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Everything posted by MigL
This is a science site not a 'beliefs' site. Furthermore, I don't like your attitude. Ignoring people whose ideas distress your sensibilities, suggests you are only interested in preaching your own ideas to the rest of us. That's not what we do here, either. I, and hopefully others, will ignore your posts and questions until you learn basic respect for others' deas and opinions.
Wave function collapse (split from informational diode)
MigL replied to MJ kihara's topic in Quantum Theory
No, there are no hidden variables either. -
Agree with most of your post except this Power imbalance is a factor, but the larger factor is the inherent racism. Both need to be there to create the different outcome situation of the two populations. Power imbalance is something people work at. They try to better themselves by working harder, to get more money, which in a semi-capitalist society equates to more power. Racism, however, is based on the lottery of birth. You are born with a different skin color, or in another country, and there's nothing you can do to change it. I would think, then, that the factor to be eliminated is racism. But nobody wants to discuss that option.
Wave function collapse (split from informational diode)
MigL replied to MJ kihara's topic in Quantum Theory
There is no local reality between interactions that collapse the wave function. Furthermore, there is no non-locality, where any information is tranferred superluminally. Numerous experiments have shown this, and we recently had a very long thread on the subject. I would think someone who professes to have a workable 'theory of everything' would know this. -
Our rules say you need a brief summary of the linked topic. Discussion should be possible without following the link.
No. As usual, your posts make little sense. Makes for a great discussion when you ignore, and won't even consider, alternate viewpoints. Just put me, and Intoscience in ( Stringy too ? ) the ignore list also, and racism in America will be no more. You've never done root cause analysis, have you ?
I give up ! You guys take an analogy meant to simplify things and ease understanding, and make it more complicated than the reality of the situation. Its really not that complicated. Racism exists. The longer it is allowed to go on unchecked, the more people will suffer injustices for which they will need reparations. If you first stop the injustices from happening, you only have to worry about reparations for past injustices. If you first compensate for past injustices, you still have to worry about on-going and future injustices, because you haven't attempted to 'fix' the root cause.
Going back to the example I gave INow 3 hours ago, about the water leak in the basement making your rug have a worse outcome than the rest of your house furnishings, you seem to want to replace the rug with a new one, so it is just as nice as the rest of the furnishings, without first fixing the water leak. Racism is the water leak that produced the bad outcome for the rug, who are black people.( don't 'read ' anything into my analogy choices ) What prevents the same thing from happening again ? Or to anothe piece of furniture ( other group of people ) ? I gave a partial list of suggestions to Phi, which would immediately make things 90% mor fair, and approach Canada and Europe. But all I hear is "It's too hard" "It's bound to fail" So you've given up even trying ...
Before you take sides, look back at the interactions we have had in the last couple of pages. It wasn't me that started it with the patronizing attitude and arguing in bad faith. And no, I haven't run out of arguments; I'm still posting, and realize that a hot topic that people are passionate about, is bound to ruffle some feathers. If he chooses to 'take his ball and go home', that's on him; he's run out of arguments.
tap ... tap - tap-tap ...tap ...tap-tap-tap ... Do you hear that, Mr Anderson ? That is the sound of Logicandreason tap dancing as fast as he can, to avoid answering questions. There is no 'teaching moment' here. Stop giving his arguments air, and he'll go away and bother others.
This is just another semantic attempt to justify your excuses, how can it be imaginary, it's there in black and white; Yet if I said there's only males nd females, where the differences are much more pronounced, you, and others would be all over me. And it has happened. Do you have a clue about consistent arguments, or do you just throw 'stuff' at the wall and see what sticks ?
Who said 'merely stopping' ? But it should be the first step, as was explained to Phi yesterday. If you have a problem in your house, such as a water leak in the basement, that ruined your rug by making it moldy and stinky, is your first step to replace the rug so that it matches the rest of the nice decor, or do you fix the root problem first; the water leak that caused the 'injustice' to your rug ? You see, there's that intelligence at work ... Yeah, that's not going to happen. If you sling mud at others, then complain when it occasionally gets lobbed back your way, you should grow thicker skin. Last I checked, this was my OP, and I have the right to respond to anyone posting in this thread. If you want to be left alone, you can choose not to participate. ( I would much prefer you grow up, take some responsibility, and continue posting )
'That's right. It's all my fault. You were right all along and I just wanted to make it personal, while you and others were simply trying to discuss the topic. I'm so ashamed.' Sound familiar ( and condescending ) ? I thought it was obvious. ( nothing to do with being 'hard', INow; get your mind out of the gutter )
How about good laws that punish injustices when they happen,not try to fix them 200 years later ? How about a Constitution that enshrines human rights for ALL States, not the mix-match of different laws and rights for different States ? How about an impartial Supreme Court that doesn't do the bidding of the party that appointed them ? Need I go on ? Other countries have things like this. Also gun control and Universal Health care. Why must the most advanced country in the orld be the most backward in some respects ?
How is that working out ??? The first step, before redress of any prior injustices, is ending racism, Phi. It doesn't make sense, to me, that the mechanism used for mitigating the consequences of those past wrongs, uses racism. Just my opinion. If you want to call that 'doing nothing', then you're not serious about this topic. And after you all accuse me, and others, of wanting to do nothing, Zap acts all butt-hurt, when called out on it. ( I'm sure you can tell, but I don't give neg reps,Phi )
Back to the OP. In the 70s S Hawking proposed Hoola's mechanism as the source of Hawking Radiation, but it was found to violate a QM rule about information loss. Not transfer, mind you, but loss of information about states of infalling particles, which is certainly a 'measure' of entanglement. "It is now generally believed that information is preserved in black-hole evaporation.[5][6] This means that the predictions of quantum mechanics are correct whereas Hawking's original argument that relied on general relativity must be corrected. However, views differ as to how, precisely, Hawking's calculation should be corrected.[5][6][7][8] In recent years, several extensions of the original paradox have been explored. Taken together these puzzles about black hole evaporation have implications for how gravity and quantum mechanics must be combined, leading to the information paradox remaining an active field of research within quantum gravity." See here Black hole information paradox - Wikipedia
That would have to be 'Silicon Shield', CharonY. They don't make breast implants 😄 .
That is a problem with 'idealists'; they are so convinced they are right, they won't even consider alternate viewpoints worthy of discussion. If you don't agree with their method, then obviously you want to do nothing, right Phi ? That seems funny, as most of you guys arguing this are American, where the problem is most acute. Hello ?!? Whatever you're doing ( if anything ) is not working. If You don't agree with them , they resort to thinly veiled name-calling. And, whether right or wrong, this accusation has been levelled at you many times before, has it not, INow ? Might be time to change your posting style, before people start thinking that where ther is smoke ( everywhere today ) there is fire. If you don't agree with them, they immediately jump to extremes. Voter apathy is at an all time high, even after 4 years of the most abysmal Presidency voters have ever, of D Trump. Voting against a bad system is everyone's obligation, yet Zap says MisterMack is 'victim blaming'. Do you guys want to have this discussion or not ? Because if you simply want converts to your ideology, no discussion is required.
No, you don't have it right. People can be compensated for past injustices. Targeting a 'race' for compensation is racist. IOW, some black people may not need compensation, and some people of other groups ( a lot of immigrants in the past 250 years ) may require it. Did you not actually read my posts ?
On the contrary; that is exactly what it is. You had one group of people discriminate against another group, 250 years ago, for the economic 'betterment' of their Southern society ( free/cheap labor ) and we call it racism. We now have another group who wants to 'better' society by discriminating according to race again. and at the detriment of other groups in the case of Affirmative Action, because only so many positions are available. It is always one groupdeciding the fate/outcome of other groups. I'm of the opinion that should stop. You want to re-compensate people according to past injustices; that may be workable, but not according to race. What would you do about injustices suffered by Chinese people, who were the cheap/disposable labor that helped build railways in the 1800s ? What would you do about the Irish and Italian immigrants who came in the late 1800s, were treated little better than slaves, had to become policemen or priests to feed themselves, or turn to a life of crime ? Do you think all these other groups of immigrants who came to America in the last couple of hundred years don't deserve re-compensation for the injustices they suffered ?
The model for relativity uses the concept of space-time, and the distance, in space-time, between events. This distance uses the Pythagorean theorem for distances, such that the square of the distance is equal to the square of the spatial dimensions and the time dimension. To get a distance squared, from a time squared, it needs to be multiplied by a speed squared, which in this case, is -c2. This is the model; are you really travelling at c ?
Solid Oxide Electrolyzer (SOXE) could solve global warming
MigL replied to HawkII's topic in Speculations
D'oh ! How Homer Simpson of me. Forgot my CO detector is in ppm. -
Haven't read it in a long time, and don't even know where my copy is, but it might be "Surely you must be joking, Mr. Feynman"
You will notice, CharonY, that nowhere did I say racism is 'fixed'. Racism is very apparent, especially in the Southern States, at European soccer matches, in Canada with the indigenous, and even in places like India/China. That doesn't mean that there aren't cases where'racism' is perceived, usually by a white person, where a black person has no such perception. And it also doesn't mean there arent cases of fake 'racism'; Jussie Smollet comes to mind. Of course, there arequantifiable injustices ( such as witholding loans ), but the problem with perceived injustices is that they exist in the mind of the perceiver; sometimes not in the real world. That's why I say, if you look hard enough you can find any perceived injustice.
Solid Oxide Electrolyzer (SOXE) could solve global warming
MigL replied to HawkII's topic in Speculations
I can see this method working on Earth ( aside from energy requirements ) as we only need to convert a couple of hundred parts per million of CO2 to O2 and CO. But in the case of Mars, getting 20% O2 in the atmosphere would also get you 20% CO. Definitely not breathable.