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Everything posted by MigL

  1. First you're dropping cats upside down. Now you're levitating frogs magnetically. Is there no end to your cruelty swansont ? What's next ? Shooting chickens around the LHC ?
  2. I would say that LQG has the constraint on singularities, Mordred; because of the model's smallest building blocks or 'loops', space-time cannot become singular. But I don't necessarily see this as meaning there had to be a 'bounce' from a previous universe
  3. It may also have to do with the information loss paradox. If you lose one particle of an entangled pair into an event horizon, information about that particle 'seems' to be lost, yet it is still captured in the other particle that didn't cross the event horizon. That is assuming entanglement is effective across the event horizon, because as Pavel stated, you would need superluminal speeds to convey information across an event horizon. Could you post a link to Susskind's video ?
  4. I believe he asked for evidence, Mr. Ernst Stavro Blofeld. This isn't evidence, it's unsupported preaching of your pet theory. And other than the humorous aspect, it has no value whatsoever.
  5. Speaking/writing in a language others don't understand is rude. Your reps should be down-voted ! But seriously Vexen, EVERYONE's opinion is valid, whether layman or expert as that isn't a criteria. The only criteria is whether they can back it up with proof.
  6. Thank you Hyper. Since all my objections have now been addressed, I will attempt to read the study in question. And if I have any insights , shall certainly share them. I wouldn't want Acme to stay mad at me.
  7. OH NO ! You didn't just open the door to a debate on abortion ?
  8. My understanding is that supersymmetry is required for the hierarchy problem with the Higgs.
  9. Well, now that he knows about the problem, and has done nothing about it other than rousing speeches, B. Obama is obviously also guilty by association, and should be fired. These kind of solutions get silly pretty quick, don't they ?
  10. I thought the 'aliens' in the observed UFOs were inner Earth mole people.
  11. He seems to be making the argument that in quantum teleportation ( of a photon ) and entanglement, the observer is getting information ( ???? ) from a non-local or causally disconnected place; and he attributes this information as being 'transferred' from one of the other 'worlds'. This is the impression I got from the link, and I don't agree with it. ( his answer to the 5th question, " Everett's theory..." )
  12. If you could remove the 'acceleration' part from the twin paradox by making use of a wormhole, you would have all the ingredients needed for a time machine. See some of Kip Thorne's research.
  13. Wouldn't the fact that expansion is accelerating mean that the universe is still slowly rolling down the 'Mexican hat' potential towards a 'true' zero vacuum state ( which it may never reach ), and be an indication that the universe hasn't tunneled to that state yet, if ever ?
  14. I don't know much about these 'super earths', but I'll assume that they are in an orbit close to 1 Au so as to have the possibility of liquid water ( if orbiting a star similar to the sun ). Something I've always wondered about though, would a higher gravity ( 4x ) retain more of the light elements like Hydrogen and Helium in the atmosphere ? As Imatfaal has stated, these planets would retain gases where the mean speed of molecules is 60 % higher than on Earth, i.e. higher percentage of light elements in the atmosphere. Or am I thinking about it the wrong way ? Could the lighter gases be expelled by the star/sun's radiation from a certain radius, as the solar system/planets are forming, such that inner rocky planets don't have much Hydrogen/Helium to begin with. Or is this even on topic ?
  15. It goes something like this... In M-theory, gravitons are postulated to be the only bosons whose 'string' is not attached at either end to a brane. That means gravity can 'leak' across branes, and is therefore 'diluted' from its actual strength, which is more in line with the other fundamental forces. It is because of this 'leakage' that the force of gravity appears, in our brane, to be so many orders of magnitude weaker than the EM force. I don't think string theory is in a position to account for dark matter, as it isn't on solid ground itself.
  16. No, you are certainly not the only one, iNow; association does not imply wrongdoing. If we extrapoplate their reasoning to groups of higher and higher authority, simply because 'they let things happen', then we would also need to fire the DA's office, the judges, the lawmakers, the government and even the people who elected that government.. Not just the police department.
  17. Performing physics experiments on cats ?!?! Tat's animal cruelty. Shame on you guys!
  18. To be fair to David, a rapidly collapsing magnetic field could induce some heating. This repeated set-up and collapse of magnetic fields is how induction heating works. The effect would certainly not be sufficient to explain Venus as David seems to think.
  19. @ten oz OK, so in the example I gave which is somewhat more applicable to the Ferguson incident, which of the four choices I presented, or any others you may think of, do you think would put an end to the excessive stop and detain actions against Black Americans ?
  20. The 'system' is not bigoted or racist, Ten oz. There are no laws that specify a certain action if the perpetrator is black, and other actions if white. The problem is individual's interpretations of the 'system', at every level. It is the individuals who are racist, and changing the 'system' will not affect that mind-set. Education and understanding, on both sides ( as blacks can be racist also ) is the only solution. And there I go again with the two 'sides'. I would be interested to know, as the OP is about solutions, how exactly you would change the 'system'. What laws or rules you would toss, and which ones would you implement to make things 'better' ? I'll propose an example clearly related to the Brown incident and the stop and detain policies towards Black Americans... If a police officer has a certain 'threshold' for investigating 'suspicious' activity, yet he is a suburban white, such that the activities of inner-city black youths appears to him as being above the threshold, should he detain and investigate ? Or should there be a different threshold depending on skin colour of the suspect ? Or should he be more educated and understanding of the habits and challenges of inner-city black youths ? Or should the police officers patrolling those areas, be from that area, so that they understand the circumstances ? Note that here I am assuming no racism on the part of the officer, which may not be the case in the Brown incident.
  21. Randomness is impossible to prove Strange. You can only prove that an event is NOT random. But you are right there are some Quantum Mechanical events that violate causality.
  22. But the Higgs particle is also fundamental. It is not composite; how would it adjust its mass depending on the interaction ? In effect, once opened, you can only add the full quart, or none, to your engine.
  23. There is only one direction where the fall can be perfectly perpendicular. There are multiple directions where the fall is not perpendicular and is bent into an orbital arc by gravity. What are the odds ?
  24. I'm sorry... Did you say that makes things simpler ? How so ?
  25. Who says we live in a deterministic universe ? In case you hadn't noticed, there was a huge paradigm shift in the 1920s. Its called Quantum Mechanics.
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