellow citizens who voted in the likes of D Trump, as is their right. Yet everytime discussion with a Republican comes up, the 'racist', 'fascist', 'white-supremacist' and 'nazi' labels start flying. It is not just the two parties that can't work together. it is even intelligent people like the members of this forum. Assuming that most people who vote Republican are either protecting their self interests ( those cannot be swayed ) or uneducated, afraid of changes, and feel their Government has failed them ( who can be swayed ); would it make sense to concentrate on the second group, to educate them, have a government that shows concern for them, and show them the error of their current ideology, instead of calling them names and blaming them for everything that's gone wrong ?
  7. The earliest time we will ever be able to 'image' with EM radiation is approx. 300000 yrs after T=0. This is the CMB, before that photons had a very short MFP because they readily interacted with massive particles ( creation/annihilation ). However, if we can find a way to 'image' neutrinos, we may be able to get much closer to T=0, as they interact extremely weakly. And graviton imaging would get us to within the first second after T=0. ( don't know if that will ever be possible, but would that be close enough ? )
  8. Arcing requires charge carriers to 'jump' across a potential gap. You can have a potential field in space, but unless you have charge carriers, nothing is being conducted. x-posted with Studiot
  9. Not at all, iNow, because your viewpoint is not the only one that matters. If we're the addicts, and oil companies the pushers, then Governments are the corrupt policemen who turned a blind eye to the problem because they were/are on the take.
  10. I guess you would be insulted if you're convinced your viewpoint is the only one that matters. Tell you what, why don't you give all your income to the Government, since they know what to do with it better than you. I hear your President need funds to finance a tax cut for his wealthy friends. ( I'm just being facetious, iNow, since you were a little pompous with your last comment )
  11. I don't know what the roads are like where you live Phi, but here in Canada they are terrible and in severe need of repairs. Across the border in Niagara Falls and Buffalo they are ten times worse, and the bridges are held up by rust. Most taxes collected from gasoline goes to general revenues and portioned out to 'pet' causes. And the revenues generated by the taxes I mentioned above, adversely affect the lower middle class and the poor. And Governments rely more and more on these revenue streams ( sin taxes ? ). I would have thought you'd see that as a bad thing. And, as always, I'm just providing an alternate viewpoint.
  12. Yeah, I read about that example one time. Except it was, what happens if you put a bowling ball and a ball bearing in a paper bag and drop the bag from height.
  13. This thread has become ridiculous, other than for the snippets of valuable information such as above. Thanks Mordred. Some OPs ask a question about a subject, then several pages in, after looking it up on Wiki, decide they know more than the experts they've asked the question of. Then they start arguing with rep points.
  14. That's one way of looking at things, sure... The other way, is that Governments have made very hefty profits off of gasoline taxes, and are in a sense almost in collusion. Government's revenues go up with increasing prices, so its a win/win for them; but they go to zero if we completely transition away from fossil fuels. ( watch taxes rise on electricity prices ) Have you noticed the subsidies governments give to Big Oil ? Then they pretend righteousness by launching a lawsuit ? They do this with tobacco companies, and here in Canada, with beer/liquor, , Government run gambling, in the form of Casinos and lotteries, and the newest income stream addiction, legalized pot, but only available taxed and through Government outlets. Or maybe I'm just becoming more and more cynical.
  15. When did beliefs become science ? Space-time is a co-ordinate system, and space is just a volume. Assigning things like density to space is just silly and/or ignorant. Oh, and take your own advice... "if you can't be nice you shouldn't say anything"
  16. "As a matter of interest, falling on Earth does depend upon position or location. Two objects at the same location will be subject to the same acceleration and therefore fall at the same rate." That is inherently true, however... The acceleration, a=G*Me/(r^2) , is the same because inertial mass and gravitational mass are equivalent, as is the force. I.E. m*a = F = (G*Me*m)/(r^2) So that, although dimensional analysis can help verify the above, it does not show dependence. ( I think that's the issue Strange has ) Oh, and I think Trevorjohnson32 is just about ready for his first spanking.
  17. Yeah, I'm blaming the victim again Phi. Don't confuse the people of NY, the actual victims, with the government of NY, which has filed the lawsuit. On gasoline taxes alone, the government has raked in billions if not trillions of dollars, and now, just like others did with lawsuits against tobacco companies, they attempt to 'suck and blow' at the same time. This is not commentary on the oil companies ( I have some choice words and opinions about them also, I assure you ), it strictly concerns the people who thought it was a good idea to file this lawsuit, while being collaborators, and beneficiaries of profits from oil companies for the last 100 yrs. They were all for the revenue, but don't want the responsibility of the end result ?
  18. Agreed, but that's a whole 'nother level of explanation and not so easily grasped. (
  19. I can go back several pages, and haven't found any instances of blaming the victim for their history, attire or level of intoxication, or any other attribute, on my part. ( and although Zapatos has long quit this impossible discussion, I can vouch that he did not either ). So we can agree that its never the victim's fault, but that risk mitigation should be considered because there will always be people intent on doing harm to others. And I ( and others ) are not the bad guys for suggesting this. Wow, we could have saved about 10 pages of aggravation, and some name calling ( and I apologise for my part in that, you're anything but a sap, Phi )
  20. The Event Horizon is a mathematical construct. There is nothing actually there, it is simply a radius defining an ( imaginary ) sphere. This radius is defined as the distance from the center of the given mass where the escape velocity is equal to the speed of light. Which is an impossibility for any particle with mass. Even though the massive energies involved ( kinetic due to the extreme potential ) make it seem otherwise, anything emanating from a BH's event horizon originates outside it,
  21. Then we agree. The problem is the crimes committed by the perpetrators. But there are things that can be done to minimize risks for the victims. Do we still need to go on about this ?
  22. Every time I open a new page, this morning, my AV informs me that it has aborted a connection to Googleheads, a known adware/spamming infection. Can someone please look into it ?
  23. I asked three questions in my post, John. I readily concede the points you make, but I'd like you ( and Phi ) to answer those questions.
  24. What's a pain ? The diarrhea or the spelling ?
  25. While Phi has an interesting strategy in this discussion, simply treat the opposing argument as part of the "fucking problem", so that you never have to discuss the points being made, I think it is dishonest. A recent trend, say in the past 15 yrs that phones have built-in cameras, is the penchant of young women ( teenagers even ) to take naked selfies, or even engaged in sexual activities, and send them to young men or boyfriends, in their quest for popularity. Often, when they subsequently break-up, or even while they are still friends, the young man, out of jealousy or an attempt to impress his friends, will redistribute these photos over the internet. These actions have led to suicide in several reported cases. Even 'stars', such as J Lawrence, K Cuoco and K Upton, have had their cloud accounts compromised and had their pictures, nude or engaged in various sex acts, redistributed over the internet. In this case the motivation is not lust, but greed, as there is financial gain involved, so the cloud account hacking could involve women as the perpetrators. Now, no-one is suggesting that a crime hasn't been committed by the perpetrators. But, do you really think young women should not be told this is dumb thing to do ? Do you think they should not be informed that the 'cloud' is just a server ( in other words, someone else's computer ) ? Do you think young women should be told that their 'value' is NOT just their physical attributes ? ( do you leave your keys in the ignition of your running car when you go in the store, because if it is stolen, even though you are the victim, some insurance companies will place you at fault ) I don't know what kind of utopian La-La land you live in Phi, but if you think lust, greed, jealousy and vengefulness, the human conditions which lead to these type of crimes can be 100% eradicated, then you're a naïve sap, and I've got a bridge in Brooklynn to sell you. And if you can't fully eradicate the conditions that lead to these types of crimes, you'd be dumb not to practice some risk management.
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