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Everything posted by MigL

  1. I can read and converse with much difficulty in French, while I am fluent in English and Italian, as I was born and lived my first 8 yrs in Italy. To this day, when I add and multiply in my head, I do it in Italian, because that's how I learned it in elementary school.
  2. Most of what I know about magnetic monopoles comes from GUTs, which predict their formation at the boundaries of domains where a symmetry break has occurred. Their production and lack of decay modes ( due to vacuum energy configuration ) predicted large amounts of magnetic monopoles in the present universe. This is what Alan Guth was working on when he stumbled on the idea of inflation. Inflation neatly took care of the problem ( and many others ) By making them extremely rare after inflation. I believe P A M Dirac came up with their lack of decay modes, but he had previously worked on relativistic considerations of monopoles ( and used that symmetry to establish charge quantization ), and that work may be something to look into for an answer to your questions.
  3. " an helicopter standing still " This is wrong on so many levels, it would be funny if it wasn't so sad. If in water waves the wave travels, but the water molecules don't move much, and in air the sound wave travels, but the air molecules don't move much, then by the ( wrong ) analogy, the light wave travels, but the photons don't move much. So why do you need an aether ? Seems to me it's rather superfluous. Incidentally, any object with mass ( yes even as little as a neutrino ) requires an infinite amount of energy to accelerate to the speed of light in a vacuum. That would suggest that light has no rest mass, can never be at rest, and cannot accelerate. But don't let facts stop you from throwing sh#t against the wall and seeing what sticks.
  4. I'm old fashioned... I back up anything important onto paper. And if disaster strikes, I reload windows 10. ( just finished re-doing my Zotac media center/big screen TV ).
  5. By freezing temps I assume you mean zero deg C. Condensation is caused by water vapour in air, and it condenses out when cooled. Remove the moisture laden air from contact with the electronic components by immersing in a non-conductive oil, and cool the hot components with a water-block with refrigerant going through the lines. Seems excessively elaborate, and if your intention is over-clocking processors, the results aren't worth the effort.
  6. The 'model' is certainly different, but the predictions made by GR and Newtonian gravity are the same in the low mass/energy limit. At higher mass/energies, such as close to a deep gravitational well, we start seeing deviations due to 'curvature' ( Mercury's perihelion and its procession for example )
  7. You're gonna have to make a better argument than that Ten oz... The OP does not ask THAT question ( although ultimate intent may be that ). It asks why a certain group of people is disadvantaged. And we can either discuss it and search for answers, or jump to conclusions, accuse the OP of being racist, and proceed to ignore the situation thereby ensuring that a group of people continues to be disadvantaged. Enjoyed the Clint Eastwood references, Andy.
  8. The OP is accurate, the reasons are many, and a lot of them have been brought up by various members. All of the reasons are due to circumstances, current and past. None of them are biological. So why do we always descend into accusations of racism or racially motivated arguments ? And I also find it amusing to blame 'bad' decisions on the ratio of testosterone to estrogen. It has served well for millions of years to ensure our survival. Would you say that the bad decisions made by Neville Chamberlain to appease A Hitler were due to a higher ratio of estrogen to testosterone ? Because that would be equally wrong !
  9. Most forum members get their backs up at the merest implication of intelligent design. But people are allowed personal beliefs. Even scientists ! So I don't have a problem with Newton, or Einstein, or any other scientist who has 'faith'. Even ones that write books ! That being said, most scientists recognize that the anthropic principle is a consequence of the way the universe is, not a cause.
  10. MigL


    Absolutely right... Tipping ( and most charitable donations ) isn't a genuine concern for the waiter/waitress. If it were I'd help them find a better job. Its a way to feel good about myself for doing an insignificant deed. I find it extremely irritating that, in Canada ( Ontario ) we have a minimum wage standard yet restaurant employees can be paid less than that standard because they can make up the difference in tips. Incidentally Swansont, I know quite a few young waitresses/bartenders who earn more in an 8 hr shift tending bar than my equivalent daily salary. But then again I'm an old man who gets paid for what he knows and does; they get paid for being charming, witty, personable and good looking, something neither I ( nor you I suspect ) are able to do. Who is to say that's right or wrong ?
  11. MigL


    See the Mr Pink monologue at the beginning of Q Tarantino's 'Reservoir Dogs'.
  12. That's not the way probability works... The chance of the 1st toss landing on edge is exactly the same as any other toss. Furthermore, a chance of 1/20 doesn't mean that after 20 tosses you should get an edge-stander. It means that if repeated an infinite number of times, the chance of an edge-stander approaches 1/20.
  13. Mr Lesser When one person tells you 'you don't understand', that may be presumptuous. Even if two or three people tell you that, they may still be presumptuous. But when EVERYBODY tells you that, maybe you should consider that they are right !
  14. I find it curious that Mordred is trying to explain Quantum Field Theory to someone who thinks a Black Hole is a 'grain of dust' that he can't see, who has no clue how GR explains gravity, and who thinks a quantum particle can have size, yet be fundamental. An exercise in futility.
  15. You 'can get to Mars without co-ordinates' ? Co-ordinates are like a map, or street signs. You couldn't even get to Pittsburg without such co-ordinates.
  16. What does your 'perception' have to do with anything ? You don't seem to have a clue as to what a Black Hole is. You use simplistic analogies and try to draw valid conclusions from them. So simplistic, that a whole branch of Physics needs to be explaned to you before you finally concede. Then you move the goalposts and/or skip to a totally new subject about which you have lots of misconceptions and only simplistic familiarity.
  17. Space, or even the universe ( observable ) is a certain volume. We can't say anything about that volume unless we assign co-ordinates to it. These co-ordinates, then, become the MODEL, and we can make analogies between the volume of space/universe and the co-ordinates of the model. We model universal expansion by increasing the number of co-ordinates between events. We model length contraction/time dilation ( in flat, Minkowsky space-time ) by varying the size of the co-ordinate grid. We model gravity by differential variation of the ( x,y,z,-ict ) co-ordinate such that there is curvature or warping ( i.e. not flat ). These are all MODELS which are governed by strict mathematics which make predictions that have been tested for the last century,and measured to be accurate to several decimal places. In effect, they are similar to your simplistic balloon with points of light model, which is not accurate at all and cannot be used to make substantive predictions, but is meant as a quick and dirty explanation for children. I suggest you raise your level of discussion above that of a child.
  18. Always wanted to fly military jets for the Canadian Air Force when I was young, but I've had terrible eyesight since I was 5 yrs old.
  19. The 'space' does not get inside the inflated balloon. Space is a mathematical construct, a co-ordinate grid if you will. and we assign each point on the balloon's surface ( and the box' also ) a co-ordinate. Inflating the balloon means the co-ordinates assigned to the balloon's surface ( the event ) change. Relativity, on the other hand, implies that the distance between co-ordinates ( including the time co-ordinate ) is variable, such that the co-ordinate grid can even curve or warp.
  20. I apologize for my comments early in the thread, Manticore. I believe in giving everyone a chance to prove themselves... and then I jumped on you without giving you a chance.
  21. So you are to blame for precision guided munitions. Did you also serve swansont ?
  22. Sorry for the absence; I'm at work now... Measured in their respective frames, the space-time geometries around the Earth or the relativistic moon will be exactly the same as if they were at rest. This is because the geometry 'moves' at c along with the relativistic object. From other frames the geometry will be different and much more complex as your original link stated. This is due to the 'added' energy to the relativistic moon, and of course, is to be expected because energy is also frame dependent
  23. Damm it ! I stick up for somebody, and they turn out to be a jerk. cross with Zapatos
  24. There are NO relativistic effects in the rest frame. If the earth was at rest, or moving at 0.9c ( with respect to what ? ), you would weigh exactly the same 200 lbs.
  25. As far as I can tell Itoero is NOT making the argument that homosexuality is good or bad. His argument is simply that hormonal changes in the womb play a factor ( pretty much accepted science ). The 'stretch' is that premature birth cause hormonal changes, which seems to be like putting the cart ahead of the horse, to me.
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