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Everything posted by MigL

  1. I have to shave daily also, if I'm working. But not because society demands a hairless face, rather, it's condition of employment as my job may require me to wear supplied air breathing equipment in an emergency situation. Safety considerations can, do, and should trump societal norms.
  2. D Trump is not singling out South Korea; In case you hadn't noticed the jackass is re-negotiating NAFTA also. And I would add, South Korea needs the US MORE than the US needs South Korea.
  3. IOW there is such a thing as debt... But there is no negative currency. Negative energy/mass only arises because of 'accounting' tricks.
  4. If you guys are done getting sexual gratification from bashing D Trump ( and your fellow countrymen who support him ) in every thread and topic of this forum... Believe it or not, there are worse people in this world than D Trump. And I believe K-J-U is one of them. This particular thread is the North Korea problem. The American problem ( D Trump ) will be over in little more than 3 yrs ( if not sooner, I hope ).
  5. The fusion reaction up to iron releases energy ( exothermic ), and this powers a star during its lifetime. To assemble heavier nuclei, energy has to be supplied ( endothermic ). It is the collapse and subsequent rebound of the core, when a star goes ( super )nova, which supplies the gravitational energy to fuse heavier elements and outshine galaxies. Maybe if you did a little more research into what others are telling you, and a little less flying off in wild speculative tangents...
  6. Quantum foam is a 'state' of things at below the Planck level. Suggesting that the 'state of things' changes makes sense; suggesting that the 'state of things' has a 'flow' does not ( to me ). The paper also implies absolute frames and absolute motion. Which then means all sorts of other things are in play ( and foundations of modern physics crumble ). That alone makes it a non-starter for me.
  7. If I may... According to accepted physics theory, Black holes can and do explode. A BH has entropy and therefore a temperature. If its temperature exceeds that of surrounding space ( 2.7 deg ) then the Hawking mechanism will transform one of a virtual particle pair into a real particle, BUT, at the expense of the BH's mass-energy, so that, slowly the BH evaporates. This mechanism has been described in pop science as the capturing of one virtual particle by the event horizon ( very simplistic ), to tunneling 'through' the event horizon, and is in effect, a 'shotgun marriage' of GR and QFT. As the BH gets smaller and smaller ( and its temperature/radiation increases dramatically ), it reaches the point where it can shed its event horizon and explode. And although small primordial BHs are thought to have been formed at the energy densities immediately following the Big Bang, and would have evaporated by now, no-one has yet detected the tell-tale gamma ray burst of a BH exploding in its final moments. As far as I know, this is the only link between BHs and the Big Bang event. The Big Bang was definitely not an explosion. An explosion is a small volume expanding into an existing larger volume. The Big Bang is nothing like that; it is simply the separation of co-ordinates of that volume increasing. There is NO outside, existing volume ! There was no 'before' the Big Bang as space-time geometry was established shortly after T=0. The early universe consisted of energy, in effect, the baby universe had the property of energy. As it cooled, particles could form at various temperatures ( according to their energy ) and some still not understood mechanism accounted for the excess creation of what we call matter ( as opposed to anti-matter ). At a certain temperature, some of those particles could actually bind together to form light elements, and the universe became transparent; gravitation bound those particles of matter into the stars and galaxies we see in the distant ( early ) universe. Some of those stars went on to explode in Novae and Supernovae ( establishing BHs which will be around for billions and billions of times the current age of the universe before they evaporate and explode ) producing the heavy elements that make us up. Again Andy Quantum foam is NOT the Spin foam related to LQG, and so has little if any to do with gravity ( nor matter creation ). And Itoero, not all predictions made by a model are necessarily physical. Models only have a range of validity, and that includes GR, QM, QFT and even Newtonian gravity. Surely you don't expect the Holographic PRINCIPLE ( not even a theory ) to be an exact representation of reality ?
  8. Maybe 'prediction' was the wrong word to use, but your analysis suggests K-J-U's experience in dealing with neighboring countries enabled him to make the 'wise' decision of firing a missile into Japanese airspace. His so called 'experience' seems to be that of a short, fat guy trying to prove he's tough, by constantly pushing the boundaries of accepted behavior, and necessitating a response from everyone else. I find it interesting that you think dialogue with a madman, who is virtually starving 25 Mill of his people, is actively seeking war by aggression towards neighboring countries, and has delusions of grandeur is acceptable. But you think that if that dialogue involves D Trump, who also has delusions of grandeur, then it is unacceptable, and to be avoided.
  9. Read a quote ( attributed to someone's professor ) which summed up the basic differences between Capitalism and Communism... "With Capitalism, what we've got is this unending exploitation of man by man. But with Communism, this lamentable state of affairs ends up being turned the other way around."
  10. Let me see if I can clarify... Take a coin. It is one piece, and described by the same properties, although it has a 'heads' and 'tails'. I now cut the coin along the plane, so that one piece shows 'heads', and the other piece shows 'tails'. I now put each piece in an envelope and give you, Interested, one envelope, and Itoero, the other. Neither of you knows what is in your envelope, but as soon as either of you opens your envelope and you see ' heads' or 'tails', you immediately know that the other has the opposite in his envelope. No actual information ( or data ) has been sent anywhere ( nor through wormholes ). And do you think it makes any difference how far apart you and Itoero get ?
  11. And just when you think you have them figured out, Ten oz, nut-jobs like K-J-U and D Trump go and act totally against your predictions. While D Trump was being uncharacteristically diplomatic last week, complementing the North Koreans on their restraint in firing off any more missiles, and even hinting at diplomatic talks, K-J-U decides this would be a good time to fire a missile which overflies and violates Japanese airspace. We'll see what comes of this. And what China thinks of this latest destabilizing provocation.
  12. Aside from the fact that a lot of these Civil War monuments were erected after the fact, for political/ideological reasons ( and so should and can be removed ), why stop at slave owners, or people who fought to preserve slavery ? What about oppression/extermination of Native Americans ? Do J Monroe and A Jackson get a pass for being Presidents during the Indian Wars ? Or don't Aboriginal people count ? How many Japanese were interned by F D Roosevelt during WW2, and how many were killed By H Truman's decision to use atomic weapons ? And for you Brits, how many German civilians lost their lives when W Churchill ordered the fire bombing of Dresden, just to inflict the most pain on the German population and force a surrender ? And how it was J F Kennedy that got the US embroiled in the Vietnam war ( Bay of Pigs, Cuban missile crisis, etc., a regular war-monger), but R Nixon ( a discredited President )who got our boys out ? I could, of course, go on and on, but the point is, we would have no monuments left, no pictures on our money, no names for schools/federal buildings nor ships/carriers. Education is the best way to fight intolerance, and redefine who we are. Not by tearing down who we were.
  13. While China may have a lot of billionaires ( has it surpassed the US in numbers of billionaires yet ), and is a rich country, that isn't reflected in average wages, which are about US$9000 per year. Income disparity is huuuge. Most Chinese don't share your optimistic viewpoint, but rather, are asking their government "where is my share of the ( economic ) pie ?". A lot of people in China live in what we would consider poverty, probably more than a billion of them out of the total population of 1.6 bill. Never mind their version of the 'American Dream', if things don't change for the better in China, they might have a revolution on their hands. I don't think they can keep a billion people ignorant, no matter how much they censor their internet.
  14. Arguments about where a comma goes ( outside quotes, in that case ) in a thread about 'nothing'. How appropriate.
  15. Very nice pics, Janus. What settings and filters did you use on your camera ? Sorry about your experience iNow. 2024 is just a few years away. You are more than welcome to come visit me in St Catharines for it. Located in the middle of Niagara wine country ( lots of vineyards and wineries ), just 15 min away from the border and the tourist trap Niagara Falls, and even closer to the historic town of Niagara-on-the-Lake across from old Fort Niagara in Lewiston. Our dollar is lower than yours, your family would have a great vacation, although it can be quite rainy in April ( sometimes even snowy ).
  16. My, oh my... A lot of 'dicks' are being tossed around here lately.
  17. I know plenty of people who like to kill people, John. Most of them are in jail, but I'm sure there are a lot more who aren't. I would think Government and nationalism are two institutions that are responsible for the deaths of way more people than religion. ( over 60 million in just WW1 and WW2 ) Yet anti-religion people are atheists and anti-government people are anarchists. One good, the other bad. Or do you consider both good ?
  18. I don't think losing the war should be relevant John. We have statues in Canada of L Riel; he was hanged. we have statues of French generals in Quebec; they lost to the English. But this is an American decision; and it should be up to the American people to decide. I'd also like to add that, despite the number of books written ( did not know that waitforufo, thanks ), 90% of Americans probably don't know if a statue is a Confederate or Union General. Young people don't seem to have much appreciation for history. Maybe that's why we are well on the road to repeating it.
  19. And the sad part... Fake diamonds are flawless while real ones have defects. That's how most jewellers tell them apart. ( the things we do for women... )
  20. Nightfall by Asimov.
  21. Reminds me of a science fiction story about a planet orbiting multiple suns, such that the sky was always bright. But every thousand years solar eclipses would bring nightfall, everybody went nuts, and civilization would come to an end. Be wary of people acting strange. It could be the beginning of the end.
  22. Yes, most signal switching electronics ( in the KHz, MHz and GHz range ) has to be shielded so as not to induce EMF in nearby equipment. If not shielded it is classified as a transmitter. EM radiation, however, falls off in strength very quickly, so a little separation goes a long way in reducing this effect.
  23. I think you may have misunderstood all our posts BeeCee. I suggest re-reading the whole thing ( if you are interested ). The definition of Christian is non-sensical. There are no documented teachings of Jesus Christ ( if he even existed ). Only interpretations , some by people who existed 400 yrs after J Christ. As such Christians follow the ( human ) interpretations of the teachings of J Christ. Those have evolved/changed over the years, and are still evolving as the Church attempts ( doesn't always succeed ) to keep up with modern society.
  24. You should. I would say we have a good definition, mathematically speaking. It is just impossible for our minds to grasp or visualize the concept of infinity. Just like 4dimensional space-time ( or even higher dimensions ), it is easily described mathematically, but impossible to describe using common, every day analogies. ( my apologies, in the previous post it should be temperature to 1 part in 10000; what happened to post numbering ? )
  25. Finite but unbounded means a 'circular' universe such that if you go off in one direction, eventually you come back from the opposite direction. the curvature would be intrinsic, ie it doesn't curve in another dimension. Hence there is no 'edge' and it doesn't expand INTO anything. The reason we have problems with 'edges', Delta is because they are strange ( not you strange !) as you noted for the finite, bounded universe. How do you treat the 'edge' of all there is ? The observable universe has always been there. Even shortly after the Big Bang event, light only had limited time to get to a certain distance. So information and causality only reached so far, and that information and causality gives rise to the isotropy of the observable universe. The amount of 'stuff' in the observable universe has been decreasing since then as more and more 'stuff' ( galactic clusters ) move out of the observable universe with increasing time. The volume of information exchange and causality ( why is the universe isotropic and homogenous, why is it at equal temperature to 1 part in 1000, how did this information get exchanged with a finite light speed and finite time ?) was greatest at T=0, and that established al the parameters of our universe.
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