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Everything posted by MigL

  1. Maybe I'm becoming cynical after being a member for a while and seeing the behaviour of some members and if so, I apologise, but why do I get the feeling that this guy, Relative, knows a little more than he is letting on. I mean he knows about the H-K eperiment but has no clue how the HUP will not allow the electron to be localised in the nucleus ? I get the ipression he is 'leading 'you guys towards some pet theory which will be ultimately sent to Speculation or the thread closed
  2. MigL


    Time dilation is based on the difference in gravitational potential. A signal, say an EM wave, which starts deeper in a potential well and climbs to a higher point in that well, must expend energy. This energy loss cannot result in a change of velocity, which is fixed at c, so it must lower its frequency/increase its wavelength. An increase in wavelength is, in effect, a longer time between signals. In other words time dilation. The only way to determine if a certain arrangement of masses will produce time dilation at one point with respect to another , is to determine the potential at both points and calculate the difference.
  3. If I may help clarify... Space expands but light does not slow down or speed up. It cannot. However it can lose energy and change frequency, and this change is inversely proportional to the expansion. This is where the red shift=>expansion relation comes from. So I would say that michel123456 is right about expansion affecting time ( as in the timebase of the EM wave ) but Strange is right about the invariance of c .
  4. Correct me if I'm wrong, John, but I think republicans have raised taxes more than democrats in the last 20 yrs or so. I'm not 100% sure as I'm not american after all. Bush Sr. IIRC asked us to read his lips. Raising taxes is a necessary evil. I am canadian after all. We are overtaxed and our consrvatives are more liberal than your democrats. My problem is with borrowing. When servicing the debt becomes one of the largest expenses in the budget, higher than health care, higher than education, higher than defense and higher than social programs, then you and Acme have to explain what YOU would start cutting.
  5. As I've often mentioned, stupidity runs rampant in all types of governments, wether republican/consrvative or democrat/liberal. It is only you that seeks to assign those labels to stupid behaviour, that one ideology is much better than the other, and that approx. half of the american population is insane and undeserving of an apinion. You're a little full of yourself, aren't you ? And you're not surprised that I don't mention cuts ? Re-read my posts as well as your own and tell me where I've mentioned cuts, or where you've asked me about cuts ? Have you simply imagined most of this discussion and not bothered to read anyone else's posts ? And while we're on the subject, scientific psycological work is a misnomer. There is very little that's scientific about psycology. And if you were a scientist you'd know why.
  6. As I said I understand where you're coming from Phi for All and agree. And sure a household budjet is vastly different from a national economy, iNow, and its understandable that sometimes exceptions have to be made. However when you are in trouble with your spending you don't ask for a higher limit on your credit card ! The examples of nations who haven't learned this lesson are plentiful... Argentina, Greece , Portugal, Spain, Italy etc. How are thir economies doing ? The US has raised its borrowing limit to avoid defaulting My own province, Ontario, has a higher debt than California
  7. Same policies as apply to your household. Live within your means ! Don't live large and saddle your kids with debt.
  8. Just trying to show how silly the labels are.
  9. Virtual particles are 'excitations' of a quantum field. GR is a geometric theory of gravity which doesn't include gravitons. Notice the difference ? When we have a quantum field theory of gravity it will by necessity include virtual gravitons, but it may no longer be a geometric theory represented by the 'warping' of space-time.
  10. People wnt to include all republicans under the same umbrella, but I think that some of today's republicans are very different than republicans of 25 or 50 yrs ago. The members of the tea party cannot be compared to Reagan or Eisenhower. But then again, so are the democrats vastly different. I wasn't alive at the time, but I've read Kennedy' inagural speech. It included the following : “Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty.” This sounds decidedly republican to me. Its certainly not something that Obama would say. And judging by Egypt, Syria, Ukraine, Iraq and Israel, certainly not something that Obama would do.
  11. Sorry I took so long to get back to you Ten oz. I don't know what political conservatism is but I consider myself fiscally conservative and socially liberal. Although as someone has stated, being socially liberal is fine when it applies to yourself or others; not so much when applied to your daughter ( I don't have a daughter, just a niece, but I see his point ).
  12. Didn't think I'd actually have to explain this one to persons of some intelligence... The reason Israel spends so much on defense and its military is because it isn't only Hamas that wants them destroyed. It is EVERY other nation in the middle east. If Israel really wanted to destroy the Palestinians, they are the only nation in the area with tactical nuclear weapons ( so far ), yet they don't use them. Does anyone doubt for a minute that if Hamas had nuclear weapons they wouldn't use them ? And why is Israel and the rest of the world scared to death of the Iranian nuclear weapon program ? Is it because of their stated intent to use them on Israel ? As for the blockade... It also exists on the Egyptian side of Gaza. Why are no rockets raining down on Egypt ? Palestinians cannot go there either, yet there is no international outcry. Hamas would rather fire at Israel, a country that provided employment for 110,000 of their people ( I did not know that ), until Hamas fired rockets and mortars previously and forced the construction of the blockade. Kind of ironic ! And if this blockade is so stifling to the Palestinians how are these thousands of rockets coming into Gaza ? Noone has yet addressed that issue. Maybe if Israel didn't have to worry about those missiles they could lift the blockade and thousands of Palestinians could have gainful employment and a future again !
  13. What happened to the other part of my post Ten oz... "What would YOU do if Israel was YOUR house'? If your neighbour was firing his shotgun indiscriminately at your house and your family, would you wait for condemnation from the rest of the neighbourhood or would you do something abou it ? Its a simple question with a very simple answer for most people and it has nothing to do with wether he actually kills any of your family or how many. And airbrush... A surgical strike on a hospital or school where Hamas hides their launchers is still a strike on a hospital or school. Drones don't fly into buildings.
  14. Agreed. Fighting back only breeds more terrorism as the casualties' relatives become committed to 'the cause'. What do you suggest as an alternative ? Or using the previous example .. What would YOU do if israel was YOUR house ?
  15. Sorry to disappoint. I don't have time, I'm at work ( don't tell my supervisor ).
  16. Come on Ten oz, i think iNow gets the point I was trying to make, you don't seem to. This is not about who is the better president. Its about the reality of office as opposed to the aspirations ( fantasy ) of the campain. Every politician ( and voter ) faces this problem, not just presidents. Would have been more accurate to say the continental US, I suppose. And I guess i consider an attack by three planes as significant as opposed to a bomb which fails to acheive its objective.
  17. What do you want me to say ? I consider myself conservative in some aspects as that makes sense and works for me, and liberal in others for much the same reasons. Would it make you happy if I said i was insane ? Does other's opinion mean that little to you ?
  18. It has little to do with their accomplishments or failiures. It has to do with the reality that the Office brings a whole different perspective on things. While campaining, or in opposition, it is very easy to make bold claims about change. I'm sure even G.W. had a totally different vision of what his presidency would accomplish. It ended with him being hated by a majority of people ( Reps as well as Dems ) in the US. It is only now that people's opinion is starting to soften. Obama may have done much better than G.W. although I don't think he faced the same challenges, such as the first attack by a foreign aggressor on US soil since the war of 1812, so we'll never know how he would have reacted. But you certainly can't say he has lived up to expectations and campaign promises. Not for lack of trying, mind you, but even he looks disappointed in what he has been able to accomplish. I don't think of either man as evil or unAmerican. They both did the best they could when faced with differing but equally difficult circumstances. These circumstances I might add, were certainly not what they envisaged during their campains or mentioned in their speeches.
  19. What ? Nobody watched 'WKRP in Cincinnati' back in the early 80s. One of the funniest TV shows ever made.
  20. I don't see where a particular race is talked about as a sub-human species billiards. And maybe if someone was shooting rockets at your house you would express the wish that they die also. Whether they be the same race as you or not. I guess I don't see the racism as I'm a racist myself. I do know that you don't have a clue as to what you're talking about, and I would be calling you much worse if I didn't have respect for this forum's rules.
  21. Whatever happened to 'America, land of opportunity, where even a poor man can aspire to be president' ? At least in Canada we have some ( relatively ) poor politicians. We also have rich politicians like Rob Ford, who has no class at all, yet is still a better choice than his opposition in the next election. I also find it amusing that, no matter whether Republican or Democrat, once they attain Office, most presidents react to crisis the same way. Do you really think Obama has done things much differently than George W. would have ? Sure he makes much better speeches, or at least his pronunciation is better, but did he close Guantanamo ? Did his bailout of the banks not effectively give a trillion dollar bailout to the rich ? All the homeowners who lost their homes got zilch. Did he not effectively say "mission accomplished' in Iraq, pull out and where are they now ? Is he not just as ineffective in his second term as G.W. was ? And Acme is absolutely right, I vote just I can complain afterwards.
  22. I remember a study conducted in the eighties that came to the conclision that kids were insane, by adult standards of course. It actually made a lor of sense and I presume, if the study had been done by kids on adults, they would have had similar results. This study was presented on a radio station by a Doctor ( PhD ) whose name I don't recall. He had gotten his doctorate from a man named Bubba on Santa Monica beach. The host of the radio program was Dr. Johnny Fever. The radio station was WKRP in Cincinnati.
  23. Its gotten even lower after your post, billiards . Now you can just accuse someone of being racist without backing it with facts , just to stifle opposing discussion. This is not an easy discussion. It stirs up a lot of passion because people are losing their lives. Everyone thinks they have a solution, but most will just lead to more bloodshed. The people directly involved, Israeli and Palestinian, have to want peace. Until they do, or one side exterminates the other, there will not be a lasting peace. That being said, let's call a spade a spade... Israel is expansionist and a bit of a bully state, but they don't want the palestinian people exterminated. They have similar morals to western democracies. A lot of Palestinians and certainly Hamas, however, DO want Israel exterminated
  24. Come on now... Isn't it the mantra of the 'labelers' that it is the 'conservatives' who are intolerant of other's ideas and who call others names.. It doesn't become progressive 'liberals' such as yourselves. We've had this discussion before, not all conservatives and their ideas are bad, and not all liberals and their ideas are good, You can't generalize about race, sexual orientation, religion, etc. Why is it OK to generalize about ideology ? Its just another personal belief.
  25. Maybe I'm not understanding you and you're not understanding me. An interpretation is a 'relating' if you will, of QM properties and effects to our everyday macroscopic experiences. Obviously the two are NOT related, as they are based on differing paradigms. I choose to accept QM at its face value, and while a cat, a macroscopic ensemble of a billion, billion, billion atoms may not be in a superposition of states when not being observed, its individual constituent atoms can be ! Spooky action at a distance, as you and Einstein call it, or entanglement, as the rest of us call it, effectively changes a property or 'reality' of a paticle at a distance from its entangled, observed particle without any information being shared between the two. It was being used as an example of a Quantum effect which has no relation to our macroscopic experience. Maybe not the best choice, but in my defence, its 5:30 in the morning, after 10.5 hrs at work.
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