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Everything posted by MigL

  1. I see where you are going with this ... In the equation E=mc2 Both E ( energy ) and m ( rest mass ) are frame dependent. It is actually defined for the mass as measured in the rest frame; so if we re-arrange to get c2=E/m then how can c be constant ? I guess your logic and reason have never considered that E and m will both changeso as to keep c constant? Instead of just makng claims again, why not show math showing how mu naught and epsilon zero change through a frame transform. Maybe, as with E and m , they also change so as to keep c constant.
  2. And would you have made the jump to 'waves of time' if your orientation of Fibonacci numbers didn't look like a clock ? That's the difference between Physics and numerology; seeing patterns where none exist, or are not causal.
  3. It seems even our analogies misinterpret each other's positions, Charony. As I previously posted, when I refer to my friends, I don't qualify them by skin color. I don't qualify them by religion.I don't qualify them by gender or by sexual orientation. I don't have Jamaican or brown friends, nor Hindu or Muslim friends, nor gay friends ( that is their business, not mine ), nor girl friends ( a little too old for that ). They are simply my friends. ( think how demeaning it would be to introduce one of them to someone as "my black friend" ) That is where racism ends; when people are simply people. Maybe we can't get there overnight, but that doesn't mean we should give up and not even try. As INow is fond of saying, 'adequate' is on the path to 'good'. And we have to start somewhere ...
  4. This is a discussion forum, and while we may point out problems we see with a particular theory, we don't necessarily validate or falsify that theory. Submit it for publication, and experts in that field will do that.
  5. OK. Now we know who doesn't read others' posts. Only once you take away individual thinking. Is that where you want to go ? Go help INow erect some barns, would you ? He doesn't seem to want my help.
  6. You're becoming very cynical in old age 😃 . You really should 'lighten up' a little.
  7. The American solution to a problem is more of the same. The problem is only two political parties ? The solution is to 'reduce' it to one only. What could possibly go wrong ?
  8. This mght actually belong to the thread on racism reparations ( formely racist whiteboards ), but if you want another way to mitigate racism ( and fascism ) in the US, you could start by putting the biggest enablrer, former President D Trump, in jail, until he dies a quiet, forgotten death.
  9. Thank you, we finally sem to be agreeing on something. But isn't that what Jez suggested many pages ago ? That reparations should be given to all who suffered past injustices and handled through the courts. But the response to him was that he was wasting time, because he really didn't want to allow reparations to be given to America's black slave descendants. Why did you assume the converse, TheVat ?
  10. Then why not simply say you are in favor of reparations to all who have suffered injustices in the past ( as we have been saying ), and not a system that awards reparations based on race, and which may discrminate against some groups equally impacted ?
  11. The link between energy and information is very real. All energy is information; so is matter, and everything else that makes up our universe. One of the newest theories has all of the contents of our 4D space-time encoded on the 3D surface of that space-time. One might say "the writing is on the wall" sort of thing. See the Holographic Prrinciple. But again, how do you make the leap from Fibonacci series to clocks and to waves of time ?
  12. I said the set may not be the same. It could be smaller if some black people had not suffered past injustices, or it could be larger if other groups had suffered past injustices also. Why are you so ready to compensate one group for being unfairly treated in the past, but willing to discriminate against any other groups that were also unfairly treated ? Do you not see how that could be considered a racist attitude ? That is why we believe ithe criteria for compensation should be injustice suffered, not race.
  13. Those are deep philosophical questions, but not related to Physics. "What is reality?" We don't know. We build models to 'simulate' the way reality acts. If there's even an underlying actual reality; QM tells us there is no local reality. "Do we live in a simulated universe?" Modern games populate a world/landscape only when the player looks in that direction. Similarly in QM, the wavefunction only collapses when observed/interacted, to yield real results. An uncollapsed wave function is just probability amlitudes in a mathematical limbo. But since we cannot step out of 'reality', we can never tell if we are in a simulation or not, so the whole thought experiment is academic. And I still don't see how this relates to Fbonacci series, clocks and 'waves' of time.
  14. Just in case you missed it every other time I've posted it ... 'Better' is subjective !
  15. Stringy has provided another good idea for mitigating racism. Also, Canada, a nation of 38 Million people, brought in over one Million immigrants last year. How many did the US, a nation with almost 10 times as many people, let in ? At every turn we are accused of not wanting to offer compensation to those who were treated unjustly. On the contrary, we are all for compensating those who have suffered injustices, and many times, that is the same set as those black people who were racially discriminated, but sometimes, it is not. So we are against using race as a criteria. But I have to ask. Whenever we mention/suggest steps that the US could take to mitigate racism and its current effects, we are told "It is unworkable" "It is impossible" "There's no use even trying" Are you guys, then, happy with the status quo ? Do you think racism is an essential part of your America ? ( we've had those questions about reparations put to us for the last 15 pages )
  16. Are you saying that since the 60 numbers arranged around a circle resemble a clock, your mind made the jump to a connection with time, and 'waves of time ? That is way beyond numerology. It is 'seeing' non-existent connections with no basis in evidence or observation. IOW, NOT science.
  17. I could easily agree with such an innocent sentiment if I hadn't heard it so many times from racists. Not implying you are one, but simply, that a racist could offer up the same exact sentiment. ( with a totally different meaning and conclusion ) When people become our friends we tend to lose descriptors of color and race. I don't say I haveblack, or Jamaican friends, nor Indian, Chinese, Cambodian, Korean or Middle Eastern friends. They are simply my friends. Funny how when you get to know people for who they actually are, it suddenly becomes possible to ignore color and race. Maybe it's not such a specious stance as you imagine.
  18. Couldn't agree more ... Numerology run amok.
  19. A sad,embarrassing day for America, having a former President go to jail. But if anyone deserves it, D Trump surely does. Besides, the orange jumpsuit will co-ordinate with the hair.
  20. What exactly, sis I miss ? You implied Jez cannot possibly understand the situation because he never experienced injustices, Yet you have no idea whether Jez had a difficult upbringing, or even if he is a visible minority. You just jumped to conclusions based on your misinterpreting of his posts. From your posting history I get the impression that you hold all of society responsible for your growing up poor, yet you are satisfied with your lot in life, and certainly aren't helping yourself. Try not to be so judgmental of others lest you be similarly judged.
  21. Way to hold others to different standards than yourself. When have you been a victim of the 'system' in the context of this thread ????
  22. So much for the 'explanation'.
  23. I believe he just did So, what's tripping you up ?
  24. Very simply, CharonY, the power imbalance is built into the 'racial' caste system, with some actually having no opportunity at all. "Those at the bottom of the hierarchy, who fall outside the four main categories of Brahmins (priests and teachers), Kshatriyas (warriors and rulers), Vaishyas (traders and merchants) and the Shudras (laborers), are considered “untouchables” or Dalits."
  25. I work with a few Indian engineers, and they are the first to admit India is a very racist society. There was very little power inbalance in the 50s, when the British left, yet there was the 'caste' system in their society that controlled social position. It has led to the current imbalance, as only people of higher caste can become politicians, get advanced schooling, etc. So which do you think comes first ?
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