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Everything posted by MigL

  1. When I throw something out, the trash man picks it up ...
  2. We discuss the scientific aspects of Religion, and/or how it relates to science. Religion can be considered a form of mysticism, as they are both faith based, subjective belief systems, lacking any objective evidence. As such, for the purpose of a science forum, they both fall under the heading of 'MumboJumbo'.
  3. You, and Joe, are free to believe whatever you want. But this is a science forum, so when you, and Joe, want to discuss the available observational evidence, and the conclusions that can possibly be drawn from it, I will participate. Until then, I will bitch and complain that you, and HijackJoe, are wasting everyone's time.
  4. Just wonderful ! And at least what I posted can be backed up with evidence; can your post do the same ? This is Philosophy, but on a science forum. Everything should be backed by evidence or logically consistent arguments.
  5. Long winded posts that jumble ideas together without separating into paragraphs, that talk about subjective concepts with no objective evidence, on a science forum of all places, and that no one bothers reading. Generally, a waste of everyone's time; seems very troubling to me.
  6. You can figure all that out once you understand how a simple capacitor works. Charges ( or lack of ) do migrate, and attract opposite charges. Take Mordred's advice and start with the basics.
  7. The speed of light measured in any inertial frame is c . What happens is that a frequency/wavelength shift is noted, such that if you are an observer situated in a gravity well, The light falling in to the observer will be 'blue shifted' to higher frequency/shorter wavelength. ( and light climbing out of a gravity well is 'red shifted' ) If situated too close to a black hole, other effects will become apparent that let you know you are no longer in an inertial frame.
  8. Absolutely ! Stars, planets and galaxies are 'painted' on the celestial orb surrounding the Earth. Except there's no observational evidence for that, either !
  9. You gotta love it when Joe, who professes to know very little Physics, insists on telling learned people how things work. I was wondering when someone was going to bring up 'residual' electrostatic forces that provide for molecular bonding. A 'grounded' charge feels no force, so Joe would think that a 'grunded' mass ( such as on the Earth's surface ) would also feel no force, yet it does; we call it weight Fields are particular to the model, and sometimes treating them as 'liquids' works for that particular model; sometimes a different approach is required.
  10. Beer bloats you, and cheese constipates you => distended stomach. None of the things I like are good for me.
  11. If you work hard, the energy density of 'green shrubbery' cannot provide the needed calories unless you consume large amounts and end up with a distended midsection ( like gorillas ). On the other hand, some foods, mainly starchy carbs, like breads and pasta ( but also rice and potatoes ) will contribute to the 'typical European physique'; large around the midsection ( barrel shape ) but with relatively thin arms and legs. ( I don't know if there are any studies done on this, but I do notice it in most middle aged Italians ) Like everything else in life, there are no simple answers. Moderation in everything you eat is the only advice.
  12. No one has ever been banned for having a difference of opinion with another poster. And you convince others to your point of view with a robust argument; not complaints. Why not just drop it and concentrate on your posts; not complaining about others' ?
  13. Never been a fan of LaTex either.
  14. You are focusing on the part about being right or wrong; which are not against the rules. We are all here to learn. I've been wrong lots of times, as I'm sure you have; allow others the same courtesy. And referring to someone as a 'moron' is against the rules; even if as a choice between troll or moron.
  15. What is the intended purpose ? I simply assume that, as the universe cools, particles of the appropriate mass/energy are created at the appropriate temperatures. It is the annihilation of these particles with their anti-particles that poses the problem of preponderance of matter WRT anti-matter.
  16. Mordred has earned 'respect' from many of us on this forum. It seems the jury is still out on you; but you do show hope,and I value ( most ) of your contributions 🙂 . Don't be obsessively stubborn and blow it.
  17. Wow. Talk about 'throwing stones' when you live in a 'glass house'.
  18. I feel your pain, Studiot. Most times these posters ask questions easily answered by a google search, or 'pepper' their post with scientific buzz-words which they think mean something else. I usually tend not to reply to those posts, and hope the thread dies a quick death. If feeling particularly bored I might reply with attempted humor, but I really hate it when those types of threads go on for many pages, and no one learns anything from them. Sometimes it gets so bad I don't post anything for several days.
  19. On the other hand,charge migration with the extremely small feature size, and multi-level cells, of modern SSDs, necessitating cell redundancies, and various error correction algorithms for on-the-fly swapping of failed cells, makes the premise that SSDs are more durable than spinning magnetic drives questionable. Current consumer SSDs use quad level cells to store 16 bits of information per cell, and are extremely prone to charge migration. Enterprise SSDs, used in data centers, are usually restricted to 2 level cells, and are much more expensive.
  20. To put it in layman's terms ... Gravitational waves are the 'ringing' of space-time ( outside any possible event horizon ) from the inward spiral/collision of two or more massive objects. Not only Black Holes, but neutron stars, white dwarfs, and even bowling balls ( but would be undetectably weak ). As for 'infinities' and other timings related to Black Holes, your frame of reference matters, and we have different names for these timings depending on who is doing the observing. ( see Markus' explanation for more detail ).
  21. I'm with Studiot on this, Erik. I have been re-reading the threads you participated in, concerning Gravity theory and fine tuning of the Universe, and I found your posts to be thoughtful and insightful. Even when making statements that others corrected, there is no need for editing, as they become a valuable learning tool for others. And that is the reason we are all here; to learn from others, and sometimes, provide some insights, or even teach a thing or two to the 'experts'. Your contributions, so far, are valued and appreciated.
  22. At first I thought this was a violation of isotropy and homogeneity, indicating the universe has a 'drection', but on reading the link, I realized it is another ( of a few ) parity violations. Who knows, investigatng the cause of this effect at the earliest moments of the Big Bang, may shed some light on why the current universe is predomiinantly matter, and almost devoid of anti-matter. ( but I doubt it )
  23. You suggest that the 'stick' of sanctions and retaliation is ineffective because it only affects the common people, while the despots and their oligarchs are insulated against them. You suggest the 'carrot' approach of diplomacy and negotiations, but why would the despots negotiate if you don't have any leverage ( lack of 'stick' ) on them ? What you are in effect proposing is appeasement. Give away parts of Ukraine, and have her people enslaved for your 'peace of mind'. And this will work exactly the same next time V Putin wants to annex more territory. Not everyone who does 'evil' things does so because they are hungry or oppressed. There are evil people in this world ( not on yours ?? ). Of all the evil people of the last century, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot, Putin and KJU, all looked well-fed to me; maybe Hitler could have used a sandwich.
  24. Peterkin is a zombiophobe ! 😄 😄
  25. Ah, but he did provide evidence, Swansont ... His dumb, uninformed post is evidence that it is happening.
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