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Everything posted by MigL

  1. Your ramblings are so full of misconceptions about science and current theories that I can't even begin to address them in a post. My advice... Spend a little less time sending these ramblings to eminent scientists and publications ( or posting them on forums ), and a little more educating yourself with some good books. They are available at all levels, from light reading to graduate level/heavy math. That's what you should be doing when you wake up at night with these thoughts and can't sleep. There are many here who can point you in the right direction. From explaining what the Big Bang actually implies to how evolution works. But you cannot get an education from forums.
  2. Well,lets consider lies, propaganda and drawing the wrong conclusions then, John... In your previous post ( #23 ) you gave us a link to the GDP data for the UK, and stated that generally GDP goes up. There are however a couple of clear troughs from 1980-85 and 2007-12. You then state that "Both of those happened under Right wing governments". Now if in that link you provided us, you were to click on another European country, the ones I investigated were France and Italy ( not Germany as they had re-unification issues ), you find the two exact same clear troughs. The conclusion a reasonable person, who informs him/herself, draws from this is totally different from the conclusion you drew. That its a European phenomenon, not a Right or Left, UK only issue. So what were you spreading, lies, propaganda, or were you just drawing the wrong conclusions because you, like most voters, don't inform yourself, and re-elect governments which should not be governing. ( Sorry if I sound very critical, John, I respect your opinion and views highly, I'm just trying to make a point. )
  3. Deuterium Chemically similar to Hydrogen but containing two nucleons. No other source other than Big Bang nucleosynthesis.
  4. And when they get re-elected, whose fault is it ?
  5. You don't need penetration as the water molecules whose bonds get excited at that particular frequency are internal to the food. So the 'penetration' is a result of the microwaves only interacting with the water bonds. Having read more of the previous posts however, I see the impracticality of Mike's method. The very fact that these long waves don't readily interact with atomic and molecular bonds means that capture and conversion to useable frequency/wavelength is also very difficult.
  6. Neutronium Composed entirely of degenerate neutrons. Believed to exist only in gravitationally collapsed neutron stars.
  7. Reflector telescope Using a curved mirror(s) to form the image, as opposed to refracting telescopes, which use lens. Suffers less from chromatic aberration and allows for much larger objectives.
  8. That's it overtone. Spread the 'unconfortableness' all around. Very few countries/governments/voters are above reproach.
  9. Microwaves deposit energy and heat up food by interacting ( resonant frequency ) with the intramolecular bonds of water molecules. And as Mike says there has to be an interaction for this deposition of energy and raising of temperature. What would EM radiation of 1m wavelength interact with ? Or have I come in at the tail end of a discussion, don't have aclue what you guys are talking about, and should shut up and keep my comments to myself ?
  10. Vacuum energy Particles and anti-particles being continuously created and annihilated may supply the energy density for the cosmological constant.
  11. No, I'm asking why the US is always the center of attention. And why you and John criticize what American governments (whether 'left' or 'right' ) have done in the last 50 yrs, when in the same time period British governments have failed even more spectacularly.
  12. I find it laughable that at least two Brits ( John and Dim ) are criticizing American governments of the last 50 yrs and the state of the American middle class. You went from being an almost still relevant "world power" to hanging on to America's coat tails in that period. And how is your middle class doing ? Why don't we analyze what the 'left' and 'right' did to England since the war, instead of always picking on Americans ?
  13. Red-shift The shifting of spectral lines towards longer wavelengths due to recession.
  14. Enterprise One of the space shuttles, and, a famous 23rd century starship on a 5 yr mission.
  15. Eotvos experiment Confirmed that different objects/composition fall at the same speed in a gravitational field.
  16. Accretion disc High speed, high energy matter spiraling into a black hole.
  17. Roche limit The closest two astronomical bodies can get before one is broken up by tidal effects.
  18. Escape Velocity The speed required to defeat the surface gravity of an astronomical object and escape to infinity ( i.e. no fall back )
  19. Einstein-Rosen Bridge A 'tunnel' or wormhole through space with a Black Hole at either end and held open by being threaded with exotic ( negative energy ) matter.
  20. A.U. Astronomical unit, approx. 93,000,000 miles, the distance from Earth to Sun.
  21. Swift Space telescope/observatory dedicated to the study of gamma ray bursts.
  22. deSitter, Willem Originator of the concepts of deSitter space or universe, which are solutions to the field equations for an empty, expanding universe with a positive cosmological constant.
  23. Supernova A stellar explosion, triggered by reignition of a degenerate star or the gravitational collapse of the core of a massive star, that can briefly outshine a whole galaxy.
  24. Instead of thinking about a force 'binding' things or 'attracting/repelling', think instead of things 'interacting' by the manifestation of their field's bosons. In this case, the weakly interacting and very short range ( due to their mass ) W and Z bosons.
  25. Every particle has an associated field. That's why its called quantum field theory. Why you choose to single out the gluon field, I don't know. Someday we may even find the particle associated with the gravitational field, the graviton. Every particle can pop-up as a virtual particle/ant-particle pair, it just depends on the energy of the associated field. Using your gluon field as an example, if you add energy to the system, by say, pulling two quarks apart, it is very easy to create two more quarks.
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