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Swift Space telescope/observatory dedicated to the study of gamma ray bursts.
deSitter, Willem Originator of the concepts of deSitter space or universe, which are solutions to the field equations for an empty, expanding universe with a positive cosmological constant.
Supernova A stellar explosion, triggered by reignition of a degenerate star or the gravitational collapse of the core of a massive star, that can briefly outshine a whole galaxy.
Instead of thinking about a force 'binding' things or 'attracting/repelling', think instead of things 'interacting' by the manifestation of their field's bosons. In this case, the weakly interacting and very short range ( due to their mass ) W and Z bosons.
Every particle has an associated field. That's why its called quantum field theory. Why you choose to single out the gluon field, I don't know. Someday we may even find the particle associated with the gravitational field, the graviton. Every particle can pop-up as a virtual particle/ant-particle pair, it just depends on the energy of the associated field. Using your gluon field as an example, if you add energy to the system, by say, pulling two quarks apart, it is very easy to create two more quarks.
Hey, not fair, you ended in a number ! 0.692=OmegaLambda ( according to recent Planck results, consider yourself lucky that I don't use LaTex ) The ratio between the energy density due to the cosmological constant and the critical density ( density required to stop the universe from expanding forever ).
Never thought I'd be backing overtone, but... From a Washington Post article 'Gun Homicides and Gun Ownership by Country', Switzerland is ranked No. 3 behind USA ( no. 1 ). Gun ownership is aprox. half of what it is in the USA. The numbers are deceiving though because it ranks number of guns per capita ( skewed by multy-gun owners ), instead of number of homes where a gun is present. In the latter case The statistics are reversed because Swiss males are required to be part of their 'militia' and so, most homes have a gun present. And although when a homicide is committed, the method of choice seems to be the gun both in the USA and Switzerland, the actual number of homicides per capita is way lower in Switzerland. The conclusion I would draw is that gun possession is not an indicator of gun violence ( although a facilitator ), rather the inherent violence of a society is. There is just a different mindset between the Swiss and Americans. Maybe its the 'wild west, cowboy' mentality which tries to solve all problems with violence ?
Hubble, Edwin Discovered that some 'nebulae' are actually 'island universes' or galaxies. Discovered ( with others ) that their red shift implies recession according to distance based on Cepheid variable markers.
Nucleosynthesis The process of creation of elemental nuclei, such as creation of Hydrogen and Helium nuclei in Big Bang nucleosynthesis, and heavier nuclei in stellar and supernova nucleosynthesis.
I don't see the difference or contradiction. Rising temps due to CO2 increases forced adaptation. That doesn't mean an existing specie 'changes' to better suit the environment (hotter ). It means some species become extinct while other species, better suited to the new, hotter environment, survive. So, yes extinctions would have started long before the asteroid impact. Just as some species are now becoming extinct because of AGW ( maybe even us eventually ). But the species that were suited to the new hotter environment, found it much more difficult to survive the global cooling brought on by the asteroid impact. Maybe if there had been no warming trend before the asteroid impact, many more species would have survived, and you might now be discussing this with a fellow velociraptor.
You aren't grasping swansont's argument Delbert. He's assigning blame to you for the actions of your elected officials just like you blamed all Greeks for the actions of their elected officials. Even those that voted agains or didn't vote.
You can't measure RELATIVE velocity ( or speed ) from a third frame, strange. It is then no longer RELATIVE velocity, by definition. And as you correctly point out, you would get differing results. Agreed its probably semantics, but I believe I'm sticking to accepted definitions. And as this thread is now referencing movies ( and I couldn't figure out the original point, anyway ), I'll be bowing out.
So flora and fauna had enough time to adapt to the slowly rising temps due to CO2 increases, and once adapted, were even more susceptible to the rapid temp drops caused by the sunlight blocking dust and gas in the atmosphere after the asteroid impact ?
Terrestrial Earth-like.
Given that a proton is essentially a 'bag' containing three possibly dimensionless ( or close to it ) fundamental particles, scattering experiments or orbital determination would only have established a maximum size or extent. And as there are going to be interactions at extremely close range between quarks and electrons/muons ( they all have charge ), I would think the measuring particle may affect the 'size' of the measured composite particle.
Everything I've previously read about the Deccan Trapp events indicated that there were large releases of SO2 into the atmosphere with a resulting drop in temperatures of several degrees. I've even read that the meteoric extinction event may have caused the volcanic instability related to Deccan Trapp. If this data is confirmed it may even change our thinking on the cause of the large extinction as not being solely due to asteroid collision.
Dark matter Postulated, non-luminous, mass distribution about a galaxy to account for its non-Newtonian spin.
Relative velocity can only be measured in two frames. If X and Y are moving relative to each other, you can only measure their relative motion in frame of X or frame of Y. And in those two frames the relative velocity is equivalent. That makes it absolute by definition.
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration. An American civilian agency overseeing the space program and aeronautical research.
Without jumping to conclusions... Notice he did say RELATIVE velocity and potential. In the case of the velocity or potential of X with respect to Y, there are only two frames to consider, that of X and that of Y. RELATIVE, by definition disregards all others, and so can be considered absolute, as it cannot vary. So, I wouldn't say it is false. However, I fail to see the sense or meaning of the statement.
Fraunhofer lines Dark lines in the sun's spectrum which correspond to absorption wavelengths of component elements. ( where's the 'i' Mordred ? )
If the assertion is that the world/universe is so complex that it must have had an intelligent designer, then we must assume that the designer is even more complex. So the intelligent designer must have had a designer ! And so on, and so on,... Isn't that the old "turtles all the way down" argument ?
Einstein, Albert Developed a model for gravity known as General Relativity, which is the basis for modern physical Cosmology.
Helios In Greek mythology, the personification of the Sun. Also the names of two probes launched into heliocentric orbits to study solar processes.