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Everything posted by MigL

  1. That's exactly right Sensei... "In games, engine doesn't render entire world around players, where nobody look. Just what player see at moment is processed and rendered." But consider that... In Quantum Mechanics all possible outcomes or worlds are encoded in the wave function, but only as probabilities. But when someone looks ( an interaction occurs ), the wave function collapses and reality is 'rendered'.
  2. Subjective reality ? Definitely ! We perceive reality by our brain's interpretation of certain interactions. Objective reality ? Don't know. I'm not even sure there is such a thing.
  3. Your current set-up has two fans blowing into the same area, causing higher local pressure behind the computer. The computer's fan can't evacuate the hot air as efficiently into a high pressure area. Turn the additional fan around so that the computer's fan exhausts the hot air from the case, and the additional fan moves it away from the computer so it can't be sucked back in. But why don't you just get a good temperature monitoring program. Modern CPUs have throttling and shutdown circuits that prevent overheating. They'll shut themselves down at 90 deg C, I believe ( check out the Intel or AMD spec sheet for your CPU ). And clean out the cat hair from your heat-sink/fan every once in a while. Oh wait, that's me.
  4. Look, the point 'm trying to makeis that it takes two to escalate a conflict. Both the cop AND the teacher could have done things differently, and avoided the resulting situation. Like I said, Its not about assigning blame, but either of the two, teacher or cop, could easily have changed how the incident played out. And not by being 'submissive' to authority, but by being civil to another human being. This was NOT the case in the therapist shooting at all.
  5. Expansion is NOT a speed or velocity, relative or otherwise. If you just consider it 'increasing separation', there will be much less confusion.
  6. Not to place the blame on the tiny black woman, but why was there a 'tussle' with the police before she was thrown on the hood of the car and arrested. She's a schoolteacher, for cryin'out loud, why not behave yourself and explain things when everyone has calmed down ? I would hope that's what she does with the kids she teaches. And although she could have been pulled over by police several times that day ( for all we know ), she does admit to 15mph over the speed limit, so why argue and fight ? That being said there are people who should not be cops, as the one who shot the therapist proves. He's either incompetent and hits bystanders, or he's a 'dick' who likes to shoot black people. Either way police work is not for him. Take away his gun and charge him !
  7. All dinosaurs with long necks ( and counterbalancing tails ) were herbivores which needed to get at the tops of giant trees ( the flora was different at the time also ). You being an engineer, it should be simple enough to look up the strength of various type of bones, then armed with the fact that weight goes up with volume, or the cube of length, and get a ball-park figure for the max weight a bone can support for a given lenght. But why are you even looking at present day elephants for a guideline to max size ? Have you seen the length of a giraffe's slender neck ? Its bones easily support its weight ! Edit: The atmosphere may have had different composition, but its density would have been essentially the same. Same for mass and size of the Earth. Even changes in spin are trivial.
  8. Not if you consider each person individually, Phi. Its not cheap to raise a child if you don't consider the contributions from parents. A baby/child/young adult, before they reach their 'productive/contributing stage', might be more expensive than a retired person. It is always 40 people contributing/supporting 85 people. I'm not saying it couldn't be done, but having more people of a working age would definitely help, and that is a reason for immigration policies in the Western world.
  9. If there was a large explosion 720 mi away, 30 min ago, you wouldn't have heard it yet, as it would take another 30 min for the sound to reach you If you got in a plane and started moving at 720 mi/hr in the opposite direction you will never hear it, as it will never reach you. Keep in mind that in this case, these are actual velocities subject to relativity. Universal expansion is NOT a velocity and is not subject to relativity ( in the same way ). We can have superluminal expansion. Some thing or effect outside the observable universe is causally disconnected because its 'information' can never reach us or affect us. The speed of light is the speed of information, and causality. This is one of the reasons for postulating the original inflationary period. The homogeneity and isotropy of the universe could not be assured unless there was ability to exchange information between distant parts of the universe ( i.e. a causal connection ) at some early stage.
  10. You could feed the rest of the world with what we in the Western world throw out on a daily basis. There is more than enough food production capacity to feed the world's population and then some. But you can't look at problems in isolation. Assume everyone in the world has access to health care and the average life span is about 85 yrs. Assume everyone in the world has access to an education also. That means that, with just a replacement birth rate such that world population remains steady, out of 85 yrs. every person spends the first 25 getting an education ( i.e. supported by the government ), and the last 20 on a pension ( supported by the government ). Every person spends more time being supported by the government than the 40 yrs where they actually pay taxes. Do you think such a system is sustainable ? Why do you think Western countries bring in young immigrants from countries with high birth rates ? Do you think we do it out of a need to do good ?
  11. I always understood it differently... The American 'melting pot' was a system where upon landing in America, no matter where you were from, you became an American. You weren't Mexican, Irish, Dutch, Italian, Chinese, etc. anymore. You left behind all your customs, morals and ideals and adopted American ones. And if you ask these people what they are, they'll tell you, in no uncertain terms, "I'm an AMERICAN". It seems a nationalistic, and so conservative, system. Here in Canada, we have what we like to call Multiculturalism, in which the government encourages through financial support, that you keep your 'culture'/morals/ideals from your originating country. It makes for a very diverse population but, it sometimes encourages people to retain the bad aspects of their culture also. Sometimes these cultures, in the case of immigrants from war-torn countries ( who seek refugee status ) and where life is 'cheap', are the perpetrators of vile crimes on their fellow immigrants. Things like human trafficking/slavery, killing each other over 'turf', etc. In a way, its also nationalistic ( conservative ), but to the originating culture. Only in Canada do you see people refer to themselves as Italo-Canadian ( my case ), French- Canadian, Polish-Canadian, etc., and flying their 'home' country flag during Euro and World cup competitions ( I admit being guilty of that too ). No-one is simply a CANADIAN. I've often pondered which is the better system.
  12. There are also more variables than heredity and choice which shape and affect who we are. While genetics is not be a choice, neither is hormonal variations while in the womb. And since the brain is an adaptive organ ( can change its wiring in response to damage/stress/stimuli ), life experiences also shouldn't be considered a choice. Ultimately, aren't even the choices we make, based on how we think and our life experiences ?
  13. What is this boundary composed of, that it can reflect these 'waves' ? ( and why isn't it part of the universe ? ) And what's on the other side of the boundary Mike ?
  14. The last place I'd wanna keep possibly radioactive materials is in my pockets as hand warmers. They'd be right next to your 'nads or ovaries. You wanna have normal kids, don't you ?
  15. Common denominator seems to be the easy availability of guns to any lunatic, Not race.
  16. And why do you want to 'fry' England ?
  17. Oh come on. This ( and his other OP ) has been hilarious. Can't it just be moved to the Jokes section ?
  18. there have been a few attempts at coups during his Prime Ministership and Presidency. Each time his popularity has surged. Maybe this one will put him over the top, on his way to dictatorship. I'd be betting with you.
  19. You're right let's move on. ( but notice I said carry, not use, an umbrella; you don't carry an umbrella when you expect it to get sunny and hot ) Edited for clarity.
  20. False dichotomy ? Really ? What other reasons are there for carrying an umbrella ? Either you think its going to rain, or, it goes well with your English suit and bowler hat ( think Steed from the Avengers ) ( I'm sorry, this is an extremely serious subject, and we're getting off-topic and silly )
  21. This was a long time coming, considering the direction Erdogan has been taking the country in during the past few years, and the constitutional role of the military in preserving Turkey's secularism. Whichever way it goes, I do hope there's little bloodshed.
  22. So if you saw a bunch of people carrying umbrellas, would you think that was a fashion statement, or that they had watched the weather forecast and knew something you didn't ?
  23. The relationship between the religion and these lunatics may not be causal, but there is certainly a correlation. And while the truck itself may be heavily regulated, the lunatic driving it is not. Anyone with a valid driver's license and a credit card can rent one to move.
  24. Sorry Dimreepr, I was addressing Airbrush. You guys are all bright people, yet you pretend not to understand Waitforufo in your rush to be politically correct. He wants to know why trucks are treated differently than guns. Everyone is always clamoring for gun control ( including me ) yet, a truck can kill more people than the explosives and guns of the last terrorist attack. But everyone, including religious nutcases, can buy or rent a truck. He is of the opinion that maybe we shouldn't be concentrating so much on the implement used to cause the mayhem, whether gun, truck, plane, bomb, or what have you; We should focus more on the people who use these implements to cause such carnage. In case I need to spell it out ( or point you to Waitforufo's linked graphic ) for you... What is it about this religion/culture that produces/attracts madmen like this guy, who drive down the promenade at high speed, watching more than 80 men, women and children splatter and bounce off the front of the truck and hit the ground, dead. OVER 80 MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN ! No other group, no matter how disenfranchised, does this kind of thing as regularly.
  25. He is making the point ( not too subtly I might add ) that what is needed is people control not gun or truck or plane ( etc. ) control. This may not be the best thread to make it in as its pretty sensitive and raw right now. But he does have a point, and being a hypocrite ( and ignoring the actual problem ) won't fix anything. People's stupidity, lack of training, bloodlust, greed, vengeance and violent ideologies ( among many more ) is what is in need of control. That is what causes untold misery, harm and death. A crazy, violent, vengeful, suicidal ( tec. ) person will use any means at his disposal to do harm to himself and others. I certainly didn't think a truck, in the hands of a madman, could do so much damage/harm Is it annoying to be shown you are wrong ?
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