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Everything posted by MigL

  1. All the 'crazies' are already trying to reduce the population in the US, by shooting as many school kids as possible, every other week. I don't think that's helping ...
  2. I wish for an unlimited number of wishes. The other two are redundant.
  3. I foresee existing trends continuing. Better, faster and easier acces to pornography and on-line gambling.
  4. I beg to differ. The 'greenhouse gas' effect is well understood, and related to the characteristic black body re-radiation of heat fron the Earth at about 10o ( in the microwave range whre it causes bending/stretching of intermolecular bonds ), as opposed to incoming solar, centered at 4000o ( the visble range which mostly affects electron energy levels ). The absorption and re-emission of this microwavw radiation is upsetting the equilibrium ( because a lot of it can be re-directed back to the Earth, instead of into space ) and causing the Earth to retain more heat, and I'm sure someone has probably quantified this effect by now. This is a large simplification, but it is Physics, Chemistry and Math. So do keep in mind we are a science forum.
  5. I do believe it was you, Misterstraw, who referenced the ( non ? ) retreating Arctic ( mostly ) floating ice, in an on-going discussion about rising sea levels. If it was not your intent to link the two effects, you should clearly state so.
  6. Definition, to avoid such confusion, is here Radian - Wikipedia ( and I still like your cat avatar, pzkpfw )
  7. HUP, along with other paradigms of Quantum Mechanics, are the foundation of a very tall building. Lasers and transistors would be about 30 stories up, with a lot of 'construction' in between.
  8. Just to be clear ... Sea ice, or floating ice, that melts, does not raise sea levels. Does your drink overflow when the ice cubes in it melt ? It is ice ove land, such as glaciers or Antartica, that will raise sea levels upon melting. Keep in mind this is a science site.
  9. No, but his name was Shylock ... Just kidding !
  10. Not quite as per thread title but it does illustrate some differences ... An American, a Brit and an Italian each borrow $3000 from their Jewish friend to finance a car purchase. Before they have a chance to pay it back, their Jewish friend has a heart attack and dies. At the funeral visitation, the American takes out $3000 and places it in the casket with his dead friend's body. The Brit comes in takes out $3000 and also places it in his Jewish friend's casket, saying "Thank you". The Italian comes in, takes out his check book, writes out a check for $9000, places it in the casket, and takes the $6000 in cash left by the American and the Brit.
  11. I'm a big fan of lamb vindaloo ...
  12. I have no love for Facebook or twitter. And don't get me started on E Musk ...
  13. I'd have dinner with you John. But none of that tasteless British stuff you guys call food. Couple of fingers of neat Scotch, on the other hand, would be great afterwards.
  14. Indeed. The difference is TikTok's link to China. And rather than drum beating, China has actively used the internet for nefarious purposes, such as influencing, or trying to influence, democratic elections in the US.
  15. Advanced technology, such as genetic scanning, and a certain measure of control ( a la Handmaid's Tale ) would eliminate that issue.
  16. If by stochastic effects you mean random mutations, CharonY, a sufficiently advanced technology would be able to scan and fix errant genetic material; that would also take care of any 'disturbances' to the H-W equilibrium ( had to look that one up 🙂 ).
  17. Environmental forcings govern evolution. And by environmental I mean everything from societal, geographical, predators and prey, climate and air quality, to basically everything that has an effect on our lives. If our technology is advanced enough such that we can 'insulate' ourselves from these environmental forcings, and 'cure' any mutations that might arise, evolution would come to a stop for us.
  18. I don't consider SFn a social media site, because I don't do social media. ( and you'd better not say I'm a cynical, narrow-minded old white guy 😀 ) More like an on-line learning site ,where we all learn, and we all teach. I certainly consider quite a few members 'friends', although I've never met any of them ( even ones long gone ); I would immediately feel confortable with them if I did meet them because I feel I know how they think. And they certainly don't post any of the inane crap like people do on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Truth Social ( 🤣 ) etc.
  19. And I'm still not convinced that poor individuals prioritize climate change over their, and their families', well being. Their Governments certainly might, because foreign aid will be tied to mitigation efforts, but for some poor people, survival is a day to day effort. Just my opinion; I guess we'll see how it turns out, but judging by the last 30 years, where most affluent nations promised the sky, but delivered a hole in the ground, I don't have favorable expectations.
  20. And the fact that you can find people who agree with you does not change the fact that poor people are not only disproportionately affected by climate change, but also bu efforts to mitigate climate change. I have never said climate change is not real and efforts to combat it shouldn't have started years ago; I am making an observation as to who will suffer most due to these efforts. And maybe other efforts should be in place to help these people which we are throwing 'under the bus' in order to save our beachfront vacation homes. A John Cuthber pointed out yesterday, Canada took in over 1 Million immigrants last year. What are the US and other developed countries doing for poor, displaced ( due to war, drought, lack of fishing resources ... ) peoples ?
  21. The whole state of Florida belongs in the JOKES section.. ( unfortunately sad, not funny )
  22. Usually I'm against banning any source of information. It should be up to the user to educate themselves as o the validity of that information. That being said, it is used by a majority of young people ( or those like Phi who wish they still were ), and the Chinese have been known to be untrustworthy with regard to information gathering and spreading disinformation. Why not use it as leverage ? TikTok won't be banned if China allows one of our Western news platforms, say the BBC to keep it neutral, through their firewall.
  23. Entanglement does not create new information. The universe was as 'real' as it is now even before there were any observers. The universe is not subjective, or perception based, as every observer will make the same observations; that is a principle of science. We have a Physicist/Philosopher member who has set the bar fairly high. And this just doesn't make the cut.
  24. WTF are you talking about ? This isn't Physics and it isn't Philosophy.
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